
Thursday, April 26, 2012

An award

I’m honoured to be given the Liebster award by River at Drifting through Life.  I read up on the rules, and then I cut and pasted them all from her site, so we all know what we’re talking about.

Liebster is a German word that translates to dearest, beloved or in this case favorite. The idea of the Liebster Award is to give it to an up and coming blog with fewer than 200 followers, in order to create new connections, and bring attention to their wonderful blogs.

The rules require me to present the award to five bloggers who have a following 200 or less and who I feel deserve it.  For myself, I sliced that down a little more, to 100 or less.  Five little frogs in the big pond.

Here are the real conditions that go along with accepting the award;

1. Thank the Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog. (that would be me)

2. Link back to the blogger who presented you the award. (again, me)

3. Copy and paste the Liebster Blog Award on your blog. (don't lose it in amongst your documents and spend hours searching for it ((River's advice))

4. Present the award to 5 bloggers who have a following 200 or less, who you feel deserve it.

5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog.

I concur with River.  Picking five is tough.  Lots of us little frogs enjoying blogs.

Pear Tree Log – I found this followed by one of my big frog bloggers.  If I lived in England I’d live right next door to Elaine and learn about gardens and puddings and being nice to everyone.

Some Other Mountain – Molly is Welsh, but sounds much like my English sister-in-law.  Her stories are fun, her countryside is lovely.

Bizarre Scribble – Who couldn’t take a peek at a blog called Bizarre Scribble.  Occasionally I need to look up a word Windsmoke used to tell her she missed the mark.  Guess what.  She doesn’t.

Costa Rica Calling – Another blog I can’t remember finding.  Retired, lives in Costa Rica after the U.K. and France.  When I fell into her blog she bought the donkey next door so some little fellow’s father wouldn’t have to return it (cost too much to keep). ‘Nuff said.

View from the Attic – Pat’s is the very first blog I followed.  My friend Linda gave me the web address and I discovered:  Blogs!  An old friend!  Who could ask for anything more.  Pat is still in the same business I retired from and it's like breathing the old air again.


  1. Joanne, thank you so much for my award. That is really sweet of you to say those nice things about my blog. I enjoy reading your blog too.

  2. Yay for your award. I know Molly above and love her tales of her farm in Wales.

  3. I will have to check these blogs out. They sound charming.

  4. Many congratulations on winning the award, Joanne. I love your stories.

    I am blushing madly - you obviously haven't seen me on a bad day - just as well, let's keep the illusion going. Thank you!

  5. Oooh! Four new blogs to check out! I already know Bizarre Scribble.....

  6. Thank you, Joanne, I was touched by your kindness - and just look how many blogs you've introduced me to...not least your own.

  7. Congratulations to you and all the new recipients.

  8. Well done, deserve the award...I love visting!
    Jane x

  9. Congrats on your award! I got here from Windsmokes blog..and I am now your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  10. A well deserved award. Congratulations.
