
Saturday, February 17, 2024

Bits and pieces

I just published a post that disappeared! I have no idea what happened. I've done this going on fifteen years and two thousand posts and never lost a blog. Or a paragraph or a word.

I'll try it over again. I've slacked off this week. The scarf has been off the loom for a week. Fulled and finished last Sunday. I did have to put the row of single crochet down each edge to disguise the uneven selvedges.

I am a master of decent selvedges, as you can see by the rest of the scarf. The second half of this pattern is more consistent than the first. I wonder if Hosta leaves are perfect. Pattern weaving errors notwithstanding, it's not an unpleasant look.

The scarf is nine inches wide and eighty odd inches long. I'd hoped for a little more draw in when I fulled the scarf, but this will do until I thread a new pattern. In future I will put the hem even with the pattern end. The sewing machine stitch holding it is near to invisible. This scarf also is more dense than I want, so I'll weave fewer pics per inch next time.

I started a new scarf yesterday, with a blue leaf. The floating selvedges are working well for the even pattern selvedges. I wove a couple of inches for the hem and then wove exactly five rows of pattern. Three times I sent the shuttle straight through the warp, thread around parts of the loom, shuttle landing somewhere under the loom. I quit for the day.

I took this on the way to breakfast this morning. Coming back an hour later the falling snow had filled the waffle holes, caving in the edges. My only doctor appointment next week is Thursday, and the temps will be back into the fifties, with rain, by then. Well, this weather is good for maple syrup!

For breakfast today I had an egg Benedict. This has been on my mind for awhile; I love them. Yesterday I saw Matt for a bit and asked him about the possibility. "Not without more people to help," he replied. "And, we don't have Canadian bacon!"

I realized he was talking a poached egg extravaganza; him making and serving poached eggs out in the Bistro and other people filling short orders in the kitchen. I told him I'd have "real" bacon and would be at the counter toasting my English muffin while he did the rest in the kitchen.

Then I thought of the Hollandaise and was defeated. "Oh, I have that all the time"! So this morning I had one egg, poached, a slice of bacon and Hollandaise on the side. Matt brought it to the counter just as my English muffin popped up. I put it all together and had the best breakfast in about five years. It's still on my taste buds, and it's lunch time.

Well, time to wrestle some of the monster bag of cat food into the canister, then on to another weaving attempt. But first, this post better not disappear.


  1. That is a very attractive design..and being just on the ends you appreciate the pattern more.
    The snow pattern looks like a waffle...ready for maple syrup! Pirate loves the stuff...
    I get a bottle of it and it is gone before I can get a look-in !!
    We love Eggs Benny too...not with bacon, but with Avocado.

  2. That's a beautiful scarf! And the outdoor table does look just like a waffle! Speaking of breakfast, glad you enjoyed a heavenly egg benedict and it will become a regular item for you.

  3. Hari Om
    Could be that last post got 'scheduled' instead of live posted? Or landed in drafts... no matter, you got this one out and it's just fine! The scarf pattern is better than okay, it's mesmerising... and your brekky sounds delish. Love that Matt was on board with you! YAM xx

  4. That egg Benedict sounds so good. I am making sausage and eggs for supper. Instead of scrambled I think I will have poached.

  5. Looks like you've conquered any Benedict needs. But as someone above commented, that picture leaves me craving waffles.

  6. I love egg muffins although I don't remember if I like Hollandaise. The scarf pattern is beautiful. I look forward to seeing more!

  7. Nothing better than Eggs Benedict. Well, except for maybe creme brûlée. But maybe not.
    So glad you got yours!
    The scarf looks great! Good for you!
    I'm sorry you lost your post but I'm very glad you persisted and wrote this one.

  8. I have almost lost track of posts when I have forgotten to hit publish or meant to post it later. Then, it can get pushed down the list and forgotten.

  9. DH loves Eggs Benedict and usually gets some combination of it when we're out for breakfast. Someone mentioned your post getting 'scheduled' instead of posted live. I was not aware we could do that...

  10. Wow! Gorgeous, amazing scarf ❤️—the pattern almost seems to vibrate, like op art. Well done!

  11. I'm a fan of Eggs Benedict too but I don't like poached eggs so I make it with scrambled eggs. Sacrilege I'm sure but tasty:)
    Weaving sounds like a lot of work and a lot of planning, not my strong suits sadly.

  12. We always had eggs Benny on Christmas morning after we opened presents. Love that meal!

  13. I had a comment that wouldn't publish the other day. I just had to give up.

  14. I think that pattern would look nice as place mats. Could this work?

    1. There are long floats that could catch silverware, or hooks in the laundry.

  15. That looks like it's going to be a very warm and wonderful scarf. I hate when things disappear on me when I'm on the computer. John (AC in Canada) reminded me that I can do Control z to bring back whatever I might have done by mistake. I don't know if it would have helped you, but it's something to try next time.

  16. I managed to read part of your post before it disappeared, I wonder what abyss in blogland it has sunk into. And why.

  17. I don't that blogland gets as much maintenance as it would if we paid for it. I love the snow on your furniture.

  18. I have never eaten eggs benedict. how nice of Matt to accommodate you with a little help from you. after seeing that scarf on the loom I was surprised to learn it is only 9" wide. will you put the leaf pattern on both ends on the new one?

  19. Beauty scarf. Well done you! I have lost blog posts in the past usually for hitting a key (gawd knows what one) inadvertently. I tend to copy as I go now. But because I do, I don't lose them. Murphy's law.

  20. Good to see you are doing well, and working.
    I too am fond of the egg dish, and I actually prefer good bacon to the Canadian variety. Was your hollandaise made by you? I've never tried it, like Blanche DuBois, I depend on the kindness of strangers.
    Take care.

  21. Gorgeous scarf and I'm glad you enjoyed that breakfast. You have given me a bit of inspiration. Thanks!

  22. Lovely scarf - so what was with throwing the shuttle around loom parts? Have your arms suddenly developed super strength?

  23. That scarf pattern is outstanding. Wow.

  24. I had to put my specs on, because at first glance I thought the 'waffle' table was another piece of your weaving. Breakfast sounds delicious, especially as you didn't have to make it yourself.

  25. Success! Your post is here and I read it all without it disappearing. I hope you continue to enjoy your wonderful breakfast and all of that snow disappears.

  26. Sounds like you have some great breakfasts. I'm too lazy to cook myself a proper breakfast, I just have a bowl of granola and that's it.
