
Sunday, January 14, 2024

Back at it

The thread arrived yesterday and I tucked right in, setting up the spool tree, getting thread on and through the tension box. This all took too much time, actually. It has been one year since I last did this. How I remember the great warping adventure with Caroline, on her birthday no less, which I totally forgot. I just sent her a Happy Birthday text!

Last year I also had a timid cat, who hid in my bedroom until all guests were gone. This year I have a cat who is In Charge. She knows Every Thing that happens in this house, Anticipates It and then Supervises It.

Dressing a loom is quite new to her. She doesn't know what is going on. Being in trouble, being yelled at means close to nothing in this circumstance. There were a substantial amount of close to depleted tubes of warping thread. I left them scattered on the other end of "her" sofa. This morning I found them scattered on the floor.

There has been no attempt at the trick I fear most, reaching up for one of the lines of thread. So, counting my blessings, fingers crossed, I soldier on. My hope is to get across the beam today, but that really is a small possibility.

I have removed the small tubes of thread to the chair, and barricaded them, after a fashion. They survived the night, and that is good.

However, another foible cropped up yesterday. Kitty is addicted to paper. It's not a good trait, for either of us. She gets sick, probably from printer ink, and I lose my information. This began some time ago, and I learned to avoid the problem. Until yesterday.

Weeks ago someone gave me a copy and it was left on this chair, When I came in after supper, the chair and the floor were covered with confetti. I dutifully cleaned it up, telling her for the half hour what a pain in the ass she provided. And life went on.

Then one day I printed the heel instructions I would need for Shelly's sock, and thoughtlessly tossed it on the chair, where I would watch Netflix and work on the sock. Back from supper and a total spread of confetti. It's smaller than "real" confetti; those little teeth make little shreds! Lesson painfully learned; I would never put a piece of paper on the chair.

Yesterday I consulted the clipboard with all my notes, to "remember" when to add the extra thread. Tossed the board aside and began winding on a bout of thread. Together with the swish of thread I could hear crunching. I suddenly realized--PAPER!

I turned and yelled at her. Kitty engaged her selective deafness. I approached, yelling. (My approach is an extremely slow shuffle!) She watched me, and continued shredding. At the last instant before a boom descended Kitty abandoned her project and sailed away. I stowed the clipboard on a high shelf and finished the bout I was winding.
That one bout turned out to be it for yesterday. I told myself it was a fairly successful day, setting up the thread, loading it, rescuing it. Today I simply would not invite Kitty to the party. As if.


  1. Hari OM
    It's exciting when the delivery of new yarns comes... I just had a big buying spree today, so many yarns on sale, so few pennies to spread among them! I look forward to see the results of your efforts with the new threads... and hope the Kitty doesn't take a penchant... YAM xx

  2. How funny. Kitty has emerged a new cat. No more shy, hide away from everything Kitty. She has quite the personality and a certain aggressive attitude toward paper. Locking up anything paper will be the rule of the day. Look at all that thread! You've been very busy.

  3. What a character Kitty has become! It seems like a miracle you haven't woken up in the morning to a cat caught in all those lines like a fly in a web.

  4. You could do without having to be careful where you put bits of paper. Kitty is being most inconsiderate!

  5. Joanne, I agree with Marty, it's a miracle you haven't found Kitty caught up in all that thread... or that she has eaten some of it... (By the looks of that pic of Kitty, she eats quite well). When we had inside cats and I inadvertently left yarn around, the house would be strung up in the morning with webs - as they must have chased a ball of yarn around furniture. Sheets of paper were never a problem, but they did like to shred rolls of toilet paper if available. Good luck!

  6. I have been wondering when your new threads would arrive!
    I think it is the law that if a cat is invited into a home, it is therefore also invited into each and every party. And your kitty is so pretty and so handsome that how can you refuse her?

  7. My OD's cat loves to shred TP and other paper. Mari prefers to nibble on plants, both real and artificial. WHY are cats so weird? I love them, but they can be frustrating. Your project sounds like it's coming along. (lots of work!)

  8. Kitty has an out of control paper addiction!

  9. Kitty is asserting her sense of power. She has claimed her home and is allowing you to share it.

  10. That last photo proves that Kitty is the master of the realm.

  11. she looks very self satisfied giving you the stink eye in that picture.

  12. Love to see Kitty relaxing and being the Cat around the House....but!!!
    Good to see you getting on at warp speed as well 😉

  13. Tortoiseshell cats seem to have a lot of attitude and do whatever they want, at least ours does. She's a pain in the butt.

  14. She has really settled in hasn't she! You are lucky she has not jumped up at that thread or the loom. I'm pretty sure my cats would do that. I've discovered distraction is one way to handle a determined cat. If I give my cats a cardboard box it will keep them occupied for some time. I'm glad she is happy and not hiding any longer. Of course you know cats are always in charge. It takes a little cat psychology sometime!

  15. Mercy does the same with paper. I'm learning to hide it.Kitty is the queen of your domain.

  16. Cats! Mine used to shred the toilet paper.

  17. I see Kitty is giving you that look: where is my paper? you're no fun anymore!
    Lola likes newspapers, but only to sleep on.

  18. Oh Joanne - the look on that cat's face says it all, "Don't mess with me. This is my house now and I am in total charge!! I love cats but they always end up in charge. Mark my words high shelves are not the answer. Madam will find a way! x

  19. Kitty is a very content cat and she knows that even when she is bad, you still love her!!

  20. I find it lovely she has come out of her shell and wants to help with all your games. And PS I love your window.

  21. Puss has come a long way in a year. She looks like she owns the place!

  22. She's so sweet - butter wouldn't melt....

  23. She has come a long way from a year ago. And, I too, am astounded that she isn't all over those threads.

  24. Good thing Kitty can't read your post.

  25. I was thinking what Debby mentioned. Those threads are awfully tempting. Kitty is looking very contented and well fed.
