
Friday, October 20, 2023

Good grief

Next Tuesday, then again in November vaccines will be administered here. That is excellent, save the page of tiny print we have to fill out. So much of it runs together, I think it is unintelligible. So I will take my wallet of cards with me. They can white out and re-enter the info, though why it cannot all be done on a tablet I don't know. We all are quite adept at signing electronically--I think.

Another weekend has come around. As none of my relatives has offered some recreation, I guess I'll stick with slipping in my load of laundry on Sunday morning. I thought I'd rustle up Ruth and arrange a lunch at the Cabin. But I found her without car, as I had been early in the week. My problem was resolved on the day, but hers awaits a part. So, I'll wait for her call.

I think I must order a small, cozy bed for Kitty. She is making herself crazy trying to build a nest behind some of my studio shelving. Far be it from me to argue with an eight year old street cat. She will only sleep under the goose duvet when I am not here. She won't sleep on it. For one night she slept at my feet, and I thought Hooray, settled. But I guess it didn't suit, and nothing has since. 

All summer Kitty contented herself with the furniture, the sofa, a chair, my desk chair. But now that it's growing colder, she's on the hunt. Last year's winter nest of a carpet on a shelf is turned down this winter, and she's busy pulling my shipping envelopes down behind the shelving, trying to fashion a nest. I guess I must intervene.

In other news, romance is in the air. A former dinner mate, Margaret, now dines exclusively with Frank. Her former dinner mates are kicked to the curb, as is said. Both arrived here about the same time last winter. Margaret was seated at our table. Frank sat next to me in exercise class and we introduced ourselves. 

Frank told me his very first girlfriend, in the third grade, was named Joanne. But then Margaret recruited him to help her campaign for that supermajority constitutional amendment, and he went to sit by her. I figured it was just a pick up line, but I never did ask Margaret what his first girlfriend was named. And the supermajority need for an amendment failed. 

 In good news, remember Craig and Debbie? Craig has been carrying around a wedding band in his pocket since forever, and can't get her to say yes. Well, they are getting married, right here at the Atrium, in January, and we're all invited. He's one smiling man.


  1. I love a good romance story! God luck on your quest to find a bed for Kitty. You know how independent cats are.

  2. Two romances in one location is pretty remarkable. Congratulations to both couples. A wedding in the Atrium should be enjoyable for everyone. It does seem Kitty is feeling the shift in seasons and needs a cozy warm nest. Amazon to the rescue?

  3. Oldsters getting married always surprises me. I don't think I see the point, but to each their own.

  4. That's amazing that romance can bloom anywhere and at any time. Kitty, being Kitty, could disdain any cat bed you buy for her. But I don't need to tell you that, do I?

  5. I hope you find the perfect, cozy little bed for Kitty! Something soft and warm. And oh my, sounds like romance is bustin' out all over at your place!

  6. Lots of activity going on in your place!

  7. I could write the same of my building. It's like high school. Seriously. Discarded lovers weeping, the "poachers" of old lovers ostracized. I stay well away from it though the long halls have seen me flirted with. Maybe my scowling face is a turn on? Not meant to be. LOL.

  8. I am a romantic through and through, so I am delighted to hear about Craig and Debbie. May they have many happy years together. Love is not just for the young :)

    Hope Kitty likes whatever new bed you provide. You can get them with a top, too - very cosy.

  9. I hope you find a satisfactory bed for kitty. Perhaps something with a cover and old papers in it as a nest, newspapers are said to be quite warm. Lola likes to sleep on mine when I'm trying to do the puzzles.

  10. ood luck on finding a bed for kitty. It can be a challenge. Ours liked their new beds, rejected their new beds and Batty is just reinvestigating - as summer looms.
    I hope the romances continue to go well.

  11. I hear that in England's care centres they have to look out for elderly male patients with dementia trying to have sex with their female counterparts who are unable to give consent about anything, let alone that. I don't know wether to be amused or concerned.

  12. If the aesthetics don’t worry you why don’t you try a cardboard box with a blanket of some sort before you actually buy something. As others have mentioned ‘she may not like’ whatever you buy. Boxes are great - sides stop draughts also provide a bit of seclusion.

  13. If ever I need a pickup line I’ll have to remember that. Just hope I don’t meet someone called Hortense!

  14. Your post made me think of when my mother first started living in a senior's apartment. A man by the name of York decided he took a fancy to her (father had died some time before) and when I called her on the phone, sometimes he would answer which I found very strange. He also lived in the same senior's building. I thought he was just spending time with her because of her big television. Anyway, we did a big party for her 80th birthday and he and a couple of other people from the same senior's building attended, as well as relatives and friends. The next day we heard he had a heart attack and died. We hoped we hadn't caused that with too much excitement or food! The whole thing was very strange. On a different note, I hope you find something to Kitty's satisfaction. -Jenn

    1. He evidently was a walking heart attack, waiting to happen. Not attributable to you, for sure.

  15. Everyone loves late-in-life romance, I think. It is such a tender thing.
    Your darling Cat is obviously very intelligent and proficient at the life skills she needed on the street. Those skills will never leave her, even though she does not need them any more. If it's time to make a winter's nest, then that is what she will do. If you get her a bed, I hope she uses it.

  16. All summer Cat slept in her box or in my desk chair. now that the nights are chilly she sleeps on the bed with the dog and me though not last night for whatever reason. there are two dog beds here in the house and Cat ignores both. maybe you should give Kitty some scrap fabric and see if she drags it over behind the shelves to make a nest. congrats to the aging lovebirds.

  17. Cats do love boxes, youtube is littered with videos of cats in boxes. It's nice when people can find someone to be with in their later years. It's good that the vaccine is being brought to you.

  18. There is always room for romance by the sound of it!

  19. Ah love. I hope they will be happy together.

  20. I never heard of a cat building itself a winter nest before. I await the completion of the nest with interest!

  21. Good on the vaccine availability! And good luck with Kitty's new bed! As for romance in the air... good for them too. But I like your title, "Good Grief"... ; )

  22. Why not - if they become happy.
    As to your cat: you will find something convenient for her, Joanne - interesting, that she feels she has to provide for winter coming .

  23. Kitty could build them a nest as a wedding present.

  24. If you don't mind, please check out "Va. voters focused on education, but less on trans students, poll finds" on my blog, There are many newsworthy transgender sites as well. Thank you for your time. Emily Shorette

    1. Emily, I generally delete remarks with links. You are an exception; I support your mission.

  25. I still love coming here, and I need to tell you, my cousin Debbie has been married to her husband Craig for about 35 years with 2 sons and 3 grandkids. I think they're going to make it. I hope the same for your Craig and Debbie.

  26. It sounds sort of like a cattle market in the nicest possible way (I think).

  27. Thank for a bit romantic news. I need to keep my eyes open in the future.

    1. Have you considered a visit to the local senior center?

  28. I am having my jabs this afternoon, hope I'll be ok I'm not happy with needles and my friend was feeling ill after hers. Still we're all different and its for own protection, still don't like them though! And such romantic news hope there's a party for you all to enjoy!
