
Thursday, June 22, 2023

Odds and ends

I was "getting on with myself" for taking so long to weave towels when I realized each new color is about a month apart. That's not too bad, so I lightened up. Especially when I listed twelve new red towels, which is the number I had cut to hem. I hemmed a couple straight away, so I could photograph them and list on the web. Then they began selling at once! At the end of last week I was taking them from the loom, and now only five are left.

A friend down the hall, Jane, rang my doorbell tonight and invited me to come look at her just finished Cathedral Window quilt. She began the quilt in the beginning of time, and especially because it is so portable, one block at a time.

I did not know it was a Cathedral Window until I came around the corner of the room. It took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes. "My mother would be so proud of you!" was the first thing I said. I know the years of work in such a quilt! She's giving it to the daughter "who started it all" by spending forty five days in the hospital as a child. That daughter is coming tomorrow to take Jane to an appointment, and will be asked to come upstairs "for a minute" to help her mom with something. She's in for a tremendous surprise!

Kitty seems to have a cold, or else her throat skin flaps are irritating her. Fortunately, I've made an appointment for her to be examined by the vet who will be her permanent vet. It is Ruth's vet from the days she had cats. 

I recently needed to have a tooth extracted. It was the last molar on my upper left quadrant. It also is/was the final tooth in a bridge on that side. About a year ago Dr. Kate lifted the bridge to fill a cavity in that molar. Recently the bridge broke loose from that tooth. I went in to see Dr. Kate and she gave me the sad news about my tooth, So, it is pulled and I have an appointment with Dr. O about implants. That is not until July 10th! Kitty sees the vet on the 5th, lucky girl!


  1. The photo of that quilt made me exclaim so loud that Dennis had to see what was wrong with me. Also glad to know that I got my order in before you ran out!
    Implants can be tricky, too...healing is sometimes an issue and the bones that hold the implants must be strong and healthy. My friend's failed - now he has false teeth which he never wears due to discomfort. Not an easy fix, good luck with yours! And thank you for the towels!

    1. I have one other implant from the same dentist. I'm guessing he'll put supplemental bone into the graft site, like he did for the other implant, many years ago and it is still intact.

  2. That quilt is amazing! All of the beautiful detail work that went into that is really unbelievable! Hope your implants go in smoothly!

  3. That's a marvelous quilt. Imagine the daughter's face when she's presented with it! It's an heirloom. And your towels, too, Missy, great stuff.
    I have escaped dental bridges etc. Only a couple of crowns. It makes life easier.

  4. That quilt is impressive and your comment was so heartfelt! Poor kitty-I doubt that she'll like the vet. My Mari hates to go.

  5. What talented people all around! Check if kitty's vet will do your dental stuff for a reduced price while you're there.....just a thought. Everybody get better soon! Linda in Kansas

  6. The quilt is very beautiful. Good luck with the teeth.

  7. Hari Om
    Oh yes, Joanne, that quilt is worth the exclamations it's raising. Outstanding. As are your towels and the love you put in to them. I add my POTP for healthy outcomes to you and Kitty. YAM xx

  8. That quilt is gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. I made a lavender sachet using just two of those blocks and know how time consuming they are.
    Hooray for your towels too.
    Good luck for both you and kitty on the medical/dental front.

  9. That is a masterpiece!
    Hope you and Kitty get sorted ok.
    I have never been offered I am stuck with plastic falsies

  10. What an amazing quilt .
    Hope the dentist and vets appointments go well

  11. That is a beautiful quilt. Here in Bath (UK, of course) we have The American Museum and it has a large collection of antique quilts. Most of them are very old. They are all beautiful.

  12. My wife makes quilts with the Cathedral Windows motif so I know what is involved. These days she rarely attempts anything bigger than a lap quilt.

  13. Phew! I just ordered my towels! I am so excited! And one month from color to color does not seem like much to me. You are steady, Joanne.
    Look at that quilt! A labor of love for sure. A work of art. It would have brought tears to my eyes too. I am affected by things that are so genuine in that way.
    I am so sorry you had to get a tooth pulled. My husband just recently had to do the same and the he's going to get a bridge although I have been pushing him to get an implant. He is stubborn.
    And may Cat feel better soon.

    1. I view a bridge as the ruination of two good teeth, which I fell for in the current situation. If I still had a good tooth on both sides of the missing tooth, I'd go for implant. Now I need an implant just for the construction of a bridge because the last real tooth is gone.

  14. We know from experience that implants are so expensive (here). You probably ave good coverage.

  15. I think if it was me, even younger than you, I would not bother with an implant for the last molar on any side. I hope Kitty's ailment is an easy fix. my Cat is a noisy sleeper. and of course those red towels flew off the shelf.

    1. I need the "implant" to build a new "bridge". I hope that explanation worked.

  16. I've never seen a Cathedral Window quilt. It certainly is a work of both love and art. Jane's daughter is a lucky woman to be gifted such a lovely quilt that will become a family heirloom. I hope Dr. O can provide you a good dental solution. Implants can be complicated procedures. My neighbor, with 6 cats, talks about occasional throat fur balls that seem to go away in time.

  17. The quilt is gorgeous. I wish I had the patience to do something like that. Good luck to both you and Kitty.

  18. That quilt is beautiful, Joanne. Hope kitty's Vet visit goes well. Sorry about your tooth removal. And good luck with the implant. I know they are wonderful (DH has several), but be sure you have enough bone and no sinus complications that could be a problem.

  19. I wonder what Kitty will make of the vet.

  20. The Quilt is just a very gorgeous Quilt.

    Take Care & Happy Stitching
    Linda K, Buttercup

  21. Seeing the picture of that quilt almost made me cry, too. What a beauty. Bummer about the implants. Sheesh.

  22. That quilt is stunning and well done on your towels and ouch on the tooth.

  23. That quilt is amazing. Be sure to let us know the daughter's reaction, won't you? I cannot imagine being given something that my mother had labored over for all of my life.

    1. Her daughter was overwhelmed and there was crying an hugging.

  24. The Cathedral Window quilt is amazing. The amount of work that must have gone into it is mindboggling. I hope Kitty doesn't have anything too serious. I've heard and read different things about implants - sometimes they work out well, sometimes not so well. I hope your implant (if you opt for one) goes okay.

  25. That quilt is wonderful and a beautiful piece of work. What a gift that is going to be for that young lady. Hope Kitty gets good news from the vet and your next trip to the dentist is OK as well.

  26. A wonderful quilt!
    Kitty v vet....lay your bets....

  27. Flip, Joanne. I completely forgot to tell you that my daughter and son-in-law received their towels. Thank you!

  28. The quilt is very beautiful! It reminds me of the blue glass windows in Berlin's Gedächtniskirche in the Eiermannsche Turm - every time I come back to Berlin I visit it because it is so soothing for the soul with all its blue in so many shades.
    I wish you luck with your tooth, Joanne!
