
Monday, May 1, 2023

Kitty has a new toy

I intended to start a new topic today. We all must be tired of kitty stories. Certainly I am. Stories about having a pacemaker, about living in what essentially is an old folks home. It truly is the last stop before death. The problem is, I've grown to know some residents more closely, and then they go.

But a kitty story it is. It seemed to me Kitty isn't active enough during the day. I hear her playing at night, before I fall asleep, and sometimes when I wake at night. But she only has one toy I know she is playing with, the ball toy.

Other toys I find in new places, the tennis ball, the cardboard tube, but they make no noise. I have the damn bed stored under the sofa and she can't drag it out. She has tried, but she has to get it out from under the sofa, then past my walker, which is in front of the bed.

Looking on Amazon, I found some new toys. Another ball toy that dispenses a hidden cache of treats. A toy to jump for. Some new balls. The jump toy has come and Beth hung it up, yesterday, while she was here.

When  kitty came out that night, I watched for her to find it, though not too hard, as we had doused it will with catnip.

I watched her jump for the "mouse" a few times, then went across the hall to check on my laundry. When I came back, I was greeted by Miss Kitty, wearing the be all, end all of catnip inspired grins. "Fix that, grandma!"

Yes, she showed it. She climbed proudly onto my bed and under the covers. When she gets up, she will find I got it down. I also made it a tad higher.


  1. I enjoy the battles of wills between the two of you.

  2. I'm glad she's keeping you company. Hope you're doing well, I'm ok, my girls are ok, so things are on an even keel here.

  3. I hope our cat does not read this. She would demand more toys.

  4. I reckon that you are both enjoying this!

  5. Sounds as if kitty thinks you're not getting enough exercise and playtime, so she set up a challenge.

  6. Hari OM
    Catnip - gets 'em every time! And truly, there cannot be enough cat stories, so fret not my friend! YAM xx

  7. How I wish I could enjoy a catnip high, especially while I'm working.


  8. None of our cats have ever shown any interest in catnip. And tend to make toys of things I would rather they didn't - my earrings for example.

  9. Kitty is transforming under your gentle guidance. More toys plus the catnip is doing wonders. A Kitty catnip smile/high sounds delightful. Whenever you want to blog about living with a pacemaker or your senior living home, feel free. I am interested in your thoughts. I agree entirely, making a friend and then losing them is always hard.

  10. Love updates on Kitty! Sounds like she is coming around nicely. So glad you got her.

  11. New toys AND catnip! Kitty's living the good life!

  12. I never get tired of kitty stories. I post quite a bit about cats myself. :) Glad that you're finding some entertaining toys for her.

  13. Awww gee... I'm so glad you're having such a great time with Kitty. You are keeping her energized and interested which is good for both your health.

  14. There can never be too many cat stories, or photos, for that matter.

  15. LOL. Miss Kitty plans to keep you on your toes, doesn't she?

  16. Love your kitty stories as we are enjoying our new girl. They sound related!

  17. Your kitty will be so happy. Nothing like a moving toy to catch the interest.

  18. A lovely story about settling in for puss cat.

  19. Our old girl has no interest in toys. Sha found that her kitty loves spring-like things. They are plastic.

  20. Love the stories about puss, Joanne. Always an adventure!

  21. Joanne I love the fact that Kitty is slowly settling in - I am sure she already thinks of it as home,

  22. yes, Cat is a torti. and yeah, she showed up one day and never left. after a couple of weeks I started feeding her. after about a week of that she followed me in the house one day. she doesn't wander.

    so Kitty managed to swat that mouse over the fan blade? I guess you don't use that fan since the string is tied to a blade but I wonder what would happen if you put the fan on low.

  23. You have a clever Kitty. She'll keep you on your toes.

  24. I like the idea of her playing with her toys in the middle of the night.

  25. All stories are good, but cat stories are a cut above :) I'm glad your kitty is playing now; that's an excellent sign of her feeling comfortable. For an almost-free toy, try crumpling tinfoil into a compacted ball. It rolls and it makes a good noise on hard surfaces.

  26. Your cat stories are nice to read. Much better than national news. Glad kitty's getting chumier. Linda in Kansas

  27. The battle of wits continues! What will she be up to next?

  28. Can't have too many kitty stories

  29. Never a dull moment with a kitty/cat. I always had to hide my yarn projects when I had cats or there would be a mess. Take care, must be hard to get to know people and then lose them.
    Sandy's Space

  30. I love your kitten stories, Joanne - and find them highly amusing and think you have every right to get distraction from topics that are heavily severe.
    When I looked out of my kitchen window in Bavaria I saw a cat entering the oak wood behind the house - we have many cats here - and believe it or not: she could be a sister of yours, same colour of hair.

  31. I never tire of hearing your Kitty stories.

  32. I love a kitty story, Joanne. Keep 'em coming. x

  33. Hahaa...Cats will outsmart you!
    Love your Kitty stories!

  34. I so wish I could have another animal companion but pets are forbidden here which is a shame. Love your stories Joanne.

