
Thursday, April 20, 2023

Domesticating my Torti

I've had this cat since February 11th. It was rapidly apparent to me I'd acquired a street-wise cat, as there was no account of her life for the five years until she was captured, hurt, on the street. and surrendered to a vet hospital. In the beginning she hid from everyone. If captured, she bolted at the first opportunity, and still does.

Whenever I move, if she is in the room, she fixates on my feet, being sure they do not represent a threat to her. I suppose, in her life there was a time when she was kicked about. I use the treats to gain her trust. So far she eats from my hand, but will not eat from the chair beside me. Worse yet, if my foot shifts a millimeter, she bolts and hides.

I decided to get her to trust my feet. First I fed her from my hand, then put the treats on my shoe.

She was sorely tempted, but just couldn't pull the trigger. She turns away to her safe place, up inside the chair.

I called her back with a tongue noise I make. "Tsk, tsk, tsk." She finds it a comfortable sound. This time she inched and inched closer and finally took the treats from my shoe.

Then she cleaned herself, as she does after any satisfactory nosh.

Then she climbed into her safe place, under the chair.

This is a breakthrough, I think. It will be treats on my shoe for the rest of the week, and then it will be treats beside me, on the red chair, and I'll see where we go from there.


  1. Great strategy! Soon she will be a kitty lap cat and will keep you warm in the storm. You are so patient!

  2. Good for you! I'm not a betting woman, but if I was, I'd put my money on you!

  3. Your strategy is working and the breakthrough is tremendous. It does seem Kitty had a previous very sad and hard life. With time and your gentle care, Kitty will be just fine.

  4. You are so wise in the ways of taming a poor, scared little kitty. It's only been two months but she is clearly learning to slowly trust you!

  5. I like how patiently and gradually you're taming your kitty. She'll come around once she's established that you'll always be gentle. I'm looking forward to selfies with her on your lap.

  6. You are so observant and knew Tortis needs.

  7. Slowly, slowly, she will learn trust.

  8. You are the queen of patience. Good luck with “ shoe week “! - Jenn

  9. Progress indeed! You are a skilled cat person, Joanne. Puss is lucky to have you!

  10. You are such a caring cat mom and SO patient!

  11. One step at a time and the job will get done.

  12. You and she are making great progress, slowly, but surely. By the end of the year she will love and trust you.

  13. Well done. Trust is slow to build but you are on your way.

  14. A cunning plan to build up her trust! I hope it works.

  15. A lifetime of abuse is hard to forget, for human or cat, and time is the thing on your side, Joanne. I am sure that by year's end she will be sitting on your knee.

  16. I foresee a long and happy friendship between you and your torti. :) She is lucky to have you.

  17. It just takes time...Well Done!!
    Happy weekend!

  18. Hari OM
    Aw, trust is so hard when lost... but Love will conquer! YAM xx

  19. My Cujo was abused before we got him, but he immediately trusted me. Just me, though, he was wary of everyone else for the rest of his life. Cats are not as trusting and it will take time, but once she knows she can trust you, she will be loyal forever!

  20. clever girl you. treats on your shoe. I did finally respond to your comment asking about aunt Laura's iris. you can check back and get the long version. short version, no they haven't bloomed. I might move them again when I get the small kidney shaped pond removed and put them over there.

  21. Lucky little cat as she tames down.

  22. You know what you are doing! I think your ideas will work.

  23. You are wisely being patient with her. As you know it will take some time. It will be worth it.

  24. Treats on your shoe! Very clever. You're doing the right things to gain her trust, it will take time, but you will win her over.

  25. Way to go with treats on the shoe!

  26. Trust comes slowly... especially if there's been a reason in the past not to trust. Give her time...

  27. She's a pretty kitty and you are winning her over. Does she have a name?


  28. There is no doubt that you are both very smart. Love will win in the end and her trust in you will grow stronger.

  29. What a great idea to put the treats on your shoe. Our grand cat stays with us during the day and evening until bedtime and each night he has to touch and sniff each treat before eating it. The other three just gobble them down. He intimidates them so they would never go after his treats.

  30. I like your thoughtful way to get her nearer to you, Joanne. She will have made many bad experience in her life - and can be so very glad that you not only took her, but have so much patience!

  31. Awww. Lovely girl. What a clever idea to put the treats onto your shoe!

  32. Well done on training her to trust. I will never understand those who abuse helpless animals. She is so lucky to have found you.
