
Saturday, March 11, 2023

Real cat whisperer

Beth and Caroline were coming this morning, so I kept an eye on Kitty, after all her morning routine was accomplished. Now, after she eats, she approaches me for a treat. I toss out a dozen or so for her, then I put them on the edge of my chair to encourage her to stand up and take them or eat them from there.

When that fails, I eventually put them away. Kitty trails sadly away, to whatever hiding spot she has selected for the day. Lately she has selected my red Lane recliner. The little minx discovered the spot where Toby split the liner to slip in.

Caroline immediately asked, "Where is the cat?" and I replied "In the recliner." That was fun for a second, but her face was so sad when no cat was obvious that I relented and told her there is a cat hole in the lining, and a cat in the hole. She got down on her back, shimmied under the chair, found the hole and reached in for the cat. She fumbled a bit, announced there is a cat sized 2x2 to sleep on, and eventually produced an armload of cat.

Kitty was satisfied to squeeze into a small space. Speaking of small space,

Kitty stuck out her tongue to let Caroline know how she felt. We were very impressed that for all the handling done her, the cat was fairly docile. She did not hiss, spit, bite or scratch. On the whole, she mostly looked for a way to safely escape. She badly needed her claws cut. She has not hopped up to the scratching pole in the month she has been here. So, Caroline took care of that.

When Caroline considered Kitty trim enough to pass on, I got her.

My lap kitty. Well, almost. True to her type, I doubt she will ever voluntarily sit in my lap. She probably will sit beside me, when she is more comfortable. In the meantime, I am satisfied she spent half an hour in my lap and found nothing hurt her.



  1. One step at a time. My money is on the expectation that one day she will find that your lap is just what she's been looking for.

  2. Oh, how sweet. I have a feeling it won't be long now before she's a lap kitty for real!

  3. She's getting there! She may be like my first feral cat, Annabelle, who never sat in my lap but close next to me. Good enough!

  4. Kitty has come a long way! I'm impressed that she let Caroline trim her claws and then let both her and you hold her for a while!

  5. I am astonished that Kitty tolerated the nail trimming.

  6. Hari OM
    Hoorah for third-party intervention! I am surprised at how Kitty sat and let those claws be clipped - well done Caroline. She'll definitely not be able to resist all the loving! YAM xx

  7. Kitty is making great progress. She got lots of handling today and the nail clipping went exceptionally well. It is quite funny that she also found the hiding spot inside your chair.

  8. What stunning progress! Must be something comfy about the hole in the recliner. Linda in Kansas

  9. That is great progress! Even my very loving cat doesn't spend 30 minutes in my lap.

  10. I have lap-adjacent cats and I am OK with that...finally. :D Your kitty looks like such a love. I am so glad that she consents to having her claws clipped.

  11. how cool is that!? very good. I'm surprised she tolerated all that handling but maybe that's what was needed.

  12. I am very impressed with Caroline. I wish I could trim Lola's claws but I'd probably lose an arm and a leg. She isn't a lap cat either but happily sleeps on the footrest of the recliner while I watch TV. I'm so glad you both got to hold Kitty for a while, she will get more used to you fairly quickly I think.

  13. Definitely getting there..well done Caroline and Kit

  14. That made me so happy to see you with your cat in your lap!! ( voluntarily or otherwise). - Jenn

  15. The fact that she allowed Caroline to cut her nails is amazing and a very good sign! It takes two of us to cut our two cats' nails. I'm so happy you were able to hold her for a while. She's making good progress. All of this activity may cause her to hide for a bit but she is getting there!

  16. My last Cat, Freddie, would never jump up onto my lap, but I would often find him sleeping under my chin at night.

  17. She looks to be comfortable with it and is obviously learning to trust you. I suspect nobody has ever shown her any affection before,

  18. Slowly but surely it will happen.

  19. Well done, Caroline! Slow and steady progress.

  20. The half-hour in your lap must have reassured her that your lap is quite safe. Watch this space!

  21. Joanne, I'm glad you got to hold Kitty. Not too sure from her expression what she thought about it. But looks like she's more a flight... and not a fight kitty. And perhaps the handling will help her realize that you mean her no harm. I hope so.

  22. Progress. All these small steps seem to be working.

  23. Excellent news! Like you said, she may never be a lap cat but she may snuggle up to your legs or back when she gets more comfortable. Personally, I prefer a cat who doesn't always want to be on me, but we are all different.

  24. I'm impressed that Kitty held still for nail clipping. In our house it takes two people-one to hold and one to cut.

  25. I seem to have found your blog again - I am sure I visited here many years ago. I'm sure too that the cat will come round in time - she may not be a cuddly one but animals know where care and safety is to be found.

  26. Softly softly catchee kitty!
    She is gorgeous and I am sure will come around when she's properly sussed you out.

  27. Sweet baby, or not a baby! Such pretty coloring.

  28. Awww... I'm loving that photo of you and your kitty, Joanne. I'm surprised she allowed Caroline to cut her nails. That was very trusting.
