
Monday, January 16, 2023

Another week come and gone

Over the weekend I had a room full of helpers to put a new warp on the loom. Technically, the name is "dressing the loom." First to come, my youngest granddaughter, Caroline. Right behind her, Janice, and later in the afternoon, my table mates, Margaret and Rose.

I had everything set up, ready to go, and so were Jan and Caroline.  We put Caroline to turning the crank, Jan switched out empty tubes for ones with thread, and I kept the tension box fairly level. I told Caroline to make 250 turns. Why I said that without consulting my old notes I do not know.  I had Caroline back off fifty turns, which went in the wastebasket. The loom is more full that I've ever dealt with. We'll see.

The thread is to the top of the thread bars, and I even had to use the guides in a couple of places to keep threads from spilling over. I have two and a half bouts left to tie on, and then we'll see how well it comes through the heddles and if I can get the warp to behave until I've use another fifty or more turns.

It took the usual two hours to turn on 250 turns. Caroline had no intention of crying "Uncle!"; she kept steadily at it until done, which turned out to be in the nick of time. Uncle Tom came to drive Jan home, and she took her two towels and left. 

Caroline and I enjoyed a light lunch (ice cream), and then I expected she would be leaving, too. But no, she wanted to stay and help tie on. Never turn down such a good offer. We tied and chatted, tying on is mindless. After another hour my fingers quit and so did we, exactly as you see it in the photo. I have one obligation tomorrow, then I will finish.

I realized on Sunday that Saturday, when all the work was going on, was Caroline's birthday. Furthermore, her twentieth birthday. I straightaway sent a mia culpa text and she answered she had been happy to spend the day with me.

The only other big topic is the construction. I took several pictures, but one is adequate. The weather has been abysmal; I cancelled my dental appointment Friday, not trusting the roads after the overnight snow.

Yes, come Friday afternoon they were back at it, sweeping the snow and water off the foundation and putting up framing. I have a fairly decent understanding, so I'll put it out there and we'll see.

This is a set of two story apartments, as I've previously noted, which will be mated to the two story apartments where I live, The large door facing will allow first floor apartment dwellers to walk over to our atrium and downstairs. Second floor occupants can take a down elevator, or a staircase that cuts across the two windows to reach the ground floor. And in the event of a fire, of course, elevators are inaccessible and stairs must be used. 


  1. Your life is buzzing with activity. You sound happy, must have made good choices!

  2. You must be one awesome grandma for a turning-twenty-year-old to be happy spending the day with you, hanging out and looming! Glad to read another post from you, Joanne. - Jenn

  3. Hari OM
    I love that Caroline made the decision to be with you and that you are getting so much done. That does look cold outside... that construction grows ever more intriguing! YAM xx

  4. what a great time with friends and family! You are blessed.

  5. Like a quilting bee only different!
    Caroline's birthday present was a lovely day with you

  6. Is the 250 turns standard or more than? it seems like a lot. I'm glad you had so much help with it.

  7. Wow, how sweet is your granddaughter Caroline to have spent her birthday dressing the loom with you!

  8. That sounds like quite a procedure, but you have a team of invaluable helpers. I bet you're thankful!

  9. Two hours is a lot of cranking :) Bless Caroline for spending her birthday helping, and the others too.

  10. Hooray for help and an extra one for the birthday girl.

  11. What a wonderful granddaughter you have and she also gained a wonderful grandmother like you.

  12. Caroline did the right thing on her birthday. She won't forget her 20th.

  13. Oh, Joanne! What a darling granddaughter you have! She loves you so much. I wonder if any of your grands will want to take up weaving. Sounds like some of them, at least, have a good idea of how to go about it.

  14. While one good turn deserves another, 248 more turns is a lot to ask. Seriously — glad you had the company and help.

  15. Caroline is a real gem. Happy B-day to Caroline. I hope she considers working in the weaving business with you. With you as her mentor, she'd be well set.

  16. How lovely to spend the day with Caroline…especially on her birthday!

  17. What a good day Saturday. The explanation is helpful, so there are (or will be) stairs in that concrete bunker of sorts. And I imagine it will all make better sense to me when the rest of the building goes up.

  18. How nice to have your loom set up and enjoy the company.


  19. How dear is Caroline. My oldest grandson was just 20 at the end of November. He left Monday to go back to school. He is half way through his junior year at Case, your alma matater. I was so happy to be able to see him over the holiday. He is a sweetheart too. The time has gone so fast.

  20. Miss your visits. Glad you had so much good help, it sounds very complicated. Light lunch icecream, that made me laugh.
    Sandy's Space

  21. Dear Joanne, in my kitchen here in Bavaria a wonderful towel that you weaved reminds me so often of you! Thank you again!
