
Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The tax man commeth

There are benefits to a small town and friendly people. I had a slip of paper in the mail box, addressed to me at the trailer, but delivered to my new street address. Bless their hearts. It was a notification of a certified letter at the post office. I thought about it all day yesterday, and the only folks I thought still might not know my new address were the owners of the trailer park itself, off in New Jersey. So, today I went to the post office and signed my name.

It was a letter from the Ohio Department of Taxation, informing me Everything Old is New Again had not filed for the last half of last year, and consequently owed six hundred odd dollars.  I remember little of what I did when I returned from rehab, but I was pretty sure I'd paid sales taxes collected last year. 

I signed on to the Department's new and improved (?) web site, and noodled until I found "History". There it was, the top entry. I'd paid the ninety odd dollars collected--on January 7th of this year. Seven days after I'd collected any money and eight days before it was due, and fresh off a broken femur (though they wouldn't care about that).

So, I wrote a letter, which I'll mail when I next go out. I probably could resolve it somewhere on the web site, but I'm still an analog mind in a digital world. I don't care how long it stretches out; I paid the money due.

I planted the mandevilla, as ever. The white, pink and salmon have been blooming profusely, but the red took its good time. It finally opened a flower yesterday, so on the way to the post office I took pictures. The red is the last picture. 

The red mandevilla. It looks more pink. Look to the far left of the white mandevilla and see the milkweed in bloom. We planted that from seed, and found a tiny praying mantis over the weekend. You can't have one without the other.


  1. Thank you for feeding monarchs by planting their food! And yes on fighting the tax folks with the facts on paper.

  2. Glad your mail got forwarded! Beautiful flowers!

  3. Good job sleuthing - the tax folks are robots. They are going to have a field day with Etsy and Ebay and ruby lane and all other online small businesses this year! They will be swamped and heads will roll. Filing taxes for a 600 dollar earning in a year's time is so beyond the pale.

    Your posies are so pretty!

  4. What pretty flowers and exquisite colours I have only ever seen one praying mantis - quite exciting.

  5. Love your beautiful mandevillia - and always welcome praying mantis visitors. I am glad that you found you had paid the tax owed.

  6. Those flowers are lovely! Gorgeous colors! Glad you knew where to look for your proof that you don't owe any taxes! You are sharp, Joanne, and know your business!

  7. The tax man cometh, always find you in the end. Hopefully they will see their mistake. Pretty colours your flowers very soft.

  8. Even the tax people make mistakes. Good that you have your paper trail proving their error. Your mandevillia are beautiful.

  9. Just love that first Mandevilla blossom. I think I might buy a potted one for the new place, but not until after we get to the new place! Glad you remembered you'd paid that tax! Always nice to have one over the bureaucrats!

  10. Glad you were able to find the proof you had paid. As for the Mandevillas, they are all beautiful! And good that you have some milkweed... the butterflies have already found my parsley and their little caterpillar babies are working on it. I don't mind sharing... if they share. If not, I guess they can have it.

  11. If only the tax man was as quick to return money owed us!

    The blooms are gorgeous!

  12. Hari OM
    the blooms are gorgeous... tax letters not so much. Ups and downs in microcosm! YAM xx

  13. So glad to see that you have your mandevilla! So pretty. Summer on stems.
    Death and taxes may be the only things we can be sure of but hopefully we will never need to die twice and we certainly don't need to pay the same tax bill twice.

  14. If the tax man came knocking on my door I’d certainly want to know why:)
    And althoughit will grow in Melbourne your beautiful plants have a better life further north….where it is warmer. They do put on a lovely display don’t they

  15. I hope someone at the tax office has enough sense to see their error andthey don't harass you for funds.


  16. Yes, Sorry they are confused. Glad some one posted that you had paid.

  17. Notices like this are upsetting and stressful. You know how to defend yourself.

  18. I was never aware of the mandevillas until I started reading your blog. Then they were everywhere - Tucson had them and so does Spokane. They're a thing!

  19. Dear Joanne, I am also still in an analog modus - thus I print important documents out. Very annoying to have to prove that one did everything right - wasted valuable time.

    The mandevillas look beautiful - this year I bought one very earls - it prospers on my balcony.

  20. Those are blooming nicely!
    I print out my sales accounts monthly. Much easier to refer to!

  21. I do hope you sort out the tax department. A nuisance. And your flowers are so lovely

  22. Dealing with the tax department is no fun. It seems they hold all the power and do not accept blame easily. I hope your case is an exception to the rule. Your flowers are beautiful. That white one with the yellow centre rather reminds me of a frilly fried egg! Now I want an egg :)

  23. The mandevillas are looking great. Nicely done. Hope things go as well with the tax man.

  24. And so the $600 they said you owed was a fine? Pretty hefty fine. The red looks more pink and the salmon looks more yellow. I've decided your iris aren't getting enough sun which is why they don't bloom so this fall they are getting moved.

    1. That sounds reasonable. Mine face south and have sun much of the day. They're hardy little souls.

  25. Tax snafus are unbelievably frustrating and can be difficult to iron out. Good luck!

  26. I guess the cynics among us might think the ODT would hope you had no record of paying them and would pay them again. Or else they're just totally incompetent.

  27. It's so aggravating to deal with government snafus. Fingers crossed for you that you get it resolved quickly.
    Ahhh.... milkweeds! The butterflies will love you.

  28. Beautiful flowers. Hope you get the tax jazz resolved soon, it can be such a pain. You'll have to keep us posted about the progress. Somehow I think it will be on going and take time, so prepare yourself.
    Sandy's Space
