
Sunday, June 5, 2022

A lovely weekend

Saturday was lovely, but cold. Well, cool to the younger generation, and by three in the afternoon, when the sun penetrated to the back of the barn, downright hot out in the sun. Beth had a decent day with the family's orphan heirlooms, and I had a very decent day with towels. Only one color is totally sold out, so I'm not behind the eight ball yet.

And then we had today. Caroline graduated high school. My last grandchild. Francis drove Ruth and me to Severance Hall so he could push me and the wheelchair into place. Ruth and I sat in the last row against the wall, Beth, France and Bill sat in the last row of seats.

The home of the Cleveland Orchestra is as magnificent as ever. And down on the orchestra's stage, the Hawkin class of 2022. You really can't tell from here, but the girls wore white and the boys blue. All the girls carried a rose, all the boys wore the rose in their lapel.  Here's a wonderful photo. It's so far away, my description is required.

The second row, forth from the left, is Caroline. I missed her coming in, and it took me a long time to pick her out. I was puzzled at the blue jacket, but when she walked across the stage her outfit was the blue jacket and blue short shorts. Terrific. I can't wait to hear her rationale. It will range from "I'll never wear the dress again" to "Sexist pigs!"

Small world. Caroline just phoned and I asked her to 'splain. And it is, "The girls were required to wear white, but there was no dress code for the boys." That's my girl. Also her mother's girl.

And to close, I've had a lovely bank holiday, celebrating the Queen's diamond jubilee with my friends across the pond, and my English sister-in-law. Hazel claims to be no royalist, but this celebration was no usual event. And let's hear it for Her Highness and Paddington.


  1. Wow, sounds like a terrific weekend! Glad the towel sales went so well and that you enjoyed the grad. I would have been annoyed too by a one-sided dress code like that. And yes, wasn't the Queen's tea and marmalade sandwich with Paddington Bear just too cute for words!

  2. You've had a wonderful weekend. Great news about the towel sales. Congratulations to Caroline on her high school graduation. The world needs more people like Caroline. One-sided rulings need to be countered. Good for you Caroline! I have to wonder if anyone took notice and/or acknowledged this one-sided dictate. I also loved the Jubilee broadcast. HM is an amazing woman. Her leadership, style and grace is impressive.

  3. Yiu really did have a great weekend. Congratulations on everything! And Paddington was a real message to the government: she had tea and marmalade sandwiches with an underage immigrant who arrived alone and undocumented, and was made welcome. Liz is very astute!

  4. Good for Caroline, both for graduating and for making a statement.

  5. Hari Om
    Glad to hear the towels went well and that the family trait of minor rebellion stands strong in the last of this particular generation of it! I am no royalist and have managed - almost - to escape all parts; except the Paddington palaver which other bloggers insisted on sharing... sigh... obscene expenditure on fluster and flash when we have rising energy and food poverty... YAM xx

  6. Yay for your granddaughter! In every way!

  7. I admire Caroline without even meeting her. It sounds like a wonderful time was had by all! What color sold out? (just curious)

  8. Go, Caroline! You've had a full weekend, Joanne! Good to read that the towel biz is still bumping. :)

  9. So the last grandchild is now a fully fledged adult. Will she be going to university? (college) I saw a picture of The Queen and Paddington Bear on the front page of my newspaper this morning. Glad the sales went well.

  10. What a leader your Caroline is! Sounds to me like she has courage to change the world. The Queen's Jubilee sounded like so much fun for the Brits and even many Hawaiians over here.

  11. What a wonderful weekend! Congratulations on your successful sale and on your granddaughter graduating. I loved seeing the Queen with Paddington Bear too!

  12. Yay Caroline. I am so glad to hear that you had a lovely weekend - and loved the Queen and Paddington Bear.

  13. Hooray for graduation! And for making arrangements to get there. Glad towel sales are up.Thinking women genes run in the family. There's hope for the country and world. Linda in Kansas

  14. Well done to your Granddaughter for graduating and for doing her own thing. I'm glad you got to see some of the Jubilee celebrations and did well with sales

  15. Congratulations!! I loved the 70th flyover and every bit of the parade/ceremony. Amazing... and so very memorable!

  16. My daughter's name is Caroline, so I am definitely rooting for another Caroline who makes a statement!

  17. Yay, Caroline! Express yourself! Sounds like she'd fit quite well in my family, too.

  18. Good for Caroline but wasn't the blue jacket for boys a dress code? Anyway, I'm glad they didn't stop her from participating. Some schools would have. Glad you had a good towel day.

    1. The boys only were required a suit. They mostly wore khakis and blue jackets.

  19. And in green. Even some of those who don't love the Queen have made an effort these last few days.

  20. Good job Caroline! Dress codes for women but not the men just irritates the living snot out of me. Congratulations to you for having a good towel day.

  21. What a weekend! And well done Caroline

  22. She's definitely YOUR grand-daughter, isn't she? I love it. I also loved the queen and Paddington. Can you imagine her grandchildren's excitement?

  23. The one sided dress code is ridiculous.

  24. Good for Caroline. She gets that from you!

  25. What a nice weekend. And, I have a granddaughter that would have been right there with yours.

  26. Well done Caroline! I'm with you all the way. So glad you could make it Joanne, a proud day for all. And good news on your towels, such a lot of work.

  27. I had no idea the Queen kept an emergency marmalade sandwich in her handbag. It must make the inside of her handbag rather messy.

    It's not Her Highness, by the way. It's Her Majesty.

  28. There’s usually one who does something out of the ordinary to make you feel just a little bit more proud

  29. LOL, had to laugh. When I graduated back in the dark ages we wore white robes and the guys wore blue. We were required to wear heals or nice flats and hose, despite the heat sitting out there in the football field (500 graduated), the guys would wear whatever they wanted under their robes, so most wore shorts and sandals. So we were obviously more uncomfortable than they were all dressed up in dresses and hose under the robes. ARgh. Pretty much the same thing when my daughter was in HS, as she had friends at all levels so we attended 3 or 4 years of graduations before hers. Double standards really irritate me, so the year she was to graduate a group of us lobbied to let all the kids were blue (so whatever they had on underneath didn't show through...because they were pastel requirements for the girls under the white, must like it was back in my day. Pathetic that no headway was made on that front. We won, the girls wore blue and skirts or shorts under and no hose! Yippee for your granddaughter. You mentioned Cleveland...hello fellow Ohioan, I'm in Columbus. Popped in from a mutual blog friends blog, it's always fun to meet a new blogger. Hope you'll swing by for a visit.
    Sandy's Space

    1. When I graduated, in the stone age (1961), my largest act of defiance was to carry Gone with the Wind up my sleeve and read my way through the ceremony. My class had 75 graduates!

  30. Frustrating, those double standards.

    I know I replied to this one.
