
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

And then they came for us

If indeed the leaked Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade comes to pass, it will only be the beginning of the loss of autonomy. The next legitimacy to be erased will be same sex marriage. After that, or maybe before, the few freedoms secured by transgender persons.

I cannot believe I would live to fight again for my right to make choices for myself.

I want to believe the draft was leaked by a clerk who hoped the roar of outrage would change or withdraw the proposed ruling to overturn.

What to do right now? Write your Senator that the filibuster must be ended at once. Then the Senate, which represents the 80% of the people who support Roe v. Wade can take up stalled legislation to protect the right to abortion and pass it with a 50% vote.

Next, we must maintain President Biden's majority Congress at our mid term elections in November. No "get out the vote" effort has been this important in a long time. tRump's appointees to the court  lied when they said Roe v. Wade was settled law. Gay rights are fresh fruit to go after.

March. Make a great deal of noise. Write letters. Explain to new voters the importance of the protection of their own rights and how fragile that protection is becoming. It is their personal responsibility to secure rights they have taken for granted.

The calendar says spring here, but it's occurring so slowly. The flowers are slogging on through their appointed blooms. I had my first therapy session today. Lord, am I tired!


  1. Yes, overturning Roe v Wade will be the thin edge of the wedge. People must fight at the ballot box to keep the rights that have been won over the past 50 years.

  2. Now's the time to keep going, even though we're all so tired. I've already started signing, contacting, contributing etc. Retaining House and Senate more vital than ever. Preferably with a bigger majority.

  3. It is hard to believe that such an established hard won ruling would be overturned so easily. Incredible! Why have those hearings for nominated judges? They lie! Disgusting!

  4. I can't believe we're still having to fight for basic rights. It makes me so discouraged and sad. And furious!!

  5. there's no point in writing my senators as they are red red red, the horrible Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, and my governor has already instituted an abortion ban after 6 weeks.

  6. Hari OM
    It's scary stuff... removing easy access to contraception is the immediate next step if this takes place, I think and then, as you say, all the rest What a world.... YAM xx

  7. You have the wisdom of experience. Thank you.

  8. Nothing can be taken for granted. Vigilance continues to be important. Get out the vote!

  9. This is the most terrible thing, it's just unbelievable that they're actually going to overturn Roe. Griswold will be next. I recently learned that 31 states have a law on the books that the state can force you to be sterilized. This was from the Supreme court in 1927 and has never been challenged.

  10. Back in '73, I thought we'd won. I've always voted based on the right to abortion, even when it supposedly was no longer an issue. Even at almost 68 years old, it makes me want to grab some birth control pills or "day after" pills and put them in my safe deposit box. They might get expired, but maybe my future grandchildren will need them. Might be time to run to another country. My Dad was an OB-GYN in the '60s. There is always abortion being done, but legally saves so many women's lives. It's sad. Linda in Kansas

  11. I never thought we would have to do this again. Trump thinking.

  12. It's a sad situation that the supreme court was stacked with conservative judges.

  13. Thank you for your excellent suggestions. Is there no end to the damage done by Trump???

  14. Old battles with old men once again. I admire your fighting spirit Joanne.

  15. You should get this printed in your local paper. Send it to the new York Times even! People MUST get out and vote so this atrocity doesn't happen.

  16. Absolutely terrifying. And sadly if it does come to pass it will set precedents. Rest up after your therapy. Please.

  17. And here in the UK I thought of the US as the Land of the Free.

  18. It as though "The Handmaid's Tale" is being used as a blueprint for society.

  19. This is really a good post, Joanne.

  20. Your words express exactly what I feel, Joanne. Thanks for speaking out!

  21. Like you, I wouldn't have thought we'd go backwards. I fear what's next for women, gays, transgenders - any who voice a difference in belief. Unfortunately, the senators here in TX are probably cheering the prospect of women losing any decision-making on what's right the themselves. I worry for my granddaughters.

  22. It's a shame that we keep wanting to go back backwards. I mean it makes sense because all of the old rich white guys are scared and don't want people to have anywhere near the opportunities they had. It's a threat to their power and riches. I hope this is the wake-up call when need to show them the power of the people.

  23. So well said, I wish I could say I was surprised by the Roe "decision", however I am not. The people that are working to take away the freedoms in this country have been at his for years, and the final straw was the useful idiot who had three picks for SCOTUS handed to him by the Federalist Society. This is only the beginning of the erosion of rights in this country, it is going to get worse. This is a wake up call and we must heed it and vote these people out, if we do not the results will be horrific.

  24. I sure hope this gets more votes out in Nov. for the Dems. I do wonder if a liberal leaning person leaked it. It certainly has stirred up both sides.

  25. I love the Lilacs which are blooming all over, but the blooms my neighbor brought over to me brought on a severe sinus attack. :/ Am just tonight feeling like it might be waning. I had an appt. with the ENT today but called yesterday to cancel. No way did I feel up to driving the 40 miles to B'field. Even though seeing the ENT might have been a way to get something to settle my allergies. I didn't want to risk having an accident on the way there or back. 2 weeks from now...

    1. I spent the better part of the afternoon on FB, arguing with knuckleheads about the fact that they're taking away women's right to make a choice. And, you're so right -- who's going to be hit next?? Horrible times we're living in. Scary, for sure.

  26. Seems like a real step backwards. Great post!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Just hard to believe that this could happen...

  28. I can believe this happened after that election. The freedom for America women has come one hard fought inch at a time.
