
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Happy Day

Today is April 26. I came home from rehab for the broken femur on December 24th. Three months ago! I have spent the time using a walker, feeling like a feeble and pitiable old lady being grateful when someone held a door for me. And I was grateful; door mobility ends when both hands are occupied by a walker.

Yesterday I kept my appointment for a steroid injection into the tangle of arthritis in my right hip. I had this same treatment last fall, when the arthritis flared up, probably due to the exertion of the move. It was an abject failure, and I was reduced to the walker and even the wheelchair.

But yesterday was so different. There were three personnel in the room, not one. A technician monitored the laser screen. There was a student doctor who used the laser wand to locate the top of my femur, which x-rays showed involved with arthritis. The student administered the shot of ice, the doctor inserted the syringe and I could see the needle on the screen, headed to its target. Shazaam, it was done. 

They helped me off the table, patted my shoulder, told me it would be effective in a day or two, I might be back in four months for a replacement, and helped me to the door. And today, I'm back on my cane.

I went to the grocery store. I went to pick up my prepared meals. Now I need to look on Amazon for a little folding cart to haul my swag from the car to the house. I took the walker to the car and left it parked. It was a tough balance when I came home to get five packaged meals and a grocery bag into the house on its tiny frame.


  1. Dear Joanne, I am so glad to read that! Take care! Britta

  2. So glad that the treatment went well! Yes. A folding cart makes sense..hope you can find one soon xx

  3. Wonderful news. I am very happy for you.

  4. "Congrats on a good doc visit! I've seen some very able bodied neighbors with those fold-up canvas 4-wheeled wagons. Not sure where folks get those wire baskets on 2 wheels with a wide pull handle. Be careful! Linda in Kansas

  5. I'm glad to read that. From now on it will be better.

  6. That is very good news! I’m glad it was a different and better experience for you this time. -Jenn

  7. It's good to read of progress st last. Better mobility is a big difference in your daily life. Good for you.

  8. Hari OM
    I just rec'd a late b'day "pressie" - that my friend is feeling lighter on her hip!!! Yip Yip Youray!!! YAM xx

  9. Congratulations on regaining some of your independence.

  10. I'm so glad to hear this injection was successful! I have a little folding cart to bring my groceries from the car to my apartment too. Best 75 bucks I ever spent! It's a godsend. I don't even care that many people call them "granny carts!" I load up and wheel my granny cart with pride!

  11. Oh yay! You knew what you needed. Glad you got someone to listen.

    1. The doctor who set my tibia five or so years ago recommended this fellow when I told him the other shot had been such a disaster. "I'll send you to the fellow who can get the job done!" and he did. I sent both doctors a thank you email and both answered. I guess they don't get enough notes like that.

  12. It seems this team of docs/techs worked their magic well. Feeling the full effect of the shot in a day will be wonderful. I bet the wire shopping carts on wheels are available on Amazon. You'll have to take a look and find the right model.

    1. I ordered one and it will be on my doorstep before I need it. I can't tell you how wonderful it was to go into the grocery store and not send my sister, and use an actual cart instead of balancing a loaf of bread and a pound of butter on the walker tray!

  13. it's four months, not three, but being free of the walker is reason to celebrate for sure. I hope you find a cart for your groceries soon.

  14. That is exciting news! I'm so happy to read about the progress and the added mobility. Hurrah!!

  15. Well that sounds much better. I hope it works for a while.

  16. l've heard cortisone can be very effective and I'm glad that's what you got this time! The cart sounds like an excellent idea.

  17. Finding the right kit to make life easier is essential. I'm sure things exist somewhere.

  18. I am so happy for you Joanne! This is the best news!

  19. There's nothing like being able to be independent. Kudos to you. I'm a tad jealous of your shot, however, since I've had sciatic pain daily for several weeks now and just haven't decided if I want to see a chiropractor or go to my dr. for a shot -- he'll no doubt give me a sheet of exercises to do, which I have been doing, but not religiously and they don't help. So hope your shot works the magic for you. Pain is such a PITA! LOL Huggers ....

  20. I am glad that the shot worked the miracle it is supposed to. Surely there must be a good neighbour who could help you indoors with your packages. I would hope so at least.

    1. I live in the country, on a mile long road with fewer than ten homes. I cannot see any of my neighbor's homes for the trees. So, the cart for me.

  21. Congratulations. As someone who is experiencing some issues, I get it,

  22. Great news about the injection. The cart for getting items into the house will be a great help.

  23. Sounds like this time you had a team who knew exactly what they were doing and hurray for that!

  24. Glad you had success with this shot. What a difference it has made for you already! Thank goodness, for doctors that know what they are doing!

  25. I am so glad this was better than last time. Arthritis really is a PITA.

  26. What good news, Joanne! I'm happy for you.
