
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Moving on

Back from my favorite hip doctor. He had good news and bad news. I do not need a new hip; the old hip actually is in decent shape. The bad news is, if I ever did need a hip replacement he doubts any doctor would undertake it. He finally made me understand my bone situation. 

Bones look like bones on an x-ray, all white. Flesh is sort of transparent; on an x-ray you can see through it to the bones. My bones look like flesh, transparent. Any doctor would pass, from fear of breaking bones. I see why the fellow who fixed my femur was so happy the old hip replacement stayed so firmly in place and the worst of his job was to wrap the broken bone in a lot of wire and screw it down.

I guess I'll keep having those Reclast infusions, and stop breaking bones. So the plan is to reopen my physical therapy sessions at the local health center. Tomorrow. 

The order for the next round of thread has been placed. Except for yellow, I won't be dipping into it for a bit. I want to finish much of what is on the shelf, count my remaining inventory and know how many towels I will cost out at the current cost. How's that for a former accountant's accounting?

Blake is still helping me with my web page. We're up to SEO's. Search Engine Optimization. Those are words people are most likely to search looking for kitchen towels. They're tucked away behind the scene and help the web page appear higher on a search list. I also told him he can have the last of my kitchen gizmos and gadgets for the new house.

So, that is me, as up to date as I possibly can be. My life will be weaving and physical therapy for the foreseeable future, and hopefully a lunch or two with Beth and Ruth. Right now I'm weaving Denim Blue.

There is little left to weave of my old colors and old warp. My estimate is one more new warp on the loom and the old thread will be gone!


  1. I hope the therapy give you some relief, Joanne.

  2. Now you know, I guess. Did the dr. give you a reason why your bones have lost so much density? -Jenn

    1. It's an hereditary problem. My mother, me, my oldest daughter. My younger sister and my younger daughter are off free.

  3. At least you now have a full picture and a plan going forward. Bone health is complicated and primary care docs, even with all the required bone density tests women have, are not always forthcoming with proactive bone care. Your new web site sounds very high tech.

  4. Ghost bones, wow! that is something! Physical therapy undoubtedly will help. Probably won't be fun, demanding maybe but your muscles will be grateful!

  5. Hari OM no falling off the weaving stool, 'kay?! While not the best of pictures, at least you have full view now and can work accordingly - so the weave and physio plan seems to me to be worth filling your days with. That and the odd lunch and a book or several! YAM xx

  6. No more bone breaking! I love that denim blue. Makes me wish I had a blue kitchen.

  7. Looks like you are stocking up with towels for the summer show, Joanne. You most certainly will be ready. Do those Reclast infusions have side effects? I realize that perhaps you haven't any choice at this point, but just curious.

  8. That was a stunning description of your bones. Maybe I will reconsider taking some calcium. It's good that your original hip is holding up.

  9. Growing old is NOT for sissies.

  10. Search Engine Optimization sounds like a super idea to help promote your towel sales -- the more people who can find your site, the better!

  11. Stopping breaking bones sounds like a very good plan. Keep to it please.
    Love that denim blue and hope your therapy goes well.
    I am going each week - and hope that my balance becomes more reliable.

  12. I'm glad to hear your hip is in good shape and hope the physical therapy helps with the pain. I hope the bone strengthening injections do a great job and you have no more breaks. The denim blue is a nice colour.

  13. Work hard on your physio therapy. It pays big dividends.

  14. I'm glad you have a clear idea now of how to go forward. Physio's hard work, but you're never afraid of that. Snd dividing your time between making beautiful things and keeping strong sounds very good for now.

  15. Yay hip replacement for holding up, but still not the best news from your doctor. At least you now know what’s what.

  16. Well that is a good explanation for all the broken bones you have had. In your case I guess the Reclast infusions are pretty important. Hopefully the physical therapy sessions will make a big difference for you.

  17. Thanks for the update. I think of you often when you are not writing here.

  18. Do keep up with the Reclast infusions and of course the weaving, it looks a lovely lot of towels you have made.

  19. You certainly do get weaving! Literally!!
    Thankfully the Doc's news wasn't all bad xx

  20. I've just had an idea! You could make masks from the off-cuts. They would be really stylish!

  21. Weaving and PT. Sounds like a very constructive use of time!

  22. Sounds like you keep busy with your craft. The only weaving I've done was as a kid making pot holders so it will be fun to see what you're working on. Happy news indeed on your hip situation. Spotted you on a mutual friends blog and thought I'd pop in to say hi. It's always fun to meet new bloggers.
    Sandy's Space

  23. Glad you're starting the PT again. I'm also happy to see all the towels you have there.

  24. Hope the PT helps and you have no more breaks. Falling is one of my big fears now. Good luck with the weaving!

  25. Were you advised to also increase calcium and Vitamin D? I know you need the infusions but getting more calcium and Vit D is another layer that can't hurt. Be extra careful, my friend! An ounce of prevention, and all that :)

  26. Oh dear, so physical therapy is the order of the day.. do hope it will relieve any pain you have and help your hip.

  27. Glad to know your hip is in good shape and you don't need a hip replacement. But sorry to hear your bones are too fragile for surgery. Here's hoping you don't need any.

  28. Fragile bones sounds scary. No more knick knack paddy wack give the dog a bone. All the best

  29. With the kind of news you got about your bones it's a very good thing that you don't need a hip replacement. The therapy should help a lot.

  30. It's better to know as many facts as possible, as far as I'm concerned. I don't like surprises. The PT should help you with strength and balance.

  31. The Denim blue actually looks grey.
    Yes, last time I was in for a bone scan they told me that I had the bones of an eighty five year old. Then again, I was sixty-five at the time.

  32. Thank goodness you were able to heal OK with that awful fall that you had. I've had 3 reclast infusions and they're telling me I can't have anymore. I have to switch to a different type. Hmmm...

  33. Dear Joanne, thanks so much for explaining about the bone density or rather the lack of it. I am wondering what you can do or are doing to keep from breaking another bone. Are you having to be thinking all the time about it as you walk or work or whatever when you are moving your legs especially. And yet you keep working at your passion of making these gorgeous towels. I admire you greatly. And think myself truly fortunate to have met you through blogging. Peace.
