
Sunday, February 6, 2022

What I did today

For two days I wove on the new warp. The color is plum, and I wove it a long time ago. I load the colors to the web from a file on my computer, and there is a plum towel file, March 2, 2020. I had just begun selling the towels in 2020. This should be plum towels by week's end.

There were some naps in the new chair this weekend. I could become overly accustomed to having my feet up and my head down.

I have a short stack of books on my filing cabinet that I ordered before I broke my leg. They began with Suzanne and Gertrude, a novel by Jeb Loy Nichols. It is very short, a 133 page work of very good fiction. 

It is the book I set out to order, after a small mention in, I think, The NY Times. Or else The Washington Post, both of which I have been strong armed to honor the pay wall. If you click through your cancellation email, to the last chance before NoThanks, they counter offer a year for $40, not $100.  I wonder what will happen next year.

So, Amazon got me, too. I ordered S&G, and it sent me a screen offering me a couple more books, since I liked that book. And I also ordered The Elephant Whisperer and Trooper. I have not tackled them yet, and wonder how they can interest me like S&G did.

It is a year in the life of a fairy non-verbal woman, except with her lifetime friend down the road. She is married to a man who intends to make the world better by doing the right thing. Suzanne cannot comprehend his plan of doing the right thing. Eventually he goes, to circulate among various refugee crisis centers, first in Europe and eventually hardcore centers, like Syria.

One morning Suzanne awoke to a donkey in her pasture. "Her days are a word-shy negotiation, caught between indifference and uncertainty. Into this world comes Gertrude, a wandering donkey. Together they form an unlikely alliance; each protecting the solitude of the other."

Other than that, it's the snow! We had another 18", and are not out, yet. Our snow remover needs to have a snow blower repair finished to unearth cars and the sidewalk. He estimates finishing tomorrow, and that will get me to my hair appointment Tuesday.


  1. Towels, books, chair naps. Rinse, repeat. May your supplies last as long as the snow!

  2. Naps are a thing of great enjoyment ! Nothing I like better these days. The plum is such a pleasing color for more towels. I am loving my towels so much, Could use another yellow one for it's cheeriness, seems to be my favorite right now. No worries , I can wait until you get around to yellow again.I have green, white, red and gold so ...not like I am desperate or anything.

  3. I love a good book too.
    Gosh, we have hardly any snow this winter. We had our biggest dump last week. It was very fluffy and drifty and looked like a blizzard when the snowblower was in action. We have maybe a foot or a foot and a half on the ground

  4. That colour looks like cloud purple to me, when storms are brewing.
    I have become very accustomed to feet-up head-down naps in my chair.

  5. That plum is a beautiful shade of colour!

  6. Happy reading. And napping. And weaving...

  7. A word to the wise: why don't you try reading e-books from the public library service? I get mine through Borrowbox. Costs nothing and lots to choose from!

    1. Most of my books are audio books. Right now I'm "reading" a compelling book about beavers, who fashioned the landscape of North America before colonization.

  8. The plum towels are going to be so pretty.

  9. They will look very regal - thats a very purple looking plum 😊

  10. Hari Om
    Thanks for naming a book I'd never heard of... and went down the rabbit tunnel of locating here! Have it tabbed - again I say, I must reduce the TBR file by at least 50% before adding any more. All your colours are pretty! YAM xx

  11. Where are they putting all that snow? We don’t get as much as yo, but it sure stays for the whole winter.

  12. Weather here is nice. Chilly mornings and then a warm window of time to be outside, after which I willingly succumb to the comforts of my chair! With dogs, of course.

  13. The plum is glorious!
    Your new chair sounds like it is glorious too. My husband spends a lot of time in his chair when he isn't outside working. I remember when I broke my ribs and he let me use it for my nest. It was amazingly comfortable.

  14. OOO, I like the plum. It's finally warming up here. I'm reading a book, fiction, about two couples whose babies were switched at birth. The kids are now two and the switch has been discovered.

  15. After all the weaving, a chair that accommodates a mid-day nap is essential. 18" of new snow is amazing. Removing the snow in time for your appointment is perfect timing. Let's hope you've reached your quota for snow this Winter.

  16. The weather systems you have eventually cross our island too. It’s been a bad snow season! Love that plum colour.

  17. Those books sound interesting. Snow, ugh! I hope we don't get any more. February is usually our month but perhaps it came early this year.

  18. I just placed an order for Gertrude and Suzanne. Thank you for the recommendation.

  19. So much snow, Joanne! So good to have something to read while sitting cozily inside.

  20. I'm pretty sure I ordered a plum towel before? To send to my husband's daughter in Kentucky. Anyway, your colors are always beautiful. The snow! 18 MORE inches. It makes me cold to think about it. Funny how some of us retire and move south to escape the snow and then spend our "winters" missing it.

    1. The snow in front of the garage has not been touched. It looks like a "snow ocean", about 50" of snow, slowly sinking.

    2. I recorded colors sold, but not who bought them. However, I had only three plum to sell when I started out, and odds are you bought one or more.

  21. Loads of snow in your neck of the woods, Joanne! Weekend naps are the best.

  22. Sounds like a wonderful chair and a good read, wonderful combination for staying cozy inside.

  23. "a wandering donkey." Hmm, sounds political

  24. I can't believe how much snow you guys are getting. Hopefully it ends real soon. Enjoy your napping chair and all of your reading materials.

  25. Suzanne and Gertrude sounds very original. I must seek it out. I've boycotted Amazon for several years now, I order books through Waterstones instead.

    1. It is very well written. Quite short, only 130 odd pages. I read it in a day, though I stayed up past bedtime to do so.

  26. You can probably read current newspapers on your library's website with your library card. Save some backs.
