
Sunday, January 16, 2022

What to say

It's snowing. We are not forecast for the big blow coming out of Minnesota, looping down to Florida and up the East Coast. Actually, only a few inches are in our future, and I'm unhappy. On the whole, that is because I needn't be happy about the cold, the wet, the snow.

I quit listening to a book today. If you wonder how many ways I enjoy weaving, one is listening to audio books. I decided to look into Janice Hadlow's The Other Bennet Sister. She's just brought William Collins, the nephew, into her version of Pride and Prejudice, and I turned it off and quit weaving for today. I thought I was OK with hearing Mary's personal triumph (I believe), but listening to his entire adventure too was beyond my endurance. I quit it and quit weaving for the day. 

I realize I've listened to all the books currently downloaded once. I may tackle a couple a second time, before relinquishing them. I'm long overdue to read The Road to Wigan Pier. It was excellent and I will read it again. Carly Simon's Touched by the Sun also merits a second read. It's about her relationship with Jackie Kennedy.

What else? It seems I am a rant depository. My friend Ann called me recently, not on a usual Monday, with a complex and complicated rant, "because they don't go past you!" Of course they don't. I simply cannot remember the contents of the first sentence when she has reached the third. 

A look at my photos produced nothing worth sharing, so I'll just sign off until next time.


  1. Hari OM
    Audio books are great for allowing one to be busy at the same time as imbibing literature. Currently I am on one of the #1 Ladies Detective Agency books by Alexander McCall Smith, beautifully read. The reader can make all the difference to how one receives the book... Rest well my friend. YAM xx

  2. "A rant depository" -- what a delightful turn of phrase, LOL!

  3. I do a lot of my stitching and sewing and knitting and cooking, well, practically everything except walking, to an audio book. And I agree with Yamini that the reader makes all the difference.

    So you get to hear the rants. That's a compliment, really.

  4. We expect some snow but not the full storm that I was looking forward to. It is still below freezing but is expected to be 40 degrees in a day. You are a good friend to be on the receiving end of a rant. Ann is a lucky girl and I'm sure she feels all the better after her rant...

  5. I love other people's rants because they usually, not always, help me get perspective. I save most of my venting for the blog. Therapeutic writing. Snow, ugh. I've had my fill for this winter.

  6. It looks like we are going to take a good hit from that blizzard blowing up from the south. We're ready, bring it on. I have some good books to read, a basket of knitting at hand and a kettle humming away on the wood burner if we lose power.

  7. Stay warm, stay safe.
    I have not yet dived into audio books. Some day. Perhaps.

  8. It's always disappointing when books don't meet expectations. I don't think I will ever do audio books, I like to see the words on the page.

  9. To listen to audio-books while weaving sounds great. Is it Carly Simon the singer?
    Ranting I do in the morning: after the first cup of coffee I open my Macbook and type into my top-secret diary - unload the good and the bad, then shut the computer and the sun to rise in my heart. (If I am not able to do that, my soul-life becomes complicated).

  10. Right now we are in the throes of the biggest snowfall of the season. Looks like the driveway will need to be shovelled twice today. Maybe the strong young guy across the street will lend a helping hand.

  11. Rant all you want! By coincidence, our youngest son has been discussing audio books and a friend of his that has stayed with us is another audiophile (is that a word??). I love my Kindle and paperbacks or hardbacks. I've only ever listened to one book, and that was years ago. As for snow--we're supposed to get a bit of rain later today. As someone said above, "Bring it on!" LOL And I had no idea that Jackie Kennedy and Carly Simon were friends. Now there's a revelation, for sure!

  12. Carly Simon's songs are so clever. If her book is as good it's worth reading.

  13. I have begun an audio book, my first in some tme.

  14. I have some audio titles on my To be read list. Thanks for the heads up about Carly Simon's book. Stay warm. It is chilly and cloudy here today.

  15. My sister listens to a lot of audio books. I don't. Don't have a device or an app or earphones for that matter. I should probably look into it as I spend hours model making or filling molds in silence.

  16. Does your library have an audio book downloading app? I use one called Libby and it keeps me in books.
    I loved what you said about not remembering the first sentence when the ranter has reached the third!
    Going to actually be chilly here for awhile too. But no snow. Frost, probably.

  17. Hmm..if you are having Weather, we will get a version of it in a week or two's time..I have a small pile of books waiting for Weather!

  18. I don’t have the attention span for audio books. Maybe if I was working on a project it would be different.

  19. I am one of your regular readers from WIGAN.
    Things have improved here since the writings of George Orwell x

  20. Thanks for reminding me of The Road to Wigan Pier. It's among the hundreds on my shelves waiting to be read but I haven't thought of it in years.

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