
Friday, January 7, 2022

Well, I paid another due!

 In case you have not paid incredibly close attention, I am in a business that must collect sales taxes, and pay up occasionally. In my case that is twice a year, January and July. We lucky fools use the Ohio Business Gateway. For all it's fine name, it's a complex program that is easy after twenty years of bi-annual use, and probably a year of daily use. I'll never be in either category again.

Texting back and forth with my sister I discovered her Ohio sales were sufficient to earn a five dollar discount. That's another joke; the discount for collecting, banking and then remitting "their" money does not cover the cost of the credit cards we collect it on. And that's a really old gripe.

Speaking of gripes, my left heel and sole of my foot hurt enough to cry, if I wanted to. I just moan and shuffle. I see the surgeon who repaired my femur on Tuesday. I'm beginning to wonder if they pinned my ankle somehow to aid in screwing in that long shaft. I sure will ask him.

I believe I mentioned the EMT fellows cut off ALL my clothes down to my skivvies before they transported me. My favorite front button fleece--zip--up the sleeve, across the shoulder seem, twice and it was history. And I know all their names and begged them not to cut anything. Today I asked Amazon to send me a new fleece jacket. But first I had to find it.

"Front button fleece jacket" only returned pullovers with decorative buttons on the front. Fools. Eventually I flipped enough pages to find a category, For the Older Woman. After I got over the aspersion I clicked, and there they were! Front button fleece jackets. I bought an even better one. A green, Aran knit, front button cotton jacket. Sadly, I cannot copy the picture to show it off. Oh, well.


  1. Hari OM
    but when it arrives you will take a selfie of you modelling that fancy new jacket, so that will do!!! I so hope there will be answers about your pain... YAM xx

  2. Why do they do this? The best jeans handsome partner ever had were cut off him in what was not an emergency, nothing broken, plenty of time, I knew from experience, for me to ease them off him. They get knife happy, I think. Anyway I'm glad you've found a good replacement for your jacket.

  3. Shopping for clothing online is a pain at times (less than your foot/leg, no doubt!) but occasionally, we hit on a winner. I think you're going to enjoy your new jacket. I found a flannel nightgown and after it arrived, I thought to myself, "I should have ordered 2!" So I went online and ordered a second one in blue (first was yellow/beige). Having clothing that feels good makes one feel good.

  4. I hope the doctors have a solution for your sore foot. And congrats on tracking down a new fleece jacket in the exact style you wanted!

  5. Your new warm fleece jacket in green sounds lovely. If it is really cold, you can add a long sleeve cotton shirt in a complementing color underneath. The surgeon must resolve this foot pain. Have him review the X-ray with you. Alternatively, you could seek a second opinion. Doing rehab/PT when in great pain is nearly impossible. I'd put this in writing...

  6. I'll have to have a look at Amazon and see what the jacket looks like. I hope they find a fixable reason for your left ankle and heel.

  7. What a time you continue to have.

  8. That sounds like a great jacket! The pain does NOT sound good; we can't avoid using those particular body parts. Hope it can be figured out!

  9. Well O hope they can get to the bottom of that. You have been through more than enough! As for the new jacket, you can model it after it comes...

  10. It seems like taxes are never anything but a pain. I sure hope your doctor can do something about your heel and foot pain.
    Your new jacket sounds nice. Amazon does help with shopping like that.

  11. I so hope that you can get relief. And hooray for finding another jackets. As YAM says, a photo when it arrives will be appreciated.
    Sigh on the tax front. Definitely a necessary evil.

  12. I hope they find out quickly about your foot pain. That's the kind of pain especially hard to take. But glad to hear that you have an even nicer front button jacket coming!

  13. Another hoping here that your foot pain can be sorted. Working further up your leg will have affected it, to be sure.
    Yes, a portrait with the new fleece when it arrives please!
    Agreed, some are knife happy and far too eager, although it is an action needed at times.

  14. I always admire your resourcefulness.

  15. Oh, man, there is not much worse than foot pain. I hope you can get it resolved. I have decided that anything designed and designated for Older Women is far better than the tosh flogged off on the youngsters. We know quality when we see it.

  16. Foot pain obviously affects everything else you do. I hope that can be resolved. Regarding clothing, you never know what you might discover at the Thrift Store, if only you could get there.

  17. Your fleece jacket sounds lovely. Glad you found one you liked. I hope the doctor can help with your foot, Joanne. It sounds excruciating.

  18. Hope you get relief for your foot soon.
    It is funny when searching for things online that the descriptions obvious to us don't often bring up what we are looking for! We have to keep searching and guessing where the computer might have it hidden! Good work on discovering the jacket you wanted!

  19. I wonder what in the world that foot pain could be. Nerve damage, perhaps? I sure hope the doctor has some answers. Nothing can affect quality of life like pain.
    And may your jacket be delivered quickly and (most importantly) to the correct address!

  20. What's that old song? Dem Bones? The leg bone's connected to the knee bone, the knee bone's connected to the ankle bone... or however it goes. A change of gait (or lack of gait) maybe has affected other things? I hope you get some answers soon, because as others have said, foot pain is a tough one to ignore. Take care! -Jenn

  21. I'm glad you found a replacement for your jacket. Why would they cut off a jacket when it was your leg that broke? It must be some form of entertainment for them.

  22. I sympathize with your distress at losing the jacket. Once upon a time the EMTs cut off my good leather jacket. Good that you found another only better jacket.

  23. Yup, the EMTs love cutting off the clothing. A friend of ours broke his collar bone falling off his bike, and the EMT that came for him offered him the option of not cutting it off. It hurt like hell, but they did remove it intact.
    I went out to Amazon looking for your sweater, but couldn't find it. I did find another item with this description "Versatile Older Ladies Clothing – Whatever the season, this easy-fitting grandma sweaters embroidered for women is great for many occasions." I did not know grandma had become a clothing type.
    Good luck with the foot, nothing sucks as much as a hurt foot.

  24. Why did they have to cut off your sweater for a broken hip? (you can plainly tell that I am not an EMT)

  25. You are lucky to have found a fleece replacement you like even better. All too often when I try to replace something, it's no longer made.

  26. Hi, Joanne.
    I'm Robyn, and it's nice to meet a new great person and blogger. I know that you're great, because I found you through Debra's post about my book, InSanity.

    May 2022 be a year of improved health, and emotional and physical strength.
    Take care.

  27. A shame they had to cut off all your clothes - especially your favourite fleece. Was that really necessary, I wonder?

  28. YAY for front-button fleece jackets!

  29. Thanks for sharing the blog so well and I hope you have something new for me to study.
