
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Nancy Drew in overdrive


Coming home from the doctor appointment today my phone took an email from a loyal follower that said, in essence, where are the pages about how to buy towels that should be at the top of your blog? Well, Linda, I've searched several hours for an answer and do not have one. There must be an answer, and Nancy and I will not quit until we solve this one.

The poor doctor burst into the room, x-ray copies flapping and said he wished all the rest of his difficult cases were progressing at the rate of this difficult case. Pause for happy remark from me, and he heard "Doctor, my heel hurts, my foot hurts, my calves are swollen and filled with fluid, and finally, my legs are noticeably different lengths and causing my hip to hurt when I take a step."

Poor fellow. He helped me peel away my shoe, sock and orthopedic stocking to take a look. Everywhere he poked or prodded, there was a reaction! We agreed on a visit to an orthopedic shoe maker. I may be cured by the time that comes around on February second.

There was quite a surprise on the way home. I wonder if I ever reported the cure to Akron-Peninsula road caving into the Cuyahoga River was to cut a new road through the leading edge of the golf course. I turned on A-P and could go home up Truxell, past my golf course.

And here's another shot, isolating my willow even more:

Nothing worth saving, but fun to know it all still exists, though a bit more shabby. And no great heron.

I've decided, until I find the missing pages problem, I'll just put a link to the towel site at the top and bottom of my pages.



  1. Hari OM
    glad the road plans are on dely - probs the COVID thing, but that's okay.

    Meanwhile Joanne, (and fellow followers) REMEMBER THAT THE IMAGE AT TOP OF SIDEBAR IS THE LINK TO THE TOWELS. It is a seperate website now a not a page. Which is why it is not on the pages tab... YAM xx

  2. Keep that doctor in line! I'm curious how a proper shoe is supposed to help all of those symptoms. Maybe a trip to a second opinion doc? But I'm sure you're getting sick of supporting them all. Move carefully. Linda in Kansas

    1. Not sure about the fluid on the calves, but everything else can be attributed to walking 'crooked'. An orthopedic shoe or insert will put everything back into alignment.

  3. If your litany of problems is great progress, I'd hate to see the issues of a patient not making wonderful progress.

    I'm impressed that you keep on driving, getting where you need to be, anyway.

  4. Your poor Doctor, think you were doing so well then you hit him with the foot and legs problem. I do really, truly, hope this is something easily and quickly fixable.

  5. So, you had to go and ruin that doctor’s dat. So thoughtless. 😎😀

  6. I am glad you spoke up although it burst the doctor's bubble. Hope the missing page shows up again!

  7. Can Nancy Drew solve the Mystery of the Missing Page? Better call in the Hardy Boys to assist!

  8. I see that 'where the towels live' has returned.
    I do hope that your other issues can be resolved. And soon.

    1. Hari Om
      EC - "where the towels live' is only a record of the towels that have been bought and what folk are doing with them. The sales "page" is a totally different site - as mentioned in my comment above. Yxx

  9. Don't you just hate those overly smarmy doctors. My pet peeve is the one where they ask, "How are WE doing today?" My former doctor retired during COVID and I have not seen her replacement in person, but on line she seems to be very pleasant, and all business! And that's good. I can go out and talk to the birds if I need incidental chitchat!

  10. You have incredible spirit, Joanne. You inspire me!

  11. That doc irritates the hell out of me. Assumptions!! Patting himself on the back. Well I hope your poor legs get better and quickly.


  12. Oh, Joanne! So much going on and too much pain and the stress of worry must be fierce. Orthotics may well help but that's not going to take care of all of it.

  13. Willow trees are very hardy and do well under all sorts of conditions - like some people. Keep on thriving Joanne! I hate it when things just disappear from the computer without rhyme or reason.

  14. I'm a big fan of second opinions. Living in such pain is just not the way to live. Why do the docs not see this??? Would this doc allow himself to live with the pain you are experiencing...I don't think so!

  15. It goes to show how out of touch many doctors are. I'm glad you let him have it and will (hopefully) get some relief!

  16. Which leg is longer, the one with the metal bone or the one without? All this pain and problem is with the broken leg? Well, I do hope it resolves soon. Hopefully the shoe will even things out.

  17. I hope you can solve all of the mysteries, Joanne, and I hope you are right about being healed up before you go see the shoe maker. Sorry that you are not closer to a resolution with your health problems.

  18. Oh my gosh, Joanne. Everything sounds so painful.
