
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Brain fog?

 I'm just beginning to understand how much of my dilemma with the newest Blogger is not my fault,  unless there was some manual issued with the last upgrade, whenever that was. In fact, I did not miss the missing pages under the banner until a reader pointed out their demise.

A new page there was added or subtracted on its regular blogger maintenance page, as I recall. We went to the layout page, for my purposes, only for changes to gadgets, and they were rather drag and drop complicated. Well, here's the real deal: you now fiddle with pages under their gadget in the layout page, too. Just another rule to memorize!

I've put back the Towels for Sale page. It's somewhat different; it lists the current color wheel with the option to click on it to go to my web page, It shows the current towel finished, and will list all the colors I've made. I just finished the Brick set of towels, a color I see I did not weave in the past.

When I have some spare time, I may stop and list every color towel I have woven. I'm nearing the end of the current warp, so these last towels are a run of cream.

I am through with the at home physical therapists. That has not been an entire success, though I have improved visit over visit in these sessions. I will pick up again with Akron General, but not until the weather improves.

I made it to a doctor appointment today, but only because strong young women and men finished clearing our drive and behind my car. They left my car, according to K, the lone getaway car. I hope it is not a long winter!


  1. Hari OM
    Sorted! Determination won the day. I too wish for you that the winter is short - those physio sessions are important! YAM xx

  2. Keep up the good work. Getting the most out of PT is important and you've managed this beautifully. It appears you got the snow and I got ice and rain. Both are challenging. Spring can't come soon enough.

  3. I'm glad you made it out. And yes, this is the time we hope for a mild winter. I've been wearing my lovely corduroy coat out walking. It's starting to hang better now that it's learning my shape, you know how clothes have to mold themselves. I love it.

  4. "The lone getaway car" makes you sound like such a badass, you!

  5. Glad you could get to your appointment with the shovel brigade behind you. I am tired of winter too but I fear it is just winding up.

  6. Try to do some of the repetitive exercises the PTs gave you to keep your hip and feet recovering. Just don't shovel any snow. That won't count for correct PT. Linda in Kansas

  7. Great that you had help with escaping. And that new colour is absolutely lovely.


  8. I also hope it is a short winter and you are soon able to get out and about again. Just keep doing the exercises and take things easy until then.

  9. Glad that the therapy is helping and that you're getting out. I love your towels and have to convince myself that I don't need any more! (that's hard)

  10. One of the other glitches I have noticed with Blogger lately is that comments aren't actually posting. One has to double check hours later to confirm they're present.

  11. I am so glad that you made it out. Hooray for determination.

  12. Good to see community pulling together to help each other.

  13. I'm pleased to see you gradually making progress. You had us all extremely concerned.

  14. It's -26F here this morning, and I don't see much of a break for the rest of the month, but maybe it is better where you are.

  15. Your are nothing if not resilient and determined, Joanne.

  16. I'm glad to know you have improved. Those towels are beautiful!

  17. I've sort of just given up on trying to change anything on my site. It all makes me feel completely inadequate.

  18. I hate that they got rid of the quick edit pencil icon where you could make changes from the blog itself. I've been trying to edit the list of blogs I read on my sidebar via the layout and gadget function only no matter how many times I click on the trash can it won't save the deletion. I'm going to have to delete the gadget and rebuild it.

    1. Click on the trash can then scroll to the bottom and click "save"?

  19. It's wonderful that strong people dug out your car. It has quit snowing here, it's eerie, makes a person wonder what February will be like.

  20. I like the Brick color of towels. That is a color you see more these days. How nice for you to have help with the driveway! A neighbor boy shoveled our driveway last week without me even asking him. Good people are worth their weight in gold!

  21. I follow your blog as part of my morning with all of My Quiet Life in Suffolk followers. I have just finished reading a book called "The Fabric of Civilization" by Virginia Postrel. It is the history of fabric dating back thousands of years., starting with linen and silk. If you have not read it, you might find it interesting. I have renewed admiration of your weaving talents. Though I have knitted for nearly 60 years, I had little knowledge of the weaving process other than a child's square loom used with loops of fabric to make pot holders. r,

    1. We tell little girls that potholders are how every weaver begins!

  22. My two family members live in Illinois and Ohio, and they are also tired of snow. Having kind people help is a gift. Keep well, keep safe.

  23. You need a Clyde to join you in the getaway car, Bonnie. Love the brick.


  24. You complain of the cold, as do may of the other bloggers just now. How would you like days in a row of 40 decrees C? These extreme weather events are driving everybody mad. I have just posted a blog about life in the Perth heatwave. Not sure which is worse.

  25. I always admire how young people clear snow from older people's drives in America. I hope the same happens here in the suburbs, but I doubt it.

  26. My blog design is the same one I started with in 2007. I've never dared to change it as I'm sure I would run into numerous technical problems and spend the next week trying to sort everything out. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, as they say.

  27. OMG - I LOVE the new "Where the Towels Live" page. I'm sending you a picture now.

  28. Having just returned to Blogger I must say it seems a bit harder to use too. You're doing well.
