
Thursday, November 11, 2021

The state of nursing homes

I was impressed at the apparent number of rooms and the ease of moving me through the system. Outside a mask outside every room I used there seemed no special protocols. I have since learned last week was the most "normal" since Covid began eighteen months ago.

K came to see me here at Regina and brought "comforts", my very own pillow, for instance. Tom came in the next night with some overlooked items. Then I got a roommate, and no one was allowed in the room. I needed to be able to get into a wheelchair and meet a guest somewhere, wearing mask. 

The next time Tom came, he was not allowed past the front door. His package was taken and delivered.

Then my roommate's daughter called, looking for Mary, who was off being showered. Chris said we were under quarantine.

I quizzed a nurse at first opportunity and learned those twice weekly Covid swabs have a purpose. A hands on worker on our floor has Covid. We are quarantined for a week. No one on or off the floor.

Physical therapy lugs all the equipment to this floor to drill us. It's probably hardest on them. 

Rehab happens; it's harder on the people dispensing it.


  1. Precautions are necessary! Sounds like the staff are on top of things. And there's nothing quite like your own pillow, is there?

  2. Hari OM
    Sigh... the biggest hurdle facing society now is the acceptance that COVID has not gone away... Glad you are getting some comforts at least... YAM xx

  3. Yes the poor staff everywhere have far more work to do and fewer people to do it.

  4. Hospital/rehab stays are very different with covid lurking. Great that you are fully vaccinated. Stay with the rehab as this will make your stronger and prepare you to return home. I also agree with Tom and Britta about getting some treatment for building bones.

  5. I am glad you are in a hospital getting good care, in spite of the quarantine. Will the treatment include calcium for your bone strengthening?

  6. I'm happy that they're being careful and that rehab is proceeding. And that you're mending!

  7. Boy I'm glad you are vaccinated. Stay healthy.

  8. Lordy, what next? Here's hoping the "hands-on worker" didn't pass on the virus to anyone else ...

    I love Laura's witch outfit. Very updated :)

    Take care, Joanne. xx

  9. I hope the quarantine time passes quickly for you.

  10. I am glad they are keeping you safe, Joanne. I know it's an awful nuisance. but it seems they have an abundance of caution happening.

    Stay on improving.


  11. Wowsers on Laura's outfit! Looking good! LOL So very glad you're in good hands. P.T. is a pain (literally) but it will rebuild what's broken and that's important. Still thinking healing thoughts for you... hugs, T

  12. Wishing you a speedy and uncomplicated recovery, Joanne! It's good to hear from you.

  13. Oh my! I hope you continue to be well. I love Laura's ensemble. More hugs!

  14. Holy cow what an adventure- not for sissies!! I am so glad you are being well cared for but , dang , sounds prison-ish to me! Be well soon, strong bone thoughts to you!

  15. What a pain that you are quarantined and can't have visitors. Good luck with the rehab. I hope you have books or something to help pass the time. I'm sending you lots of healing thoughts!

  16. I hope this comment goes through, and am very pleased that rehab continues to happen.

  17. I have always loved your positive and humorous approach to life. It will help you. Recover quickly.

  18. Keep up your spirits - you seem to be doing so well so far.

  19. Quarantine does bring its problems doesn't it? Keep getting well, Joanne. You are going to need that leg for a few more years yet.

  20. It's the patients' revenge on the physios! Look after yourself.

  21. Covid sure has taken its toll on nursing homes. Lockdowns are a way of life. Stay safe and heal quickly, Joanne.

  22. I am glad they are being careful with you. My daughter has Covid now and she was vaccinated so she is recovering at home. So far she has felt pretty crummy but is getting stronger each day.
    Hope your recovery continues to be safe and speedy!

  23. Hope you don't need to stay there too long xx

  24. Yay for the physical therapy. Last night I was thinking about you and hoping that you weren't in one of those place that leaves you in bed with no movement. Carry on, get stronger.

  25. I sure hope your stay there will be a short one. At least they are bringing the PT to you.

  26. As if your situation wasn't difficult enough...

  27. Well, Joanne, at least you don't have to worry about where your meals are coming from...

  28. Another fly in the ointment for you.

  29. It's unfortunate a carer tested positive, but it's fortunate that they check. I hope you're mended and home soon.


  30. I am glad you are vaccinated!

    I must say, you're doing well navigating this particular challenge in your life. You remind me of Weaver, with your practical approach to difficult times.

  31. I wonder if that person who tested positive was vaccinated. It seems the general consensus being reached in the scientific community is that covid is here to stay. Now it's all about management. Eventually they think it will just be like the flu with the same level of mortality. I hope you get home soon.

  32. Wow! What a terrible time to be going through all this. I feel so awful for you, Joanne.

  33. I am sorry this is happening to you. This is why it's not good to have a government in charge that pays the younger able bodied to stay home and procreate voters.
