
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Not much to say

I'm here, and unpacked. I've found the pie bird and the night light. Who could ask for anything more?  I could... Three weeks since the one block move occurred.

Unpacking was not as straightforward as packing. I moved into two rooms, not three. Many boxes labelled Kitchen are now on the shelving in the laundry room, labelled Laura. More should meet the same fate, but not now.

In the beginning I unpacked for an hour and took an hour nap. It worked well, until I got the courage to work for two hours, then three or four, and move around some furniture, and some other occupations of moving. 

Somehow, I've hurt myself, enough to warrant a trip to the ER, then to a new primary care physician, and now a referral to a hip specialist, with notation of hip replacement. The only good news that I have to infuse (to quote an Irish anti-English song) is that I called the department, read the strange words and numbers off the referral slip and heard the scheduler say "We must get you in within two days." And so they did. Tomorrow I meet a specialist to begin the discussion.

This hip problem has been ongoing, cumulative. I did not move anything too big, shift anything too heavy. It's the result of doing anything at all. The good news is, my friends who had hip replacements recently were sent home the same day, though in a good amount of pain. But that's ahead of myself; I may get off with a nice big shot of cortisone!

More good news: Laura turned on 125 turns of warp a couple of weeks ago and I sat and tied it and pulled through the warp. Then I quit for a time, until I met the new primary care and was given a script for a heavy duty ibuprophen and the referral. I should not be taking the ibuprophen, so it's to the new ortho fellow to get me past it very soon.

I am weaving about an hour a day. Right now it's a lavender, and quite nice. 

And now there's a nap coming on. I'll report back soon with all the news fit to print.


  1. Goodness, you say there's not much to say but then you relate more than enough to make me feel tired for you! That new lavender weave is beautiful!!! So sorry about your hip but am thankful the system has put you in good hands and quickly at that. I'll be thinking healing thoughts for you. Take care and don't overdo! My husband is always telling me "Slow down!!" and I reply, "But I'm not going fast!" It just means I'm doing too much in his opinion (from his chair).

  2. Girl!!! god this getting old sucks. looks like I'm headed for the other ablation. now I just need to get up the courage to call the doctor and let him know the afib has been going crazy.

    I'm so glad you aren't living alone anymore. and yes, the lavender is lovely.

  3. Get your rest in. I'm sad hearing about those joint pains but thanks for sharing. I'm not looking forward to that.

  4. You obviously need the rest Joanne. I hope the appointment about your hip is soon and goes well.

  5. Sorry to hear your hip is plaguing you with pain! I hope the specialist can help and that you will feel better soon.

  6. Why not three rooms?
    Yes, that is a lovely bit of lavender fabric. Yes, sorry about the hip quitting. I do understand that.

  7. When I broke my hip last October it was of course very painful at the time and on the way yo hospital in the ambulance. But once I had had the operation I never had any really bad pain again.

  8. I hope you can get appropriate treatment for your injury and it won't bother you for too long. It sounds like you were a bit too ambitious about how long you could work without a break. Anyway, the unpacking seems to be coming along nicely.

  9. Weaving an hour a day seems like good progress to me. Good luck with the hip. Everyone I know who has had a replacement raves about it.

  10. Oh Joanne. Sending heaps of healing wishes down the cyber waves to you. Rest as much as you can.

  11. Thinking of you Joanne. Soon be better xx

  12. I am telling you- we are not meant to live this long! Everyone I know who is of a certain age has chronic pain. It may be low-level enough to live with but "living with" something doesn't speak much for quality of life. I think it's wonderful that they may be able to help you! Of course you did too much! You just moved house!
    But look at you- still weaving, still going about your life.
    May there be a good resolution soon!
    I think of you so often, Joann.

  13. So sorry about the hip. And let's hope it will soon be addressed and but hurting.I had no idea how local your move was! Still such a lot of work though. Way beyond what you "should" have been doing. Good for weaving again though. That's normal life asserting itself.

  14. I'm sorry to hear the hip went kaput. May the ortho guy or gal be a good one and help you soon! Cortisone shot much preferable to the hip replacement, but sometimes the surgery has to be. The lavender color looks beautiful.

  15. Glad they are getting you in quickly to do something about your hip. Hope you get relief soon! Sounds like you are settling in so that's good. Feel Better!

  16. Hari OM
    Wear and tear - everywhere... deep breaths, lots of rest, do what you can and no more - and less in the short term if required! Looking forward to hearing how things progress. Huggies from here. YAM xx

  17. Wishing you luck - if anyone can do it, you can! Take care!

  18. I'm glad to hear you are going to be seen soon and will make a decision about your hip. Take care, keep a slower pace and get some extra rest. Hip replacement surgery is proven. If this is the solution, you'll be just fine in the hands of an exceptional surgeon.

  19. Lavender is lovely! So sorry about your hip but I'm glad they are getting you in quickly. Rest and heal. I'm keeping you in my thoughts.

  20. Oh, dear, hip issues? That affects just about everything, doesn't it? I'm glad you're settling in and the lavender is beautiful. I'm telling myself that I have enough towels--but are there ever enough? ;)

  21. Sorry about the hip...but take heart. Mother had hers done at age 95 and was up and about after three days' physio.

  22. I had a hip replacement a few years ago. It went smoothly and six months later I went on Camino again, walking 12 to 15 kms a day. It is apparently a very common operation with good outcomes. It was my first time in hospital. Nothing to be feared: but I stayed in for 6 nights being looked after, which was great. Worst thing: you can’t drive for 6 weeks afterwards. Good Luck!

  23. Good luck with your referral to the ortho. I've had one joint replacement. It's pretty much a piece of cake these days. Get through the first two or three weeks and life takes on new meaning.

  24. Rest as much as possible before any such procedure.

  25. Something like a nagging hip can really slow you down. I'm amazed that they send people home one day after the surgery.

  26. Im glad to hear you are doing some weaving. Wow, you really got in to see a dr. quickly! I hope all works out for you - perhaps a fancy new bionic hip - or whatever is necessary. You’re a tough one, Joanne, I know you’ll get through this! - Jenn

  27. I am so sorry about the hip! That surgery has improved so much over the past 20 years, but really, who wants to do any of it. That's a pretty powerful referral code you got.

  28. Unpacking can take weeks if not months. I am still doing it after two years! especially if you downsizing like the way I did you've either got to give away or sell or whatever if you dont want the clutter and sometimes its hard to give away stuff which has memories.
    Your week sounds very full on and I do hope the medical appointments work out well for you.

  29. Well done on sorting and good for Laura!
    Hope your hip gets sorted soon x

  30. Naps are the best. I hope the hip replacement goes well with speedy recovery.

  31. I think about you a lot and wish you all the best. Take care Joanne.

  32. Glad they have taken prompt action over your hip Joanne. Lovely to see you weaving again. x

  33. Last time we moved, some of our boxes remained unpacked for about 20 years.

  34. I hope you can heal somewhat at least without surgery.

  35. My friend had a hip replacement (and being a very tough one she let them "do" her knee at the same time) and it worked out well, and she was out soon, though of course Reha followed - and all with great success.
    I wish you great success too, Joanne! xxx

  36. I now have two of your towels--the lime I ordered for the girlettes, and now the yellow I ordered for my auntie has come back to me, as sadly she died last week at 96 years old.
    She had the towel out, in use! One of the last things I gave her--I know she loved it.
    Thank you.

    Good luck with readjusting--it always takes me a good long while to be at home in a new place.
    And best of luck with the hip too!

  37. Good to hear you got moved and unpacked plus found the important things (pie bird and night light). Hope all goes well with the doctor.

  38. Sounds like you overdid a bit... but moving is a big undertaking at any age. Hope you can get by without surgery, but if not, hip replacement is fairly common these days. Just getting through the first few weeks will be hard. But you are strong and have gone through a lot, so I think whatever you do will come out fine. Keep us updated.

  39. Doing too much - the story of my life too, but I am so sorry to hear there was serious damage done. I hope it's all sorted and soon and not too much pain.


  40. I'm sorry the move has caused injuries for you. I sure hope you get the help you need sooner rather than later. Your weaving looks like it's going very nicely.
