
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Goings on

Only a month ago I was at my first craft show in, umm, almost twenty years, my small stint at the township craft bazaar on the eve of Covid notwithstanding. And this week I looked at the calendar more closely. The next Peninsula Flea show is this weekend!

I did get the cerise towels off the loom and hemmed and made a serious dent in my basket of yellow bobbins. However, yellow towels will remain a twinkle in my eye until the July 3rd show. 

The village shops always took advantage of this end of June, first weekend in July for superior sales by piggy backing on the national art show in our township, the Boston Mills ArtFest. The ArtFest has been cancelled, last year and this. I presume these two weekends are highlighted in the village to keep up the ArtFest tradition, not to mention the thousands of visitors to the park who include Peninsula in their list of great things to do.

Beth will be at the show again this weekend, and probably bringing Caroline, for a "taste of the old weaving days", as if that poor child weren't once labor in her mother's restaurant. Any reason is good enough for me; I love the two of them, and the company.

Of course I've monitored my little gardens, rain and shine. There has been plenty of the former (and more promised for Saturday). One pot of zinnias is blooming. I took that picture last week.

I called Laura earlier this week to arrange a shopping day next week. To my surprise she said she would not be able, she would be out of town. Then she said Oh, I'll be back Thursday; we could go Friday. Ever Grandma, I asked where she was going. New Orleans. Who with? By herself. "Don't worry; I have an itinerary and everything!" OK.

On another topic, I surprised myself. I set up a website. The little square has me in its clutches. I looked at the website they sponsor. Like Facebook's marketplace, it had me flummoxed. On the other hand, I have grands who are coders, so I sent the link to Blake. Do you understand this, can you help me? I have a website and he is in charge of fixing it when I screwup EverythingOldisNewAgain  dotshop. It simply kept falling into place.

I need to do more work on the title page, but the inventory for sale is in place. Please take a peek, and I'm up for suggestions. 


  1. Hari om
    That's really neat, Joanne...simple, classic and clean. Much like the cloths! There's no keeping you down!!! YAM xx

  2. Very cool! No flashing anything, no rotating text, just the facts. I like that in a website.

  3. went to your website... looks good even though there was a glitch when I tried to sign up... says to come back and try again!!

  4. I really like your website - and have bookmarked it.
    Well done. Again.

  5. My suggestion:
    Post a selection of photos sent to you from around the world of towels in use.

    1. I'm limited by the prescribed format, but I'll look into that.

  6. Well done on the sales website. It's very readable and friendly.

  7. You are amazing! I have half the energy (and talent) that you do. Kudos!!

  8. I like the website and how nice to have your own personal I.T. person! Good luck at this weekend's craft sale!

  9. Yay, zinnias! I do love them, they are so bright and cheery. i hope your next sale goes well.

  10. Always so busy. I appreciate the way Laura very kindly dodged your question.

  11. I went; I saw; I congratulate. Your Web site is lovely. Best wishes for the weekend show.


  12. The website is awesome! I love what you say about the pattern being adapted from Shaker textiles. I did not know that but I do know they must be the best towels in the world. So can we now order towels and charge them to our debit/credit card?

    Good luck this weekend and enjoy it. I'm glad you will able to see Beth and Caroline.

    1. Actually, you always could use your card. Now it's part of the process, not an add-on.

  13. I love your website, Joanne! (As I never read the above comments before commenting I might repeat something).

    So: you show the "rose" of your beautiful towels in colour - which I like - why not add colour to the headline? Red would be fine, or even the yellow you are looking for.
    I think colour more alluring and serene as black.

    Then: a lot of Europeans are wild on "Shaker" tools - it might be emphasised more in the text, but there I am not sure.

    Then: You might add some enthusiastic comments by users - because we are enthusiastic.

    I am quite sure about my first (colour) suggestion, the other two will be negliable, I think.
    I am impressed that you can create a website by yourself - wow!

    1. Thanks, Britta. All your suggestions are good and I'll check them out.

  14. Congratulations on the new website. I love your sense of adventure!

  15. ‘Love’ the clean easy to look at lines of your new site Joanne.
    I also tried to sign up but it wouldn’t allow me to do so

  16. The site is perfect as I see it. You never fail to amaze me, Joanne. Good luck this weekend at the show.

  17. Great site! Well done! Hope the show goes well, both the sales and the socialization.

  18. The site looks great to me. I was planning to order some more towels and so I did. Everything seemed to work smoothly. Looking forward to the towels.

  19. Nice new web site. Between online sales, shows and weaving you must be very busy. It all sounds very good and a wonderful way to stay active doing what you enjoy. Laura's venture to New Orleans should be fun filled...she's got a plan! Shopping and lunch/coffee with Laura will have to wait and her stories will be well worth waiting for.

  20. I can't believe how much you're doing these days! You're pretty remarkable! The web site looks great but I'm not sure it's functioning. I tried to sign up with my email but nothing's happening there. Could be my internet which is janky this morning.
    And Laura- she is definitely your granddaughter. "I have an itinerary and everything!" Indeed!

    1. No, not your internet. Blake is working on all the problems I've sent his way.

  21. I like the web site! And indeed, your towels are the best towels (we) will ever use. I keep seeing them at the houses of my daughter, and in pictures of kitchens belonging to other relatives I have gifted these amazing dish towels to. And of course, they are my absolute favorite at my house.

  22. We're on this one, too. I'll let you know in a couple of days.

  23. Apparently Ontario is going to allow festivals again. We have some great markets this coming weekend, but the weather is looking quite Shite so I guess we won't be heading out with that in mind.

    1. We're anticipating rain, too, and hope it isn't so.

  24. Your website looks great. The simplicity is so refreshing - and I envy you your own IT person! I am hoping that the annual art fair that my sister and I go to will be back this year. I really missed it.

  25. I started setting up a square store last November but never finished it and never went live with it, mostly because I'm not thrilled with the inventory I have, all leftovers.

  26. The website looks great - yay for both you and Blake! This is how you stay so young, my friend - you just keep learning and adapting.

    What is a toweling bit? (taken from the lower part of the page: "This pattern is adapted from a toweling bit found among Shaker textiles."

  27. I've just looked at your site. It looks ok to me. What's the problem?

  28. Congrats on the wevsite and good luck on the show.

  29. I like your website. And, yes, my grandmother ("Pearl") would have called your lovely towels "tea towels."

  30. That's an attractive website. I would like to order, but will have to wait until friends come down from the U.S. as customs here are both long winded and predatory.

  31. Good luck with the show this weekend... and the website! I will be interested to hear what Laura did in New Orleans. Hopefully she will experience some good Cajun cooking and visit some of the fun places. Of course since the pandemic, I'm not sure if some of these places are still open. The French Quarter around Jackson Square and City Park are favorites.

  32. I liked the website and thought it looked good. I think of you every single day when I use the wonderful tea towels you sent me. They're always on display, ready for service, in my kitchen. :)

    Laura is going to be sweltering hot in New Orleans this time of year. Do let us know how she enjoyed the trip! Ah, to be young and able to go off on spontaneous adventures like that!

  33. Nice page. The story on the bottom is flat out charming, but I am sorry that one has to order three or more towels. Old shoppers like me couldn't afford to buy that many. Hugs from here.

    1. The minimum of three is for oversea shipment. Domestically you may buy as many or few as you wish.

  34. Congrats on your new website and good luck to you on the show.
