
Friday, June 4, 2021

Another show

You might be happy not to know me back in the show days. I loved every minute. Sometimes I stood in the field or the exhibition hall and shouted "I love this show!"  Setting up. Seeing people Putting on my best show to give the public a pleasant day at the fair. Seeing friends. Sharing a meal. Falling into bed, dead tired!

All these years later nothing has changed a lot. I used to say if I could still lift the hand truck back into the van I was ready to go another year. I've managed to find someone to load everything into my car and I'm promised unlimited young people to unload it all to my booth.

My sister sent two lovely quilts to mount behind me to define the back of the booth. I will sell them too, if I can. That would be nice.  I just counted, and have 118 towels to take. I just added the orange towels to my inventory; there are 11.

Sales through the blog fell off dramatically this year, but a saturated market is, well, saturated. There are many towels of many colors to set out for the show. 

I put up the orange towels on the blog, so everything is out there. I also put up a new color wheel, and I like the layout I've done this time. The next set up to weave is cerise, but they won't appear for a couple of weeks. Here is the current color wheel:

It's good to add another strong color to the repertoire. Everything is packed in the van except the catch all bag, stuffed with everything that does not have a solid title, like "towels to sell". It will be the last out the door tomorrow.

I had lunch with Ruth today. It was good, as ever, and we are quite caught up now. She decided next I should go to her house and we will plan a trip to Aladdin's Eatery in University Heights.

Poor neglected kitty. Imagine when I come home with tabouli on my hands. Or falafel.

On a trip to the store recently, I made an unexpected purchase. I don't often buy "off the list" when I go shopping, and I could deliver a lecture straight from my mother's mouth on the pitfalls of gratuitous spending, but I won't. It was only $1.50 at the dollar store, which probably is as evil as You Know Who and You Know What, but small enough I can handle an unexpected trip for laundry soap.

I miss having a bird feeder, but not the mess. I have only occasionally seen a hummer at the mandevilla's, but I have seen them and certainly should tempt them more. And when I saw this tiny hummer feeder, I bought it. 

Here's to a good day for all of us tomorrow. I'll let you know.


  1. May your booth be crowded, your inventory emptied, and your day filled with fun!

  2. I hope you have a good day and make lots of sales.

  3. I do hope you sell a lot and that it's fun.

  4. Best of luck on the towel sales and enjoy the day!

  5. You sound so excited! Hoping for a wonderful day for you with not much to bring home!

  6. I hope it's wonderful! And that you sell many, many towels. Mostly, I am just so impressed, not just at your ability to go out and do it but also the spirit to want to!

  7. Hari OM
    All the very best for it tomorrow, Joanne - such pretty colours, towels, flowers - and hummer feeder! YAM xx

  8. So excited for the show and for you to sell your towels which I can not have too many of or use often enough. Man, they are soft, and so absorbent. You will do well at the sale!

  9. I've sold at a small craft fair locally, and I know the excitement and anticipation you feel! Knock 'em out, Joanne :)

  10. I hope you have a FANTASTIC day.
    A big yes on the mess of bird feeders too. Incontinent vandals. If we had hummingbirds here I would certainly have a feeder just for them.

  11. Good luck with the craft show. Having done them with my wife I know they can be a lot of work, and good sales more than make up for the effort. I am surprised that your on-line sales declined during the pandemic when more people are shopping that way. Business in Miriam's ETSY shop more than doubled.

  12. I love the new colour wheel, the orange really pops and brings the other colours to life. I'm glad you bought the hummer feeder and hope they find it soon and give you many happy hours of watching them. Toby will forgive you neglecting him.

  13. Good luck and have fun at the sale tomorrow! I hope you sell EVERYTHING!

  14. I'm glad you enjoy the fair so much. It makes it much more of a great event to look forward to doing. I know I love going but don't get to them much. The hummer feeder is a good spend. I have one and now I get a hummer visiting often but I never get a good photo.

  15. This is to wish you the very best of luck for the show.

    Now, to respond to your comment that blog sales have fallen off this year. It's true that no-one needs more than 3 or 4 towels. I think you should aim at widening your inventory if possible. Is there something else that you can weave? Or can those lengths be made into something besides towels. I wish I could come up with a brilliant idea. Maybe someone else can!

  16. I know exactly how you feel about the joy of doing a show and loving every minute and getting home exhausted.
    Hope you have a wonderful day and sell out.
    (we used to sell second-hand country and farming books at country shows - heavier than tea-towels! but huge fun)

  17. That show sounds wonderful. Even if you don't sell as much as you would have liked, it is still a great couple of days.

  18. Best of luck with the show!

  19. Break a leg!
    "The overture is about to start,
    You cross your fingers and hold your heart,
    It's curtain time and away we go,
    Another op'nin', just another op'nin', of another show!"

    1. P.S. I love the orange towel and agree, the bright hue sets off the others beautifully.

  20. I guess the show is going on right about now! Hope it's going well!

  21. The very best of joy and happiness go your way Joanne. How wonderful you are back in the saddle again!

    Love the new colour wheel and the wee hummer feeder.


  22. Oh, what I wouldn't give to see you in the field or the exhibition hall shouting "I love this show!"

  23. Best of luck at the show. Enjoy!

  24. Here's hoping you have a wonderful day today at the show! Hope you sell all your towels... and the quilts. Enjoy yourself! And we will be expecting pictures...

  25. The red orange and yellow really lift the look of your colour wheel!
    All the best for the shows x

  26. Good luck with your show, Joanne. That sounds like a ton of fun. Looks like you have a solid inventory and your color wheel is very eye catching. 😃

  27. I read and then ran out the door. I hope your are selling lots today being back in the saddle.

  28. This is going to be an exciting day. Glad you have help getting things in and out of the car.

  29. They need to bottle and sell your energy

  30. Hope you have a great day at the show.
