
Thursday, May 20, 2021

What I did today

I woke up a little before the usual eight in the morning, and got up because there was much to do. Took a shower, then rooted in my closet for decent clothes to spend the day out. 

Next the cat, who knows the household order of business, and herded me down to his empty bowl. I always clean his box after that; his nose is in the food and can't boss me around any more.

I put in a load of laundry.

Then, my breakfast. It's the meal I enjoy most in every day. It's oatnut toast with butter and jam and coffee, and always so good.  No lingering today; I had a full schedule.

Take out the trash, water the plants, leave for the dentist. It used to be an hour drive to Dr. Kate, but long closed freeways have been "improved" and opened, and it's more than half an hour now, but not much.

Fortunately I left with plenty of time to spare, as I went east on the connecting freeway, and had to backtrack. Eastbound is to come home!

I see Dr. Kate's favorite tooth is on the screen, that molar after the implant. Bone mass is dwindling and she is concerned. I'm not, yet. Over this long, cold epidemic winter, Dr. Kate sent an offer, I assume to all her patients. She offered us "dental insurance", if we had none, and I've never carried dental insurance. 

For about $250, as I recall, she offered two cleanings, one set of annual x-rays, and a 10% discount on any work over the year. I accepted happily, and realized it probably was also her clever ploy to pay her employees and keep the lights on until until the crisis passed.

My schedule after the dentist was lunch, drop a package at Federal Express, go to the phone store and then see if VFW was accepting donations. But, I'd neglected to pick up the package, so I just went home for lunch, a yummy slice of blueberry crostata.

Though already worn thin by the morning's activities, I set out again after lunch. The trash episode and watering the plants already involved three or four stair trips, which is about two over the limit. But, off...

I was steady walking into FedEx to drop the package. Coming back out I froze half way to my car. The young woman after me came bounding from the store, jumped into her oversized SUV and would have backed into me at ten or fifteen MPH had I not sensed that she had never consulted a mirror, or remembered I was there before blasting her vehicle out of the lot.

On to the phone store, and by now I had enough steps on the day to become a bit unsteady. I sat on a hard stool for a couple of hours while helped with a new phone. Yes, it has an earphone jack. A phone that has one now costs more than the phone without. You pay extra for everything now. The screen protector, the outer shell, etcetcetc.

And the final errand, to see if VFW has opened its donation station. Yes they have, and when I get back my mojo, I must clear out my closet and see what I do have left in decent outfits. It was five when I came home, to making supper. Tomorrow I will tackle the follow up at the phone store, to configure my phone perfectly.

After supper, I stood at the dryer and folded laundry. I am bone weary.

I dropped the old phone some time ago, not for the first time, but that time face down on the concrete drive way. Just like a stone on the windshield, the tiniest shatter mark spread in spider fingers across the screen. I lived with it until I came up short the earplug jack. The good news is, the new contract will be twenty dollars a month less expensive!


  1. Hari OM
    Well, at least there was good news to end! I got tired just thinking of all you fit in today. Hope tomorrow is more steadying... YAM xx

  2. No wonder you got worn out. That was a lot to fit in one day.

  3. That was a lot in one day. I'm glad SUV woman didn't run you down.


  4. I'm tired just reading about your day! I do ok if I have morning plans or afternoon plans. Not both.

  5. That sounds like a totally exhausting day. I am glad your new phone plan is cheaper - and with more bells and whistles too.
    I volunteered yesterday and my brain and heart are hurting. I have been doing a very little desultory gardening. And will retire with a book after lunch.

  6. I would be staggering at the end of a day like that. Kudos to your stamina and drive!! And hooray for the lower monthly cost with the new phone. I keep thinking I need to get a phone jack so I can hear better--and then I found a whole bag of them while emptying out the china hutch the other day! Rest up... and take care!

  7. That sounds like an exhausting day but full of accomplishments too. That's a good deal for two cleanings and the other work.

  8. You got a lot done, but you must be dragonwagon now.

  9. Much accomplished! Apart from being tired, it must feel good to check a bunch of things off the list. -Jenn

  10. Love the chalk work. I've been avoiding my dentist for three years now. I know I should go, there are things that need fixing, but I don't have any pain, so I will wait until I am vaccinated. No appointments available yet for that.
    You did about three days work all in one :)

  11. Wow, you did get a lot done! After staying home all the time for a year I find I get worn out much faster when I have to run many errands out. My dentist has the same kind of deal where for something over $200 you get two check ups & cleanings, x-rays and a discount on other work. I think it is a good deal since we don't have dental insurance either.

    I'm sure glad you sense that SUV and froze! Some people don't even think to look. Maybe walkers should carry a horn for those cases! Enjoy your new phone! They usually have a learning curve but I think the new ones are easier to get used too.

  12. I always like breakfast too. We must be 'breakfast people'.

  13. That was quite a day, Joanne. i am weary just reading about it!

  14. You might need a week to recuperate.

  15. You were the energizer bunny...until the batteries fell out at the end of the day, yes? Good for you.

    Must have been the week for idiots in parking lots. I was almost hit twice--once when a woman sped in between two large, parked SUVs without even looking as she pulled into the lane. I was just about to walk passed one SUV and had to jump back quickly to avoid being hit. Wish I'd had a stick, I would have smacked the back of her car. Another driver almost hit me while I was walking back to my car--again someone not paying any attention to their driving. Good thing I was. Was happy to go home.

  16. We all need a phone but oh, what a hassle to get one, learning it and paying for it. Good luck with it and that is great that your payment is lower.

  17. Wow, you were a busy, busy bee! No wonder you were bone weary by the end of the day. Great news re your new phone! And that dental insurance is a good deal -- I would have taken it too! Dentists are expensive.

  18. That was a LOT! Funny how some days we can do it, we can get it all done. And some days just staying upright is almost too much. I hope you can rest today.

  19. Very busy day at your house. I like those myself - feel good that a lot is accomplished.

  20. It is going to be getting much hotter now too which really affects my get up and go! You got a lot done - good for you!

  21. Happy to hear the phone bill will be a little lighter each month. That blueberry crostata sounds so good. I picked and froze a bunch of blueberries recently at the U-pick (yes, blueberry season is actually over now in Central Florida). I think I'll make a cobbler.

  22. That was one long day!
    So many people do not look when they are rushing around..glad that you froze in time to be safe xx

  23. a busy day. a lower bill of any kind is always good. personally, I'm wallowing in no accomplishments unless you consider making progress on my book, an accomplishment.

  24. I'm so glad you had your wits about you and avoided an accident by the young woman. My mom was knocked down in a parking lot a few years ago. She didn't break anything but she kept coming out in bruises for several months and I believe she had a slight concussion too - she was not herself for about six months. That's something you definitely don't need after all the injuries you've already had.

    I'll be glad when our Value Village opens up again and can take donations. Otherwise, all the "stuff" just moves from one closet to another in our house. It needs to go out of the house before my mind is at rest.

  25. That was a busy, productive day. Well done!

  26. I'm exhausted just reading this, I would have been wiped after 1 task. And you went home for lunch!!

    Goodonya as we say out here Joanne. Your new phone sounds lovely.


  27. Glad about the twenty dollars. Every penny helps. Other than that I am pooped just reading your post.

  28. Wow! Busy day! I was thinking about you the other day when the PT asked me if I was afraid of 'falling'? I thought how strange, who isn't afraid of falling? But guess she meant an inordinate fear of falling...

  29. Your energy held up awfully well. I would have paused panting.

  30. A busy day, indeed. I used to have days like that with energy to spare, but no longer. I'm having to learn to pace myself.

  31. Wow! Your energy level is amazing. I'm glad you were able to get your tooth taken cared of. The dental insurance sounds like it was a good thing.

  32. Indeed, you pay extra for everything now. Healthy food in particular. As soon as its organic or gluten-free or ethically-produced, it costs way more than the regular product.

    Talking of dropping things, I once dropped my credit card into a cup of coffee. I thought it must be done for, but I fished it out and it still worked perfectly.
