
Sunday, April 18, 2021

In for a dime, in for a dollar

What do I do all day? Sometimes I wonder, myself. I'm not anti social; I'm fine with solitude but enjoy being with people, rubbing shoulders, chatting, knowing what friends are up to. But, I'm covid-cooped. This is the first time in my life I've sat back and followed orders. It's time to take covid the shoulders and shake some sense into it.

Winter essentially is over; I've made it through the need to remove snow just to go up the road.  A hopefully long and wonderfully warm spring, summer, fall waits. I stand on the deck, breathing it in. This spring I have no doubt what awaits. Work. My happiest occupation.

I'm exhibiting at all Peninsula Flea events this summer and fall. I signed on tentatively, wanting very much to participate, but needing everything to fall into place. And it has. A space in the barn became available. I can set up by myself and cover the booth myself. I can do this!

To that end I've begun accumulating equipment I need and that I can handle. The biggest score to date:

Look at that chair! When I saw it I dutifully scrolled to the end of the page, in the event an even better chair was available, then hastened back up the page and bought it. It is so light I can carry it myself. It is so firm I can stand up like a person, not like a struggling old lady. Look at the amenities. A table that can be a desk. On the other side, an array of pouches to hold everything. Hooray.

The chair arrived at the beginning of the week. I set it up, surveyed it, and realized I am totally in exhibitor mode. Back to the computer to begin accumulating all the "stuff" I need to be an exhibitor the first Saturday in June. Thinking of all the towels I must weave, that is the same as tomorrow!

I am so in the need of cherry blossoms of my own that on a run for toothpaste and toilet paper, I made the last second decision to drive through the cemetery for the trees. I was past the main entrance, and elected the service entrance, a fast and crazy left hand turn onto a dirt drive. 

Bump, bump, thump, thump, I was glad I was not and never will be the occupant of a coffin. The dirt tract went on forever to meet up with a concrete tract. Even on a grey day, the pictures were fine, though.


  1. What a great find! Your excitement to be exhibiting shines through in this post. Some place to go and something to do. People to see! We have all missed that very much.

  2. It is exciting to see spring coming in. I've been opening windows for a short time each day. It's still too cold to leave them open long but it is nice for an hour or so.

  3. That chair is perfect. All those pockets AND a table. You are going to be well set up for this summer. It will be so great to get to visit with others and make money at the same time. Those cherry trees are beautiful. I love spending time in the peacefulness and beauty of a cemetery.

  4. Plans to be out and about. Wonderful!

  5. I wonder when I will be brave enough to do a fair...well done you.
    Wonderful trees!!

  6. The chair looks perfect, and your summer will be so too as it seems.

  7. That chair looks wonderful. I am so very happy that you have work/joy to look forward to - and thank you for the blossoming trees. Heart balm.
    No coffin? More information please (if you wish). A shroud? Or medical research?

    1. That hadn't occurred to me. Here we need a coffin to be cremated. Thank you for the update.

    2. Any combustible container will suffice. Cardboard suits me. I've recycled enough of it; I hope some went to caskets.
      I hadn't thought of medical research. They can deal with the ashes.

    3. Can one have a cardboard coffin in which to be cremated and , if so, doesn't it all have to be prearranged?

    4. I imagine it works like a regular burial; the intendee or the executor specifies who is picking up the body, the crematorium or the funeral home. The person prearranging, or the executor meets with a representative of the crematorium, picks the coffin, pays the bill, signs the contract. Done, done and done.

  8. I'm glad your awesome new chair and upcoming craft exhibitions are bringing excitement into your covid-coop!

  9. I like your new chair too. Isn't it fun to get something new to try out? No really amazing cherry trees in Hawaii so we have to travel elsewhere to enjoy them. We even planted a weeping cherry in Illinois before we left to move here. Thank you for sharing your cherry blossoms with us. It certainly made me smile.

  10. Sometimes it's the simplest, smallest thing that makes the big things possible. Hurray for your beautiful, practical chair!
    And hurray for spring, too.

  11. Hari Om
    There is joy and cheerfulness in this post and it makes me so happy for you, Joanne! I am a little envious of that fabulous chair. May it serve you long ad well. It's good to have a purpose and goal, is it not?! YAM xx

  12. Your chair is splendid Joanne as are the trays. I have something similar to that tray by my chair and it is so useful.

  13. Pretty little cherry trees. This has been cherry tree season all over the place. Excellent find on the chair- I bought one a couple of months ago but it is not like yours. If I had known such a wonderful chair existed! Anyway, always good to pack a chair around, never know when there will be a line of waiting, six feet apart, folks.

  14. The chair looks quite wonderful, the kind if thing we could all use. Like you I will never be the occupant of a coffin, although I guess being six feet under would be COVID compliant, wouldn't it? Good luck with the craft sale. I hope you do really well.

  15. Have had one of those chairs for several years now, like the higher seat and the pockets and relearn how to fold it flat every year!

    1. Step on the bottom rail, lift up the seat. I had to look it up the first time, even though I read the instructions. I probably will need to relearn next year.

  16. Bee-yoo-tee-ful cherry blossoms! They look cherry-stained already! I like your chair. That is a rare find, glad you snagged one. And what luck to get a place inside the barn to exhibit!

  17. I can hear life surging back into you with the show schedule! The chair was meant to be yours right now.

  18. I need something to look forward to. My sister had said she wanted to be cremated, but she got a coffin and was buried next to her estranged husband ... exactly where she DID NOT want to be. I learned things about her son that still disturb me in the wee hours when I cannot sleep. I am still trying to come to a sense of peace and am afraid this will haunt me forever.

    1. I've considered living without my sister and cannot fathom it. We're the last two left. I know what she wants and she what I want. But her last wishes probably will be up to her husband. One thing I've learned, burying all my family, is that death really is for the living, not the dead. Our mother wanted no notice posted of her passing, and that was the only stipulation we violated. So many people came to her wake the home opened extra rooms and we needed two police units to handle the freeway ramps. I wonder what she thought of that. She well could have been unhappy.

  19. That is a great chair! Especially the desk and the pockets. We had a nice one from REI and for some reason decided we no longer needed it and dumpstered it when we moved out of the RV for the last time. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  20. You are doing what many should be doing...making plans to do something in the furure.

  21. That's a great chair. No coffin for me. Cremate me and toss out the ashes.


  22. I always thought the saying was "In for a dime, in for a doughnut" hahaha It is like mishearing song lyrics in a hilarious way.

  23. That is a great chair. I am excited for you. You have created something to look forward to - a reason to get up in the morning (and make some money, too!). Both of my parents were cremated and their ashes spread. -Jenn

  24. Love your chair and I am envious of your in person shows!! I have been doing online ones all through this pandemic but I miss interacting in person with people !! Have fun weaving !!

  25. Great chair -- looks very comfy and you'll be needing that for sure! Did the crochet hooks arrive safely? How long does the show last? How many towels will you be taking with you to sell? You're going to be one busy lady!!!

    1. The show is one day a month, mostly, six hours. I think I'll be taking my entire inventory every time. It's getting thin, between the blog, the gallery and now the show.

  26. I love your chair, my brother has a similar one that lives in the back of his work truck. I'm excited for you about exhibiting again.
    The cherry blossoms are glorious.

  27. Re: death and funerals
    I was impressed by how Prince Philip planned his own. This is an incredibly difficult thing to do. JL is 96 and we need to think about it. I have come to hate funerals, and in particular the ridiculous cost. I will need the money to live on, hopefully for many years to come!

    1. I was impressed, too. He stripped out the pomp and left the dignity.

  28. I’m in the market for new chairs to take away for our winter weeks in Queensland. Yours looks very comfortable- and fitted out just right for relaxing in the sun:)

  29. How wonderful! I love your chair, and I hope your event goes very, very well! :)

  30. It does look as though Spring is springing up there. It's so great you're going to start showing at local markets again. And, I like your new chair.

  31. Having purpose and a perfect chair for the occasions makes me smile for you, Joanne. Of all the things lost this year, I miss purpose and am not sure that will ever come back for me.

  32. You have plans,w hich include not being in a coffin. I don't have too many plans right now but I share the no-coffin one.

  33. Would love to know where you bought the chair. I think I must have one too. :D BTW, I absolutely LOVE my towels!! Will buy more when you have more Cayenne on hand. :)

  34. I am so excited for you! getting back into a comfortable groove. those pictures were at the cemetery? must be one of those that doesn't allow monuments, only a slab on the ground. boring. but pretty trees.

    1. There are just a few monuments, mostly acres of flat markers.
      I'm really pumped about exhibiting. Just to see people moving about again!

  35. How nice to have a purpose and something to plan for! The chair will work so well and the weaving will keep you busy and productive. Perfect!

  36. This is all very exciting. That chair is wonderful. You can do everything with it. Hurrah.

  37. You are all set to sell now, and the chair is perfect for your needs. I like the cherry blossoms and the ducks in the water.

  38. I love that chair, it is perfect. I have one in my car and it doesn't come close to yours. Well done on exhibiting, great to have something to look forward to!


  39. So excited for you and and all of your Peninsula Flea events. The chair is definitely going to make it a great year for you.

  40. It's wonderful when winter gives way to spring and I can watch all the trees blossoming and all the flowers coming out. We have a huge cherry tree in our front garden that's blossoming prodigiously right now. The neighbours love it, and I've even seen two people taking photos of it.
