
Saturday, February 13, 2021


 I put the title Wack-a-vax into my posts a week ago. Having secured my first shot so easily, the first week my county made it available to my age group, is it a sort of survivor's guilt I feel for everyone still thrashing about, trying to find an appointment?

My daughter believes that only because her computer savvy nineteen year old was monitoring three computer screens for sites and appointments that they were able to secure Ruth's vaccination appointment.

Closer to home, I know my sister has been unable to secure appointments for her husband and herself in spite of her ability to get through the computer screens. In her couple of attempts, the appointments disappear before she can begin typing or worse, the site crashes. So, she waits to the next Tuesday, when the site opens again at twelve noon, for another try.

And worse yet, she has no response from any of the other sites she's registered with, including Cleveland Clinic. It's a crap shoot.

I won't launch into a lecture on how it should have been done, as we all know how it should have been done. I understand the country's death rate is down to slightly under three thousand a day.

In better news, my daughter came down to visit today, before the next snowmegeddon begins Sunday. Night. That's actually good news for a quick shopping trip tomorrow morning. God forbid I run out of butter.

It was wonderful to have someone around for a bit who could discuss The Impeachment, Books, Politics. I have not read, but she has, the census has been so compromised and delayed that we may not be de-gerrymandered until 2030. Ohio is under order of the voters to redraw legislative districts. Now, not ten years from now. We will pay the trump price for a century, I'm sure.

I am so taken by my bookmark from Kyle Shife I cannot just put it in a book. So the super power cat has a place on the table. His dad is the boss of that blog, and Kyle is an enterprising eleven-ish year old.

Kyle captured that "Got Milk?" moustache, magnificent whiskers and sangfroid presence perfectly. Oh yes, and the green eyes.

There will be dusty blue towels soon; that piece of fabric is off the loom. Past that, nothing to report.


  1. Glad you got a visit with your daughter! Getting shots is indeed a crap shoot; I'm already concerned about procuring my mom's 2nd shot. My dad has his first one on the 17th and I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to snag it. As for me, I'm STILL 64. Grrr. The bookmark is wonderful, as is the lovely cat.

  2. Apparently we are due for a census this year. Don't know how they are going to figure that out. Mail in perhaps?

  3. Kyle is a cutie.

    I am not in the high priority category for vaccines, so I don't expect to get it before summer.

  4. Looks like trumpism is here fro a while, until the pendulum swings or breaks. Nothing can be done. VOTE, they say...
    Love the new towels! Beautiful blue!

  5. We don't have any web sites to check--I've called a couple of places, most recently on Thursday, but haven't received any call back. I'm that glad you got your first shot. Good for you. We'll be patient and we will wait our turn.

  6. We have heard nothing about vaccinations here and I'm over eighty.

  7. Love your bookmark and the "got milk" kitty pic. The vaccine crap shoot - indeed a fact everywhere. Always nice to have a visit to chat...

  8. I'm already after the second dose of the vaccine but do not feel vaccinated. All the rumors about the variants of the virus raise a lot of questions for me.

    1. Israel is admired for it's superior handling of vaccination. 20% of you are vaccinated, your mortality rate is declining. Pfizer is the main vaccine being administered; a tiny amount of Moderna is being given. Pfizer is claiming 95% effectiveness when optimum vaccinating occurs.
      There is concern that Israel is not distributing vaccine to the Palestinian territories. They have sent over 5,000 doses, I understand. It's a political and moral problem.
      It seems you sailed through both shots with minimum reaction. Good for you. The best way to be. In my opinion, you simply need to mask up, keep distance and get on with life. Your body has super powers now, along with your good sense.

  9. Here’s to more regular human interaction soon!

  10. No vaccine here yet. We believe that the first doses will arrive in the country next week. I suspect that websites will be crashing here too. Repeatedly.

  11. How wonderful that you had a visit with your daughter. I love the bookmark Kyle made - it looks just like Toby. Kyle is a very enterprising young man.

    I am happy for you to have gotten you first vaccine. It gives those of us that haven't gotten one yet hope! We are signed up with both the state and the county and have started getting emails to make appointments but they are all for locations on the other side of the state. We are patient and will get them eventually.

    I love that picture of Toby!

  12. Good luck with the attempts to get vaccinated. My immediate family have all been vaccinated except for Jenny who's too young to be in the top priority groups. Not that she's much at risk as she only goes out for walks or a lightning visit to the shops.

  13. A little spirited, adult conversation is certainly welcome, isn't it?

  14. We have both had our vaccine..Pirate had a phone call from the surgery, mine was in a blue envelope..."this is your appointment, if it doesn't suit, change it...."
    Looking forward to the next one.
    Politics doesn't change overnight. As it is said over here, it doesn't matter who you vote in, you have the same government system behind them...which takes an age to change.
    Love the balancing cat! He has his eye on you!!

  15. Snagged a 1st vax at a Marc's last Wednesday and got it Thursday. They automatically set me up for a 2nd dose in 4 weeks. Good grief - the time I spent on the computer to get it! I don't know how elders find a shot. It's disgraceful how DeWine makes us find one. There is no central 'clearing house'. You have to troll each pharmacy and clinic for appts. Bundle up - big snow coming. Stay warm, Kris

  16. How are your vaccines paid for? Insurance?

    1. Personal insurance (if you have it), Medicare/Medicaid (if you've got it) or free if you have no insurance (shot(s) would be covered by the CARES Act passed last March). Everyone has the right to vaccination. Currently, however, finding one is the tricky part. But access getting better every week.

  17. Great cat pic and bookmark. Glad you had the vaccine. Still waiting here but the over 90s have had it in the last few days. More vaccines coming March and April.

    Our level 5 setback is affecting so many of us. My family here makes gratitude lists and is allowed to speak of things they look forward to, to lighten the load.


  18. Hari OM
    Folk here have been complaining about having to wait... but the thing is that the roll down from eldest to youngest is getting through folk; some are being missed though, who really ought to have been seen. No system will ever be perfect when whole population is the target. Well done to Kyle and I hope Toby appreciate his pawtrait! YAM xx

  19. If it hadn't been for our daughter, we'd probably still be floundering. Somehow she spotted the phone number for the scheduler in all the website verbiage, and soon we had appointments!

  20. HRH was a tuxedo cat and had a milk moustache like that too!

  21. What a perfectly perfect bookmark! And YES- GOD FORBID WE SHOULD RUN OUT OF BUTTER!

  22. I should have kept my appt with the med system. Pam got her second shot 28 days later. we were supposed to get our second shot last Thursday which got pushed back to today which got pushed back to next Friday because they hadn't received the doses yet. had I kept my previous appt I would already have my second shot.

    that is a very pretty blue.

  23. This has got to be the best blog title ever. I feel the same way.

  24. No vaccine yet for me. I don't think enough doses were ordered until now so I have to be patient. I have signed up with several medical groups and they say they will notify me when ready... what will be, will be.

  25. Great title. As of today: 20,000 ahead of me at one site, 5,000 at another. The three others in driving distance are fully booked and have taken down the forms to fill out, because no supplies. Pharmacies websites crashing from overload. Latest from Walgreens, nothing within 25 miles today. In this state and weather, that's a minimum three hour round trip not counting wait time. Not possible at my age with nobody I can safely drive with. Oh well!!

  26. How wonderful to have a visitor. We stopped in at Costco yesterday, and while I was watching those real people all around me he spent lots of money.

  27. How nice that you had some company. We saw the grands for about 3 minutes, masked and in the garage.

  28. Our state is a patchwork. Tuesday I'm putting Jim on the Walgreens site, and I will be on the state site.

  29. Stay safe and warm. We just got dumped on so more is heading your way. As I told my dad, who lives in IL, there isn't much between here and there to slow that storm down. And thanks for the shout out for Kyle's bookmark. It looks great and I am glad you are happy with it.

  30. Access to the vaccine gradually improves. It's not my turn yet, but my day will come.


  31. Oh dear. I probably should have sent along a picture of Paddington Paw Cat.

  32. Three thousand deaths a day is pretty bad. How on earth does Toby balance on that thin chair back? Chair arm?

  33. Red towels are still used daily, and much appreciated.

  34. I'm horrified to think the census has been compromised for the sake of gerrymandering. A sin and a shame.

  35. The computer savvy do have a leg up on the vaccine appt. front and that's a shame for those less able.

    Kyle's bookmark is great.

    The latest towel color is lovely.

  36. Glad you got the shot, Joanne! Hope the second is easy to secure, as well. We'll be going in April/May if we are lucky!
