
Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Dan appeared as promised, Monday at nine. He started the car, lifted the hood and came back ten minutes later. He knocked on the door, and reported nothing wrong. I went out to dissuade him, sat in the driver's seat and recognized everything that went wrong Friday.

I'd failed to see that all the settings were properly set to get the results I wanted. I'd mildly panicked. I'd jumped to conclusions. The whole situation was distorted, then I was home and resolved my problem by calling the service center and making an appointment.

Reminds me of another recent problem; one of my long time readers could no longer access my blog. Norton, her virus provider, blocked her from my malicious site. She emailed me of the problem, and I looked into it. Norton offered a fix for we malicious sites that felt we weren't, a code we could attach to some part of the blog.

I am no coder, or software engineer. I called my computer guru, who is no longer that, but still a friend. He works for a new company that I can't afford, and that won't let him provide service for free. He looked at Norton's fix and told me I could do it, and if I was really stuck, call him some evening.

And by the time all that was arranged, the reader also had contacted Norton. She is so nice, I'm sure she didn't say put your head back on right. But she did convince a giant company to take a look at one tiny blog and override their logarithm. Now I have a green light from Norton. In case some of you find me back, and you use Norton, that's why.

Here's an amusing little mistake.

I signed up for a vaccination from two different sources, Summit County Health and Cleveland Clinic. This morning I had an email from SCH, my number is up. I can make an appointment by calling the number provided, beginning at noon today.

So, I ran errands and did stuff waiting for time to pass to noon. I'm even writing a blog post, here at my computer, under my atomic clock. It's still only 11:10. Amusement? Emails are ringing in. I suppose people are using "reply all". They want to make an appointment for themselves, their wife or husband, mother, neighbor.

There are emails begging, Please stop emailing. It's OK, I'll be calling, beginning at noon, if it ever comes.

There is vaccine for two days of shots from ten to four, this Thursday and Friday. It will be like when I was a teenager, trying to be the tenth caller to win a record album. Remember rotary phones? I'll let you know if I score.

Here's something that made no mistake coming home. I can no longer get a good close up picture of top to bottom.

I set my appointment online. It took me two tries to secure an appointment Friday afternoon. There looked to be maybe twenty appointments left.


  1. Hard to believe this awesome plant is the same one you rescued from the store. Amazing transference. Wow...

  2. Here in the KC area someone tried calling in to schedule a vaccine appointment ...along with many others. She tried over 500 times... no wonder the site crashed!!

    1. I was stunned; the health dept. site sold out in three minutes.

  3. I'm so happy you have your appointment. I've been hearing about so many who are having problems getting the appointments because of demand.

  4. Getting your appointment for the vaccine is like winning the lottery. What are the odds? Congratulations, Joanne. Have you purchased a lottery ticket? The time is right!

  5. I had my vaccine a fortnigt ago but we have all been told to stay in just as though we hadn't had it until we get our booster dose. Our country passed 100,000 deaths today - dreadful and it is not over yet.

  6. You folk are way ahead of us at getting the vaccine ito people: the advantage of having your own manufacturing plats, I suppose.

  7. Well, if bad things come in threes, perhaps good things do too. So glad you have an appointment. We go for our second jab next week.
    That amaryllis is certainly the gift that keeps on giving. What a beauty it is!

  8. Congratulations on getting an appointment to get the vaccine! Yay! So many people are having so much trouble even getting a chance at this vaccine. It makes me happy when I hear someone has been successful. We seem to have a never ending shortage here in Missouri. I have signed up with the Health Dept. but you can't get what is not there.

    I am glad to hear your car is okay. We all make mistakes like that and in my case especially with cars!

  9. I am so happy you got an appointment. Of all things, our grocery workers are in the next "tier." That worries me, and I feel sorry for them. This can't be an easy time for them.

  10. How good when you get the vaccine ! I wish you all the best! And your amaryllis is simply stunning!

  11. I am so glad that you have an appointment.
    And wonder how our roll out will work when it starts in the fullness of time.
    As for mistakes? I make lots, particularly if I am tired or overwrought. I am very glad that your issues could be and were easily resolved.

  12. Congrats on your appointment for the vaccine, Joanne. I know many that have gotten theirs... some in Texas, some in Louisiana, etc. - all health care workers or over 75. We are signed up with Texas Health through our family physician, but who knows when they will get it. We are content to stay home and wait it out.

  13. NO vaccine no point even trying.

  14. That plant is really returning your care.

  15. Congrats on getting to sign up for the vaccine. It will still be awhile here but at least we are seeing progress! Your amaryllis is a beauty!
    Glad things are working out! :)

  16. Very happy you got an appointment. No sign of them here. My email from the state said to sign up, but none of the sites was even taking appointments. I'm glad for everyone who is getting them though.

  17. Glad you got in line. Our appointment site was blown away by high winds and rain. They will let G in Thursday. It will be so good to have him in the system.

  18. It is impressive, Joanne, that between you you got Norton's attention and they fixed the problem. Kudos to you - and to Norton.

  19. Yay for the appointment for the shot. Glad that is happening so soon for you, Joanne.

  20. Congratulations on the appointment. We're getting conflicting signals on who is eligible. If you're not eligible you can't sign up, so we haven't tried. However, another blogger who is younger than me got an appointment so who knows. I guess I'll call tomorrow since the website won't let me do it.

  21. I'm happy for you, being able to get the vaccination. It's very slow going up this way. You amaryllis is just thriving! -Jenn

  22. I do indeed rotary phones. And I recall clear as day the SOUND of my mother's phone number when dialed. *sigh*

  23. Hari OM
    Oops about the car stuff; well done on the geeky stuff; hoorah for the plant stuff; phew, for the jab stuff. YAM xx

  24. Appointments really mess up your regular day.

  25. Mistakes happen, but so long as everything works out okay in the end, that's all that matters!

  26. Okay. I have a request. Can I see the top of your kitchen table? I think that we have the same one put away for our retirement home. We got it from his mother's things. I'd never seen another like it, but I think I have now.

  27. That amaryllis really is happy to be in your home :)
    I was never blocked form your blog, but did see a "not secure" message in the title bar. that's gone now and a padlock meaning secure, is in its place. I'm glad you got that worked out. There are several other blogs I read that still have the "not secure" message.

  28. Congratulations on the appointment. I'm so tired of people who come up with all sorts of lame excuses to not get the vaccine.


  29. Just shows you should never give up on a plant.

  30. well, yay you for scoring an appointment for the vaccine. and the amaryllis is certainly happy to have been rescued, no mistake there.

  31. That is blooming well!
    Pirate got a phone call to tell him to come for his appointment at the surgery.
    I will be getting a letter to say when my appointment is in the village community room.

  32. What a marvellous bloom and such a confounding day. Glad you're getting the vaccine. Please keep us in the loop of the process.


  33. Your plant is thriving! (and beautiful!) I dread trying to find shots and hope that the supplies increase so that it will be routine. I still haven't arranged for vaccines for my parents. Glad you got an appointment!

  34. 'Reply all' can be such a drag. -glad to read you've secured an upcoming appt. May all go well. My mother and her hubby will go in tomorrow to receive the first of two doses.
