
Thursday, December 31, 2020

No news

 That's it! I have no news, new or old. Or perhaps a little. My drug store has let me down! For years I have frequented the drive through window. The pharmacy is at the absolute back of a big box store, and I simply am not stable enough to make the walk in comfort or mental peace.

For the last six weeks or more the drug store has administered Covid tests. I have no idea what is the protocol; I only know it happens at the drive through window, with a line of cars winding around the building. For a short time they opened the pneumatic tube pick up, but it was impossible to get through the line of Covid cars, so I park and go in.

First I dry my feet thoroughly; I am terrified of slipping on the tile. Then I tap, tap, tap my way to the back, and then out, with a tiny bag in my right hand. As I passed the greeting cards this time, I remembered I absolutely must get some. I made a handsome selection, and started to the front again.

Heading for the counter, not the door, I had to detour a table of orphan holiday plants, quite reduced in price. My irritation at succumbing to an extra purchase because I was made to come into the store crumbled before a stunted and dehydrated amaryllis. I crammed the prescription into my purse, grasped five slippery cards and my essential cane in my left hand and awkwardly lifted the amaryllis and secured it to my chest.

The cashier had a go at me for being unable to find the real end of the line until she had yelled about proper distancing, retracing my steps and going down an aisle to find the end. Muttering "Spawn of Trump" into my mask, I did so.

Pretty little thing, isn't it. I believe there are four blossoms there, on one stalk, and possible two more stalks to come. I believe we'll enjoy each other's company for some time.

Enjoy welcoming the new year tonight. Be happy, stay safe. And a good new year to all. May joy be with you.


  1. Enjoy watching your flower blossom along with the new year! Why would they treat a customer like that?? I don't even begin to understand. How about asking if you would like a basket, or offering to take some of your items for you to the cash register? Happy new year to you, Joanne! -Jenn

    1. Interesting, isn't it? I could not see a "line" because of the set up, and the cashier could have politely said where to go, not reprimand me for violating six foot distancing. Bah humbug on them.

  2. Happy and Healthy New Year,Joanne. We hope for a true New Beginning.

  3. I am glad you made it through the ordeal without falling! 2020 is the year I discovered that the America I believed in all my life was sort of like the Santa Claus story. Make believe. So much hatred, so little empathy. If only we could realistically think that a calendar change would make a difference. We have to hope, though. What else can we do? I wish for you a happy 2021. The promise of that pretty plant is a start in the right direction.

    1. Thanks, Rose. Happy new year to you and your dear old man.

  4. I hear you on the drug store I wish you could get yours delivered like I do. The march through the store to the back prescription area is a mountain I don't care to climb.

    I love your plant as I love my iris recently acquired and my family members love your scrumptious towels.


  5. No news is frequently good news.
    I love your amaryllis and am sure you will enjoy time together.
    The New Year has arrived here. I wish you (and the world) a hopeful, happy, healthy year.

  6. I hope the amaryllis survives and thrives. We have a few in gardens around here, somewhere on the other side of the block, I see them when doing my daily walk.
    Happy New Year

  7. It’s hard to comprehend how a ‘caring’ business (drug store/pharmacy/chemist) could employ such an uncaring person. These difficult times are brining out the worse in some people.....are there markings on the floor to suggest/ aid correct distancing while waiting in the queue? They are a godsend.

  8. What an awful cashier! She was a spawn of something that's for sure. Your amaryllis is going to be gorgeous. I like that the stalk is short too. Less chance of toppling over.

  9. Well that was an unfortunate encounter. Hopefully, the plant will bring you joy.

  10. Happy New Year! And yes on finding the lines in stores. Our local one has footprints marked then covered up with portable displays. So people are all over the place.

  11. I know the kind of cashier you encountered. They seem to have post graduate training in sullenness but few other skills in life. God forbid that she should have made her own day brighter by helping an old lady with a cane navigate her way through the store. One doesn't wish to be uncharitable, but if COVID is looking for a place to live.....

  12. Hari OM
    That Amar ys lissing loud at being found by the green-fingered Joanne!!! Which is way better than bawled at by antsy store attendents. I am just not going out. I stare at 'out' through the Hutch's window and am grateful for the view which keeps me sane. I am setting up a grovery delivery by the local supermarket. First time on this side (the one in Edin worked real well) - so let's hope it runs smooth.

    Happy new year Joanne - stay safe and strong! YAM xx

  13. The amaryllis was worth the effort Joanne.

    Happy New Year!

  14. "Spawn of Trump" made me chuckle. Your ordeal in line sounded awful. Rude cashier. I agree with commenter RunNRose about how people are so rude and act so ugly these days. It wasn't always like this. I think that these past 4 years of our politics have contributed to the rude, uncaring, atmosphere that we have now when we are out in public. People feel entitled to be hateful acting. I am glad you got home safely with your healthy new plant, cards, and medicine. When I first heard that they were going to be doing covid testing at many of the drugstores, the first thing I thought of was how are they going to manage that on the parking lot for people going to pick up prescriptions.

    I am thinking of checking into Amazon about their prescription delivery program if my insurance company works with them. One of the first things for next week. My insurance mail order prescription service uses USPS and UPS for delivery. The last time the UPS brown truck delivered my prescription of asthma inhalers to a neighbors house, luckily I had seen the truck on the street and knew which choices of homes it was delivered to. I can't do stairs without handrails so my husband had to go on a scavenger hunt to find the prescription delivery that UPS claimed had been delivered to my front porch in their email. Luckily, the first house he checked had received it, but the person who answered the door said they didn't know if they had gotten a delivery or not, then they said oh yeah, they did, and gave the package with our name and address on it to my husband. Knock on wood, Amazon has not mis-delivered any of our packages yet, so I trust them more, if I can get prescriptions through them..

    Happy New Year to you!

  15. May those bulbs flower and be a comfort, and a reminder that there is beauty.
    I hope with all of my heart that good things come your way this year. That good things come for us all.
    May joy be with YOU.

  16. Hi Joanne, The cashier could have handled that much better. I think these days of Covid are getting to everyone and we may all be a bit short with our tempers but still... I love your amaryllis plant and I just bet that will brighten your days. You now have me thinking about getting to a store to find one. I have a Walgreens just down a couple blocks from me but I don't go there too often and I don't know if they carry plants. Wishing you a safe and happy new year!

  17. A very nice amaryllis and it will be a joy to watch grow and flower fully. Tensions are flaring as you experienced. Unnecessary and sad really. Why can't people just be nice? It is a choice. I'm glad you got the script and arrived home safely with your lovely new plant. Happy New Year Joanne.

  18. I get my meds delivered by mail through the online pharmacy connected with my supplemental/medicare. cheaper and no need to go fetch them. good for you for rescuing that amaryllis. poor thing would have had to sit there and listen to the cashier berate people instead of just informing them.

    Happy New Year Joanne! I won't feel hope or relax until after Biden is inaugurated and Trump is escorted out. and yes, joy for all of us.

  19. Now did you pay for the prescription that you put in your purse??? YOu down to living with one arm when you have a cane.

    1. Yes. They are so small you aren't allowed to have it in your hand until it is paid for!

  20. My prescriptions are delivered in the mail as well. The insurance company will not pay for them if they aren't. As much as I protest (I HATE CVS) it is convenient.) I have rescued some plants as well. I'd like to go back and check on the amaryllis, but woke up with a headache and sore throat and body aches.

  21. Good that you were not in a hurry , the orphan appreciates you. Nothing is easy these days and becoming less so as the years go by. I hope that you have good gripping shoes.

  22. I think that amaryllis will be worth all the extra trouble! They are such beautiful flowers! Happy New Year, Joanne!

  23. Your amaryllis looks nice. I recently rescued one myself tho it's not willing to put up any green yet. Happy New Year. Stay safe, healthy, and happy!

  24. I can't trust my arthritic hips and knees not to dump me, or at least make me stumble like I've been boozing since dawn, which is embarrassing even when it's not dangerous. Since I'm too proud to use my rollator everywhere I go (and it is such a hassle dragging it in and out of the car) using a cart even when I don't think I'll need it really helps. Even though they don't have brakes, that bit of extra support goes a long way, and not having to carry things helps with the stability as well. Sometimes I feel stupid going down the isle with a lone bottle of Motrin in the basket, but I tell myself I'd look even more stupid flat on my face in the floor.

    1. I always use a cart in the dollar store, but I can't remember seeing them in the drug store. Just baskets with handles. Wouldn't we put on a show with those! My brain no longer does two things at once.

  25. Having a new plant is a wonderful way to start the year. The blooms are always something to look forward to every morning. It gives us hope, and lord knows, that is what keeps us going.

    Look around for another pharmacy. You may even get a lower price with all the many free plans (Good RX and the like) and you won’t have to take that God awful walk to the back of the store. We get some of our prescriptions from the grocery store and do curbside pickup. We call, and someone comes out and throws it in the back seat. Most places do that now. Take care, dear Joanne and I hope 2021 will be kind to you.

    1. I've decided to take advantage of their no charge home delivery. As I like to say, don't get mad, get even.

  26. That's going to be beautiful! I dislike mean people. We all need kindness these days. Unfortunately, we haven't seen much of that in our current federal admin. Au contraire!

  27. There was no need for her to be rude. Sorry you dealt with that. That sweet little amaryllis knew who to go home with! I hope she brightens your days for a long time. A very Happy New Year to you Joanne! May each day be better than the one before and I will celebrate with you in 20 days!

  28. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!🍾🥳 May the new year bring you much peace, good health, and joy. All that is needed to make your life sweet.

  29. Spawn of Trump! Wonderful!
    Happy New year to you...and may shops take better care of their elderly customers...

  30. Bastards. People use drive up for a reason. There was no reason for the checker to be so unfriendly. The plant is lovely, I'm glad you brought him home. Happy New Year to you and all of us.

  31. Sounds like the drug store is making life very difficult for you. But at least you got that very pretty amaryllis.
