
Thursday, December 10, 2020

New business

My mind is blank tonight, because I'm tired. I don't like this state of being, when thoughts and ideas that were around all day are no longer available. I wonder why I don't just stop at noon and write a blog. I still remember two things on my mind, to say the dark green towels are finished, and to ask about another blogger.

I've posted the dark green towels on the Towels for Sale page and put up a new color wheel. The new rose is rust, and it sure ain't a rose. It will keep me remembering that the next run of towels plus a few cream will be the last before a new warp, and the first towels finished will be a cream, to turn into a rose.

This is what my loom looks like now. Hard to believe this warp went on barely a month ago, around election time.

One of these three colors will be the last set of towels, plus the cream, off the warp. They are khaki, orange, and red wine. I welcome suggestions.

Some time ago a fellow blogger returned to the hospital for more surgery after a hip replacement. That was the end of October. The end of November another blogger asked me if I'd heard from Kristi Jalics at Thicket House. I have not, so I contacted another blogger, and another no. I sent a note addressed to Kristi and her son, Andy, who lives with her.

Long story short, it's been two weeks and no answer. I'd told the other bloggers my famous line, "I'll just go down there and knock on the door!", as she lives twenty minutes from me. That's fun to say when it's an idle threat, but when it's actually intrusive, not so good.

Has anyone else heard from Kristi? I hope she's just in one of our many good rehab facilities.


  1. When a blog goes silent, it scares me too. I want to know if they are okay.

  2. I've been so worried about her; thanks for checking on her. It's hard to know how much to intrude. I love Kristi! That red wine color looks very intriguing.

  3. These past few months I have noticed a few bloggers disappear from the Land of Blog with no notice. In these times I worry, especially since one in particular wrote three days a week.

    I hope you hear from Kristi soon.

  4. It's a good idea to give someone trusted your password to your blog just in case. I have been very relieved, though sad, when a blogger's relative has posted about something happening to a longtime blogger. But it was better than not knowing. I've instructed my son, who is the soul of discretion, to do this for me, if necessary. Just a thought.

  5. Same - I'm going to have to teach my spouse to post a final farewell if I go first. When I don't hear from frequent posters, I worry something terrible has happened. I like the khaki a lot.

  6. I do hope Kristi is alright and has just forgotten to somehow let you know. It's worrying when people go off the air.
    I like the rusty rose.

  7. Sorry, I'm not a follower of that blogger and know nothing.

  8. I hope you hear from your blogger friend soon. Recently a blogger friend of mine died. His wife was kind enough in her grief to let us know.

  9. Good of you to care about a blogger and ask if anybody knows what's going on.

  10. I don't think clearly when I'm tired. I also don't think clearly when I'm wide awake. I hope someone has heard from your friend.


  11. I'm partial to the red wine myself :) And not just for towels :) Not familiar with that blogger; hopefully you'll get an update soon.


  12. I am sorry for your anxiety. Blogger become very, very dear to us. I well remember how much I worried when your blog went silent - and how glad I was to see your return.

  13. Oh dear, your rust rose looks very much like a cinnamon roll (coffee scroll here in Australia). Nice as it is it will be nicer to see a cream one there instead.
    I’m with you on writing a blog entry when ideas come into your head. I can never recall all those ‘good topics’ that I think about- trying to find pen and paper to jot them down just drives the ideas away, never to be retrieved again.

  14. I'm in favor of red wine.I do not know this blog but remember how much I worried about you when I was not here.

  15. I am not familiar with Kristi, but I hope that you receive good news of her soon.

  16. I wondered about her, too. Hope all is well.

  17. I vote for the red wine. Hopefully your fellow blogger has nothing more wrong than holiday-ohmigod-things-to-do.

  18. I'm partial to the khaki but the red wine will be nice too. not hearing from a blogger is concerning. reminds of the time you went silent during the vacation in DC. I finally had to contact your grandson Francis via his blog to find out if you were OK and as we all know now, you were and weren't.

  19. I think it is a good thing that bloggers care of each other! Sort of friends, I feel.

  20. I commiserate. I've lost many blogfriends over the years and it hurts like hell. A final message is devastating but needed.

    I love the deep wine colour.


  21. I am not familiar with Kristi's blog. I have been wondering about another blogger I follow who hasn't posted since the end of September.

  22. I am glad you are still keeping busy making your wonderful towels. I seem to forget my blog topics as well so I just keep a tab open with a document to add notes when I feel the inspiration. Hope you hear from your blogging buddy. Take care.

  23. Always worrying when a blog just disappears...and you wonder how far you can go in finding out if all is well.

  24. My vote for the next loom color would be the wine color. Sorry about your friend, Kristi. Since she's only 20 min. away, I would make the effort to at least drive to her home and see if anyone is there. You could safely check with a neighbor to find out if she's hospitalized or ???. Better to know than not. As others have noted, I've lost a few blogger friends through the years and it's especially hard to accept if you've met in person or connected beyond the words in your respective blogs.

  25. I hope she is too. Yes, the wine will equal drama.

  26. I wrote a comment on her blog too. She's not written in a while. How neat to know she lives close to you.
