
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Done with the past, the future has plenty of room for change (unknown author)

I worked to a deadline this week I just typed "weak" and laughed. But I did, just like churning out the budgets for five departments and getting them out and understood. Though actually that would have been done in November.

When I next warp, each of the forty spools will empty and need to be changed. That means stop turning the beam, make a note of the number of turns on the beam, get to the end of the thread on the spool, tie on the new spool and put it back on its peg.

I was not truthful! When I put on a new warp last November, I had to change out one spool, that one on the left, fourth one down. This is the only job I consider really ugly, far worse than tying on a new warp, and you know how I despise that.

The topmost spools are out of my reach! I stand on a little stool, which really isn't brilliant. But, my tall sister agreed to come help me during the two weeks she took off at year's end. She will be here tomorrow. But, not before ten in the morning.

And I have worked to that deadline! I finished the warp on the beam, then fulled the lengths of fabric, and cut them. Yesterday I serged off the ends of the towels. I missed a knot in the serger thread and let it go through the eyes. Of course it did not make it. It was too late in the afternoon for me to understand, so Jan came to rethread the machine. That last hook that is threaded from behind. Saved!

Today I finished hemming everything, and took new pictures. I almost titled this post, Cream Rose on Top! And, it is. I straightened up my shelf. I'm in good shape for next year.

I cleared off the last of the old warp and got the loom ready to begin the new warp tomorrow. Ready to go. And I promise you, I will not rush tying it on.

I read the fearless leader had promised a thirty day reign of destruction. I wonder if he may be frog marched from the scene before worse damage can be rendered. As if a massive intelligence breach is not damage. I wonder if McConnell has had enough.


  1. Good for you for getting all done and ready to start new in the New Year.
    I think for a lot of people, the legal realities they face are starting to bite them a bit. Good.

  2. McConnell will never have enough. He has latched his future to the orange one, and he can't let go.
    You look like you're neatly closing out this year, ready for the new.

    1. that was the exact first thought that popped into my head.

  3. Terrifically organized and ready for 2021. I am feeling sick over the idiot's antics and the enabling. He is worse than a toddler.

  4. Hi! I blogged about your question today. Franklin shouldn't have made promises on my behalf because I don't know the answer. I thought one of my brilliant followers would know, but so far, no answer. I have two possible answers: 1. It was something that publisher did, or 2. Cather demanded it and because she was a great writer and quite successful, the publisher acquiesced. Favorite Young Man told me that McConnell has acknowledged Joe Biden's win and congratulated him, so yeah, maybe he's tired of the idiot-in-chief.


  5. Hari OM
    I need to get this disciplined... I've managed to clean and tidy exactly one small kitchen cupboard in three days back at the Hutch. Only eight more to go. YAM xx

    1. You have no responsibility to that for quite some time!

  6. Very impressive work. You met and even exceeded your goal...ready for 2021. With new leadership at the helm and several vaccines available, 2021 is looking good.

  7. He just pardoned everybody but the kitchen sink. Now he won't sign thiing unless there's more money for the proletariat. LOL The loom looks lovely.

  8. It must be satisfying to reach the complete end of the warp and have a short break before tying on the new one.
    I read in our newspaper the trumpster is planning to sue everyone who voted for Biden. Imagine the kerfuffle that would follow!

  9. Seems like you have been very busy getting ready for the new year! Merry Christmas! Off on a blog break :)


  10. I am impressed at the tidy and disciplined way that you are finishing your year.
    The Trumpster? I don't think he understands either concept.

  11. It's a good feeling to be ready to start the new year isn't it? Your shelves look great and you have a good assortment of towels done!

    I've been worried since the election about what Trump would do with his last thirty days. I sure hope someone is assigned the job of keeping an eye on him so he doesn't burn the White House down or anything like that. He was mental before but he has slipped even further into the mental unknown recently.

  12. Although I don't understand your description of doing things on the loom, I can see how busy you have been from that shelf full of towels.
    Over here in the UK we have heard nothing on the news about your ex-leader for several days...........there are too many problems here for them to tell us about.
    Have a wonderful Christmas

  13. Changing spools does not sound anythiing at all like work compared with churning out budgets for five departments.

  14. Politics in the USA is becoming an exercise in barely controlled anarchy at the highest levels, with a former mendacious general urging martial law, and the overturning of democratic elections, and a President pardoning convicted liars, murderers and political thugs. The power of the pardon needs some serious revision so thiis travesty can never happen again.

  15. I believe next year will be a good year. Nice to hear you are ready for it.

  16. All tidy and neatly done. I do like to see all those lovely colors of thread. So we are on to the future and new beginnings and hope.

    I want to wake up one day when that horrid man’s name is not mentioned. Last night he threw a new bomb at us and how many more will come in the next month. So many are suffering and he doesn’t care. He knows that amount will not pass Congress so people will get nothing.

  17. You certainly are Wonder Woman when it comes to weaving! Well done!

  18. good for you. always nice to finish something on deadline even it it's your own deadline. what's that gadget on the loom in the last picture?

    1. That's called the tension box. It holds the threads in their 2" order so they fall neatly into each two inch bout. Of course, everything can go wrong, but order and tension are its job.

    2. I think we could all do with a tension box too at the moment! But tomorrow I hope we all have a peaceful Christmas Day and that next year offers us more freedom.

  19. I am always so impressed with your calm ease when it comes to your tying on for a new weaving.

  20. I turned on the news this morning (feeling safe since I hadn't seen 'that face' on TV lately)... and lo and behold! 'that face' was on my screen complaining about the new stimulus bill! Turned it off quickly!
    Keep weaving Joanne! We all love your towels!

  21. We watch our neighbour country in horror and disbelief. His pardons, his genocide of his own people, his betrayal as a traitor (he is Russia's slavering lapdog after all) and the paralysis of no one coming forward and marching him off in handcuffs. Will the truth if his fraud and chicanery ever be accounted for?

    And your weaving takes endless patience and perseverance. I admire you.


  22. The fearless leader will be dragged, kicking and screaming, out of the Oval Office in a few weeks.

    Even then he won't shut up.

  23. I wasted the entire day! My one accomplishment was a shower! I have lounged all day long on the sofa with many dogs giving me love! I should be ashamed, but I am not! Tomorrow I will hit the floor running (so to speak)!

  24. I am so glad you are well and could finish your work. And you know that I admire you, your wit, strength, and dry humour (hat uses so precise words). I learn a lot through you. You are my friend, Joanne, and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  25. What a power house you are. Does the loom once set up weave without you manually passing the shuttle (probably the wrong word?) backwards and forwards?

    That man beggers belief, can’t even bring myself to say his name.

    Merry Christmas Joanne


    1. I throw the shuttle back and forth and forth and back, and listen to books.

  26. Happy Christmas Joanne, and Health and happiness for the new year. I'm praying we'll get back to how things were. Your tea towels are out ready to use tomorrow! Thank you.
