
Monday, November 30, 2020

Holing up

 Well, I had my phone fixed this afternoon. There are two places to put it on Do Not Disturb. I didn't know about the second place. The ever helpful fellow at the phone store knew. Now I know, too. And I left the store to the tinkle of all the incoming texts and messages.

Laura moved over the weekend. Everything is in her studio except the bed. All her help bailed except one stalwart friend, and they got it all moved except her bed. Too big for the car. She's not fussed.

I learned all this when I called to see when we could get together, for help with my shopping. The awful season has arrived; we are under a winter storm advisory from today through Thursday. The snow total is forecast at four to six inches. The news feed for Peninsula warns it will rain for the next 120 minutes. That's two hours, bringing us to 8 p.m., and that is when the snow will begin.

The hang up with Laura and shopping is that she has no car. I am more than happy to go get her, but a bit of planning is required. The ten mile drive takes twenty minutes. That's essentially an hour total travel time just for that pick up and return, and I'd prefer to start before three in the afternoon.

I gathered myself up after lunch and went grocery shopping, brought it home, got it in and unloaded and put away. My hoodie was in the dryer, on high heat, that entire time, and still feels cold and damp several hours later.

I finished the rust warp and it's sitting on the washing machine, waiting for tomorrow. I ate supper, and here I am, writing a blog entry about shopping before the storm.

Tonight I'd intended to write about the envelope of pictures from my father's trunk. Although all the pictures are scanned, any information on their backs is over in the desk drawer, and I'm not getting up again until bedtime.

That is a picture of my father in gingham and a bandaged toe, holding his brother, in yesterday's post. The picture of the class has an arrow pointing to my father and his name written below. Here's another picture of a class he was part of. The next time I post, it will be more pictures, and the story of the envelope.


  1. Hari Om
    Groceries and storms are life and life keeps trucking... YAM xx

  2. Good luck in the storm, Joanne. Glad you got groceries in before it starts.

    That is a great old photo. It’s sad to think all those little souls are long gone though.

  3. It's nice that you have old photos to look back on. I have one of my father with his parents and two brothers from when he was about eight years old.

  4. Wow... some of those kids look so stern! And their dress is so different! Thanks for sharing -- glad you got your groceries in and unloaded before the storm hit. Stay safe! (and warm!!!)

  5. I wonder if the kids had to hold still a while for the photo. It could account for some of the grim expressions!
    Love old photos. What date would this be, about?

  6. Great that you made it to the grocery , Groceries and a full tank- security. Hunker down, stay warm, be well. LOVE the photo of the very serious children.

  7. Surprised that you get snow there. I'm going to have to brush up on my geography.

  8. Always good to be well stocked before the snow. Our weather seems to cycle warm-cold-warm. Today it is raining and about 50 degrees. The snow always looks pretty but I'm not terribly disappointed when it lasts a 3-5 days then melts. Your photos are real treasures.

  9. It's wonderful to have old family photos of the past. My grandmother used to write on the front of photos too, and put "x's" and arrows. Now it just adds to their charm.

  10. The old pictures are priceless. I have a few from older times. I lost most of my old pictures in a house fire.I now scan them all to my computer to be there forever.

  11. What year would that class picture have been taken, approximately? I have seen pictures of my mother's class and some very old pictures, could they have been her mother's class?? My mother was born in '28, so the class pictures would have been from the 30's. Everybody looks the same as the ones I looked at. Same clothes, same hair, same facial expressions. What would they have said about a class picture from present day?! -Jenn

  12. How lucky you are to have those old photos.
    I am also very glad that you got home (with groceries) before the storm and that Laura is pretty much moved in.

  13. What an exhausting day for you. Glad you're home and well pantried for the storm.


  14. Oh don't you hate it when you hear a storm (especially snow) is coming and you have to buy groceries! Hopefully you can stay safely home now. We are supposed to have snow coming Thursday here.

    I love the old pictures! I have some from my family too and they fascinate me. It's like we are given the chance to step into the distant past. I always wonder what the people were thinking and if they realized their future family would be seeing their faces. I will look forward to the story of the envelope!

  15. Stay safe in spite of the storm, having enough food in the house is a god send.

  16. Good to get stores in before a storm.
    Glad Laura got moved ok..and that one helper honoured their word!
    Priceless photos..must sort all ours out

  17. Wow - so much snow expected! In Bavaria the triplets have seen today the first snow of their life - and are fascinated.
    as I am by your old photo!

  18. It is always good to hear about Laura. And I sincerely love old photos. Looking forward to more.

  19. It is always nice to see old photos. I look forward to more.

  20. Now that's a bunch of lily white well- dressed kids.

  21. I definitely see a resemblance between your dad and you. Your pictures are a treasure.

    I see where you are under a snow alert today. It is a good thing that you were able to get out and stock up before it started. We had some bad storms yesterday with possible tornadoes around. They will tell us today what exactly they were. Since we are experiencing weather conditions with names I have never heard of before, we could have new word to learn and talk about.

    I do hope that Laura gets her bed moved in soon.

  22. Bless Laura. She sounds like such an unflappable young woman.
    Good for you for getting your shopping done and in and put away. Whenever the bag person at my grocery store asks if I would like help getting the groceries to the car I always think, "What's the point?" knowing that I'd really like the help when I get home to unload them.
    Stay safe. Stay cozy.
    Take care, dear Joanne.

    1. that's what my sister, unless you are going to follow me home and take them in too.

  23. It's always good to read about Laura. You gave her wonderful tools for life.

  24. weird quality of those old pictures with the white outlining things or highlighting others while other parts are smudgy. and yeah, once I sit down for the evening, I am loathe to have to get up again.

  25. Those old photos are a treasure. I wonder what people will do in the future to pass down photos that are all digital? I have copied some old VCR movies and will put them on thumb drives to share with my kids but I wonder if, in the future, they will still be able to access them.

  26. It sounds you have a plan for your shopping and that it's a team effort. But snow, ugh. It complicates everything! I love looking at old photos--their expressions, hairstyles, outfits, etc.

  27. Wish we could put our phone on do not disturb in light of all the spam calls we've recently started getting. I'll probably just turn it off tonight.

    1. Only now did I learn that we have to renew our "do not call" sign up every year.
      The pictures are wonderful.

  28. You couldn't take a photo like that now... children are much wrigglier these days!
    I wonder where they all went and what they did?

  29. I love finding old family photos. I like it even more when the individuals are identified. Stay warm!

  30. I'm glad Laura had at least one friend who assisted in the move. I'm glad she remains willing to help you, as Favorite Young Man does for me.

