
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Take a peek! Just look at that!

 Guess how many "looks" there have been at towels out at work. Oh, wait. I'll tell. Just short of 1,400. Not counting me. There are twenty five "owners" represented, and I bet each of us has not looked fifty times.

I know how many have promised pictures, but haven't got round to it yet. If you haven't changed your mind, send it along. 

The new cerise towels are finished and posted. The next set will be dusty green, a popular color from the past. Then it will be time to put a new warp on the loom. We'll see how much grumbling will be involved.

It is so easy to be distracted by nothing to do these days, especially in relation to how it upsets the real routine. I hope I explained that well enough. We all have a friend whose plate is piled high these days. In case you've meant to and haven't, drop a note to Procrastinating Donkey. Jenny_O might enjoy a fluttering of emails to let her know we remember.

These new times have left me with a string of photos I've not been able to use, so here they come now.  The first is the first of the full moons this month. The next is the blue moon. I'll try for it, too.

I took this at least one day after the "full moon", and I can see the first slice of "going to rest" in the west.

We are having a decent autumn of color here. It's kept me busy snapping.

Yesterday was completely overcast, but the colors still were nicely stacked.

I went into town to mail a package. The post office was closed. Not until I was back home did I remember. I won't mention the day. I did pass this pretty little tribute to the holiday at the end of the month.

And another one. It's a very big tree, with a gnome's door. Sorry, it's closed.


  1. Lovely photos. Thank you.
    I often visit that page showing the homes for your towels and come away smiling each time.
    I got an email from jenny_o yesterday. She tells me that they had a better week. Her husband now has appropriate pain medication and has also been given treatment which increases his appetite and energy. Both of which are wonderful things to hear.
    I am sure she would love to hear from people. Cyber hugs.

  2. Hari OM
    golly, yes, the months are racing past as fast as the clouds o'er the moon! I'll be back at the Hutch next week and have it on my to do list to take new shots of the lovely towels... YAM xx

  3. Well done on those towels and the huge interest for your wonderful product!

    I love moon shots.


  4. Gorgeous photos, Joanne!
    Uuuummm... We took my mom for a fasting blood test yesterday to find the hospital was closed for Discoverers Day! Dang! Then we didn't check our mailbox because we thought it was a federal holiday. Dang! We looked this morning and saw a ton of mail from yesterday.

  5. Those fall-colored trees are perfectly gorgeous. Now that's something you won't see in Florida.

  6. That's a great, atmospheric shot of the recent full moon!

  7. Love the moon shot... and the fall colors... but would love more shots of Toby! He's such a handsome cat.

  8. I love your pictures! I can never seem to get a good picture of the moon. Yours is beautiful! I'm not surprised to hear the high count on the lovely "Where Towels Live" page. I have been there several times and I don't even have a picture there!

    1. Joanne I came back to look at your beautiful photos again. There is just something about them especially the last two of the decorated house. Those two look like paintings. Did you see in the last picture on the right hand side in front of the white house - a small image that looks like a woman in a long flowing dress.

    2. I wish I could. I've looked several times, and all I get is the greenery.

    3. No, it's one of the "ghosts" hanging from the tree. I just saw it that way.

  9. The moon and clouds look like a character from the Muppets (shark? crocodile?) to me. How blessed I am to perceive the mundane in the extraordinary. Maybe blessed isn't the right word.

    1. That was a serendipitous shot. The very blackness all around was complete cloud cover, coming in thick and fast. I grabbed my phone and focused through the window and didn't quit shooting until the cloud cover was complete. That was the very best shot I had, clouds closing in fast.

  10. Wow, I love the photos, especially of the autumn color. We don't have much yet and I'm wondering if the weather is wrong to get any. (we don't get much to start with) Is that dusty green sort of a sage green? I'm getting very bored with my new routine which is a whole lot of nothing. :(

  11. The photos are beautiful, Joanne. You have more colour this autumn than we do.

  12. 1,400. Nicely done. Keep up the good work. I need to take photos of the towels. I keep forgetting. Sorry. I miss jenny_o.

  13. Great picture of the moon! Fun with the Halloween decorations you got to see!


  14. I love a moody full moon picture! Now I'm going to look at your towel pages. -Jenn

  15. I love seeing Halloween decorations! And the colors of Fall in all the trees is so wonderful. Thanks... and I promise to take a photo of my towels. I did get my remnant hemmed and it's now in its place of honor in my kitchen sink! Thank you!

  16. I would imagine that next wee we will have the fall scenes that you are having now. The changing color of the leaves is always something to look forward to and enjoy. It usually is a very short time as one rain storm can take them all away.

    I have left a post on Jenny’ blog site but will send her an email also. She is such a lovely, kind hearted person and I am concerned about her.

  17. A genuine gnomes door! I never see those, only fake ones that people paint or nail on.
    I love the row of trees with autumn colours shining through.

  18. So beautiful photos, Joanne, thank you! (I never get so wonderful results at moon photos as yours!)
    When I use your green towels, I think of you - and thank you. They are so lovely - as my red scarf, also created by you: time to take it out again - it is getting fresh!

  19. It has beena while since I have managed to get a full mon pic. Maybe the blue one will be clear.

  20. That house photo is, as they say, pretty as a picture!

  21. Thanks for the fall color photos and the spooky moon shot. Mid-Atlantic colors aren't quite there yet--maybe after the cooler weather due this weekend. Thanks, also, for the reminder to email JennyO.

  22. Thanks for the fall color photos and the spooky moon shot. Mid-Atlantic colors aren't quite there yet--maybe after the cooler weather due this weekend. Thanks, also, for the reminder to email JennyO.

  23. nice shot of the moon. I was on a river trip once and two of the other paddlers, both guys, were convinced we would have a full moon two nights later. nope, I told them, three nights. They wouldn't believe me. two nights later we looked at the moon. I can't believe it's not full they cried. the next night it was. just like I said.

  24. Nice pictures. I'm jealous you have 'fall' happening there. We have summer and trees turning brown (no pretty colors here).

  25. Love that moon shot. I have, in my entire life, taken one good moon picture. All of the others are out of focus or fuzzy or some sort of badness. Good luck with the new weaving, grumbling is always an approved activity.

  26. I've been wondering about Jenny_O. I'll email her. I need to count how many towels I have--that I'm willing to give as Christmas presents. It's hard for me to give them up because every color is so pretty.


  27. I have one more picture, I use my towels all the time and owe you big time.

  28. Lovely photos..nature keeps us going.

  29. Just enjoying catching up on your blog posts. I took a peek at where the towels live. That was a great idea. I hope more photos come in soon.
