
Friday, October 2, 2020

No overthinking

I slept in half an hour, another day. My second  (?) winter on from a broken leg, I recognize change of weather equals change of pain, from accepted normal to too much. 

Last winter how I wanted those metal rods removed, and the sweet young surgeon said sure, he could do that, but what if a strong wind broke that bone again. So, another winter to get through.

And the news this morning, POTUS and FLOTUS are Covid positive. My stomach turned and my brain thought "You dumb fuck!".  I truly am sorry, even though the two of them walked in, eyes wide open.

I went to the post office this afternoon. The one closest to home, with all the urban cross roads. A bright red truck zoomed out of one, causing me to brake sharply (warning ding from the monitor) and curse softly.

The truck flew two flags from the tailgate, each big enough to swathe my car. On my left, that new American flag with black and white bars and one blue, for all our first responders. I used to respect that flag. Perhaps I was dumb.

The flag on the right was an American flag. So, the standard calling card of an American redneck. I wondered if he would "blow coal", though I also reasoned he probably was not smart enough or old enough to understand diesel and standard shift. He made an unsignaled right turn, and then I saw the entire center of the flag proclaimed TRUMP. 

This year I have read too many books on racism, cast, underclass. I've even set a couple aside, too much to stomach. I've started Caste, by Wilkerson, Deep South by Theroux, Entitled by Marnne, among others. The only book I finished, and read deeply and recommend is Deep South, by Paul Theroux. I could relate to every page of the book, and some of it has even happened to me.

We deliberately maintain an underclass in this country. Not you and me, but the system that only trusts fat white men (and women). The power and the money only goes where the holders of the power and the money wish it to go. 

Theroux has travelled the world and written widely of cast and underclass, and all those places in South America, Africa, India, touched by the money of the Clinton Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He's also travelled our deep South, where the money has never gone.

But of course, there is other news. I've finished the Slate towels. As soon as I post this, I'll post them. And three more towels at home came into my box today. Now that is fun.

It is cold, raining most mornings. The sun was brilliant later in the day and the sky still is cloudless. How I hope to see the full moon tonight. In the meantime, my flowers are between some paragraphs, and here are the new slate towels.


  1. Glad you are OK. I have noticed more and more big trucks with the the big flags. The joke was that a big truck compensated for a small penis. Now I think the big flags compensate for their fragile masculinity. Enjoy your sunshine and we still love your towels. Take care, Joanne.

  2. Beautiful slate towels! We have those gigantic Trumpian pick ups around here. They also like to fly Confederate flags sometimes. Of course they're NOT racist. Yeah, right. Sorry about your pain; my late husband had a rod in one of his femurs and sometimes he got a hitch in it. He didn't talk much about any pain, but since he only made it to 59, perhaps that would have come along later.

  3. I had to check out where your towels live before I responded. That page give me so much joy.
    I can remember reading that many (most?) of those who make it a practice to fly the flag on their cars are racist. Sadly I have seen the truth of that here. People proudly waving our flag and abusing people who look/dress differently.
    Loving your towels and your garden. I hope you can see the full moon - and that the sun shines (literally AND metaphorically) tomorrow.

  4. I will resist saying what I truly believe about Trump getting the Coronavirus, but I would imagine that Joe Biden is feeling a little smug right now - his mask is looking good.

  5. Such pretty flowers blooming!


  6. We even had some Rump supporters at an anti-mask rally in Montreal. We have plenty of deplorables here too.

  7. Sorry about the pain, Joanne. It's so stressful. And the crazy driver complete with flags.

  8. You could live without the pain. My leg was badly set when in France and is now giving me gyp...especially in wet weather.
    I may not like Trump, but i find those who gloat over his illness beyond the pale. When it comes to illness, we are all human.

  9. I must read some of the books in your list.

  10. Your flowers are still pretty. The slate towels are very, very nice. People in cars like what you described, and their ignorance (owning the road) upset me so.

    BTW, Your brain thought correctly.

  11. Sorry about your pain. I wish there was a way to prevent it, especially in cold weather. The slate towels look great! We have those big pick up trucks with flags around here too. Some of them have those disgusting balls hanging from the back bumper. Might as well have a sign that says "Redneck Racist".

  12. I also find our flag, hoisted outside a window or flying from someone's gate a rather scary happening as well, it normally goes with a whole lot of ignorance about 'rights' and who should live in our country.

  13. The slate towels are really nice.
    I'm in two minds about the Trumps, on the one hand I don't like to see people suffer, on the other hand he deserves to suffer as his people did because of his lack of action and direction.

  14. They have to learn that things are real,even if it's the hard way.
    Those slate towels are beautiful.

  15. I like those slate towels a lot. I won't say anything about Trump. You know what I think. I have to say that if anyone who had a moving gif for an avatar (as Mr. Shife at the top has) commented on mine, I would delete them immediately.

  16. Seems to me, your redneck defaced the American flag. For shame on him. I suspect that if the flag said something else, he'd be the first one screaming about defacing. Your flowers are beautiful. I have another friend with steel rods and such in a leg - she can tell the weather better than those paid to do so! New career possibilities!

  17. Maybe there is nothing wrong with him, just a way to get out of the debates? Oh and to get some sympathy votes.

    Your leg pain sounds horrible. Do you ping when you go through airport security?


  18. I just love your Where The Towels Live page.
    And I'm in awe of your reading the hard books. Basically, I just admire you tremendously.

  19. Agree with all your sentiments. Off to the library with your book list.

  20. your flowers are still gorgeous. as for Trump and Melania, I'm not sorry at all they got covid. he refused to warn the nation and take the steps necessary to protect us because he didn't want the stock market to crash. he is responsible for 210,00 dead and continued up until he himself got sick to poo poo it, him and his family refusing to wear masks and not allowing WH staff to wear masks.

  21. The rod in my broken thigh is complaining about the change in weather... guess I'm stuck with it too! But "Tigger the tripper" will NOT trip me again!!

  22. Sorry for your leg pain. When I broke my leg, the surgeon said I would be able to forecast the weather because of the rod in my leg, but this has never happened. I am sorry for Trump and the First Lady, although he made all kinds of fun of people took reasonable precautions. If it turns out that his fecklessness has infected Biden, my feelings of concern will evaporate in an instant.

  23. I have to go see the towels when they are at home.
    Yes, sorry about the agony. I have one hand/arm/finger joining your leg.

  24. It looks to be a cold winter for sure. Too often people who drive large vehicles exhibit small manners.

  25. The slate is gorgeous. And the flowers. And your Occupant, it seems like he spread it around last week as they're tumbling like dominoes. but who knows where the truth lies.

    He still has his base even though he's killed many of them.


  26. I love that slate color! I may have to order some towels for holiday gifts. Your flowers are pretty, too.

  27. The slate towels are gorgeous. Your flowers are so pretty. You do a great job with your plants!

  28. So glad to hear you are well. Trump supporters were out driving with flags yesterday to show support. Why should we be empathic when he isn't? I'm not going happily into the cold months. I need to meditate or something. Wish that I could.

  29. No sympathy here! Well, maybe for the care givers of Potus. Being a nurse myself, I would find it very hard to be compassionate for the type of patient I am quite sure he is. Way in the back of my mind I am wondering if the public is getting the full story. I have to wonder if this is not an elaborate scheme to delay the election, or use it for a way to garner sympathy and definitely to avoid another debate. Trust and Trump are opposites!!

  30. The slate is a striking color, love it.

    As far as our president and his wife being cared for at Walter Reed, it is important for our nation. Whether he is not liked or appreciated, he is still our president. As for a possible scheme, I seriously doubt it. There are no secrets in D.C.

    1. No argument Susan. The President is the head of the greatest democracy this world has known, the leader of the free world and the people of this nation.
      Do you know how many poor people it takes to make one rich man?

    2. especially when he stiffs them.

  31. Oh how I adore you! And I just fell on your page today. I live in a red county and there is something that I have noticed: The folks who drive around with those great big 'Don't tread on me! flags? They demand you respect their rights but they are first ones to trample all over everyone else's.

  32. And now the President has done a drive-by for no reason except attention-seeking and a photo op, and exposed all those involved to infection. A dumb fuck indeed.

  33. The slate looks ace. Well done, Joanne.

    The truck with flags a-waving would be an unwelcome sight (but not wholly unheard of) around here.

    I suppose that the doctor has a good point. Gusts and hard pavement are no one's friend. Sorry about the discomfort!

  34. The flowers are wonderful and the slate towel charming and modern.
