
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Lunch with Nancy

I've chatted a couple of times with Nancy, since our last card game in, I think I'm remembering correctly, March. There will be no more cards, I'm sure. At least not at the Methodist church. I'm still up for lunch, any time I can find, or join a gang. I've encouraged Nancy to agreeing, and she came up with: lunch at Nancy's. Bring your own.

It was a good success, and we'll do it again. Next time I'll take my own brown bag and cup of coffee. I'm so unused to Subway ingredients that I came home and fell asleep for ninety minutes. I'm really disliking wasting that much of a day for an avoidable reason.

Nancy was still out getting lunch for Bill and herself when I pulled in. Bill is an avid, avid gardener, and I saw him up in the top of his flower garden when I pulled in. Can you tell they have grandchildren?

The "back garden". The sort of garden I might have had, given enough time at the old house. Bill's gardening theory is very close to mine, of plant so many things there is no room for weeds. Bill's, plant so many things the weeds look like another flower.

Hibiscus! How I love them. My one fling with them made for a lovely autumn show, but we didn't tend its pot well enough in the winter.

I don't know this flower. There are many vines filling trellis's along the walk. It is an overwhelming display. I enjoyed chatting, catching up, surrounded by so many flowers. We'll do it again.

I've so little other news. The grass green length is off the loom and ready to make into towels, starting tomorrow.

Up next, charcoal or black. I may flip a coin.



  1. LOVING that garden. Of course.
    And thrilled that you are lunching again.
    I prefer the charcoal to the black - but both will be practical, beautiful and have many fans.

  2. I've loved my outdoor lunches or get togethers. We are learning to be quite creative, due to the necessity of trying to stay healthy. I need the air quality to improve and the smoke to go away, so I can get back to "dates" before the rain and colder weather come. That's a great idea for planting! I dislike weeding and haven't been able to do as much of it as I should, given trips and environment issues.

  3. You are out and about more than I am. FAR more. I am in awe of you.
    That garden is quite lovely. I had a garden spot once between my house and a swimming pool. (Didn't like the house, loved the pool.) I filled that garden with everything from herbs to hibiscus, roses and zinnias. My neighbor said, "You've got a real English cottage going here. I laughed because I'd just filled it with anything that caught my eye to plant. I miss that pool. I miss that garden.

  4. That is a lovely garden, I like his theory of weed suppression and hiding. We can't eat at Subway anymore. When we had the RV we ate lunch there a LOT, because they were attached to fuel travel plazas. No mas!

  5. Charcoal, it goes with everything.
    Beautiful garden

  6. When I met my friend for lunch on the weekend, it almost felt like everything was like the Pre-Covid times until people came in the restaurant with masks on. Then reality quickly settled in. Those carefree times are not nearby I fear.

  7. Whether it's charcoal or black it will keep you just as busy.

  8. That is a great idea to go to a friend's for lunch. People need interaction like this. I do like those green towels!


  9. Bill is my kind of gardener, we garden with the same philosophy. I believe the white flower is Moon flower.

  10. I love that garden, can just imagine walking around it. My bet is on the black, lovely non-colours for a granite or slate kitchen.

    So glad you enjoyed your lunch meet.


  11. That might be a trumpet vine. My gardening is groundcover through which I plant other plants. Literally no room for weeds. I don't count wildflowers as weeds. Right now I have some lovely spiderwort climbing all over the groundcover.

    1. That's correct! My mother had one that was HUGE!

  12. Good to hear that you got out and had lunch with a friend. I haven't had Subway in years so I don't blame you for wanting to pack a lunch next time. Bill's garden is pretty impressive. Wow. Take care.

  13. I love Subway sandwiches... Black Forest ham and double the meat. I share it with Robert for a really good lunch--the more veggies, the better!

  14. My Rare One and I bought Subway subs for supper the other night (we each got two meals out of our foot-longs!) It was the first Subway sub I've had since way before the pandemic. I enjoyed it so much! I'm slowly, SLOWLY, starting to feel okay about maybe getting take-out restaurant food now.

  15. I’d try charcoal next.....I’m not saying it would but black might fade in the wash then just look grubby. Charcoal could fade to a nicer shade of grey.
    I’ve never had Subway.

  16. I vote for the black--classic black and white is always a gorgeous combination. Your lunch with Nancy reminds me of my brown bag lunches with Mage

  17. Bill's garden looks wonderful. I like the idea of BYO lunch dates.

  18. Joanne i think the plant is Datura and it is a Poisonous plant.

  19. Hari OM
    Picnic at home (or a friend's) is a grand idea for COVID times!!! YAM xx

  20. That's a wonderful garden your friends have.

  21. That is quite a garden. You need a certain amount of space for one like that.

  22. I have had lunches in my yard with friends and family - not all at once, but usually two people at a time. Chairs are ten feet apart, bottled ice tea is served, individual bag snacks, and either bought hoagies or a tomato tart I have made. As summer ends, the door is closing so we should all do these more often.

    Like Boud said, I think that is a Trumpet Vine.

    1. I just looked up tomato tart for a recipe. I found one I'd like to try.

  23. How nice to be able to get together with friends.

  24. You're so lucky that you can still meet with friends. Our numbers are too high in Hawaii. We're on lock-down.

  25. How nice to have lunch outside with your friends! They do have a beautiful garden. I bet you fell asleep because of all the bread in the subway sandwich. My husband loves those deli sandwiches but I could do with a little less bread. The grass green looks so fresh and happy! I like the black and the charcoal both.

  26. I just don't like Subway rolls. But I do like the idea of meeting friends, with or without a Bring You Own Lunch!

  27. When I go and get my hair cut I take my own coffee in a flask, I'm yet to have to take my own food somewhere, but anything's possible at the moment!

  28. I canlt see the leaves very well, but it looks like datura to me...not called henbane for nothing.

  29. the white flower is a datura, also called jimson weed and sometimes moonflower because they open in the evening and close in the morning. the other moonflower also opens at night and closes in the morning but it's a vine with leaves similar to morning glories, I believe they are in the same family. trumpet flowers hang upside down and are brugmansia. I've had datura in one of my flower beds but they didn't come back this year.

    glad you got to have lunch with Nancy. maybe y'all should try to zoom your card games though I don't know if that would work.

  30. Sounds like a very nice day - lunch in the garden.
