
Saturday, August 29, 2020

On a lighter note!

Toby spent much of his day in this open widow. What a beautiful day it was! Low to mid seventies. The air conditioning came on once, about four in the afternoon.

Sadly, so sadly, yesterday afternoon and evening had dark skies and torrential rain. I'd planned on supper at Ruth's, with Beth and Caroline. Checking the radar, I could see the same storm would sweep over Ruth, until at least eight in the evening. 

So, I cancelled that engagement. I will drive in most anything, but heavy rain, country lanes and headlights and dark scare me off.  

I spent a lot of time today updating the state of weaving for sale. I found I'd left one of the towels, purple, out of the last color wheel. No doubt about it, I am no graphic designer. So many times later, I did think to list the color names this time.


The latest color finished is blue denim, over there to the left. Just below the purple that went missing. Here it is, singularly:

Almost done with promotion, here. I am about to order more thread, twenty cones of natural for warp, seven colors that sold out, or that I should try. I'm still hemming the blue denim towels, and my work station remains cluttered:

The wheel of towels consumes half the table. I must clear them out tomorrow morning. There is the green I'll use next.

So, when did food get so expensive? Like the post office, it crept up on me unaware. For the last two months, my first grocery expedition of the month has been eighty dollars, almost exclusive of meat. And I bought just one pound of bacon!

When did Facebook change? I use it only to post a new towel for sale. This time, Wow. I have not been there for a month. I called my sister, who uses Facebook constantly for her quilting and said What the Hell happened, and what do I do?

I totally stymied on sharing the post on my Joanne Noragon Weaver page to my Joanne Noragon page. She slipped in and did it, so it came to my home page (and her bazillion quilting friends), and I could share it to my hundred or so friends. Why can't I copy and paste all my never changing information to Facebook posts? 

Often I wonder about the Facebook and Instagram effort. Have either resulted in the sale of a towel? Perhaps I'll keep track.




  1. I haaaaaaaaaaate change, like the new Blogger and the new Facebook. All I do on Facebook is lurk, but even this feels too difficult with the new format. The cat looks really happy. Food prices have really jumped up. A chicken plant somewhere was just forced to close because of an outbreak among the line workers.

  2. I was never aware of a fb change, but I don’t do the kinds of things you do.

  3. I keep resisting updating Facebook when I get the notice to do so. Hubby's automatically updated so I'm hoping that won't be the case for me. A lot of the food we buy here is the same price. I keep track of prices pretty closely, taught that by my mom growing up on a tight budget. When I see eggs and milk at low prices I know most everything is pretty much the same price from week to week. What I think has gotten a bit more expensive is paper products. Always a pretty assortment of towels you make!


  4. The new Facebook(required in September) looks awful--lots of empty/wasted space and I don't know where things are. I will adjust, but I'm grumpy about it! I feel the same way about groceries; they've become way more expensive without me noticing. Beautiful towels!

  5. Toby looks so happy in the window. Cats and windows just go together like apple pie and ice cream. How nice to have cooler weather. I am so tired of the heat, especially when you have to go out in it. We may get some lower 80s next week. I'll take it.

    It seems like Facebook is always changing something and leaving me lost. I stay on it because I can keep up with some of my cousins but I am always hitting the wrong thing and then trying to take it back.

    I love your ever growing rainbow of towels!

  6. That worktable is cluttered? It's so neat it makes my desk/table here look like the neighbourhood dumpsite. I should probably clear away the week's newspapers, that would help a lot. But Lola likes to lie on them...

  7. Your cluttered worktable looks like the height of efficiency to me.
    I don't play FB but have heard about the changes. Sigh. I don't like blogger's improvements either.
    I would be interested to hear whether FB or instagram do lift your sales figures. If they do, it is a reflection of your beautiful work.

  8. We love our red towels. I hate change as well.

  9. I thought I had commented. What happened to it? I wanted to say that I do not like these changes and they are never for the good. Soon Wordpress is going to launch their new "editor" and I am not looking forward to it. But I do love your towels!

  10. I wasn't aware FB was going to change and I log on every day if but for a few moments. I really don't like the new look at all and I don't find the features are as intuitive as before. I wish my cluttered areas look like your cluttered areas. I'd never have to worry about it ;-) As for food, the prices where I live started creeping up about 4 years ago and I've had to adapt because some things and indeed most things that I buy went up at least 30%. It's even worse now. Fortunately the sales keep me eating relatively well.

  11. Bloogger has just changed too - I wonder why they do these things - I sometimes think it is just to give themselves something to do.

  12. You're a busy lady Joanne - all that weaving. Do you weave grass like Pat above? I don't blame you for pulling out of the supper date. Driving at night in rain is definitely not a fun thing to do.

    1. I do not weave grass, but I collect the work of other weavers. I have beautiful Gullah grass baskets, and a lovely pine needle winnowing basket from the same area.

  13. Funny you should mention bacon. It is something we seldom buy, but we had a recipe we wanted to try and needed bacon. After they had revived me with smelling salts, having fainted from sticker shock, I was in shock again when I saw what it cooked down to - mainly a sea of fat and a few shrivelled bits of alleged bacon in the centre of the pan. Based on what you actually get to eat it is the most expensive meat you can buy. I think the next recipe requiring bacon will get a pass from us.

    1. I've never thought of it that way. On the other hand, I buy it lean and use it all.

  14. Your workbench looks good! Farcebook changes so often, if you don't like it another change will be along soon.

  15. The older I get the more I resist change, it's the learning curve that takes so much energy and longer to become automatic.

    We're feeling the dregs of Laura here today, lashing rain and wind. I do like this kind of weather tho and don't feel compelled to do anything.


    1. I spend so much time doing nothing as it is, I do resent the time I spend not learning new stuff.

  16. There must be something wrong with me. I barely notice the changes on Blogger and FB. Of course I don't do anything on FB that involves anything besides reading, commenting, and occasionally making a post. I bet that Toby is loving the open windows and cooler air. I suppose eventually we'll get some of that. Maybe.

  17. Groceries here went through the roof as well. The veggies from the garden offset the cost somewhat.

  18. there are four attributes to me driving to El Campo for yoga in the evenings...dark, rain, wind, cold. if any evening has any three of them, I stay home. doesn't matter which three. except in summer when it is never cold or dark when going or coming back, then if it's rainy and windy I stay home but that almost never happens.

    I'm glad you're having enough success selling towels that you are ordering more thread.

    I think the changes to blogger and FB are all about making the lap/desktop version look and act like the app version on mobile units, like the phone. the new version of FB doesn't bother me but I hate the new version of blogger.

    1. Actually, sales have dropped of dramatically. But I anticipate a change for the holidays. Or, I will have a lot of stock.

  19. Still mad at Facebook for taking away online Scrabble. Oh, there's a replacement if you want to play on your iPhone or notebook, which I don't.

  20. I cannot help you with techno advice involving Instagram, but I have plans which may mean I could in the future.
