
Sunday, July 26, 2020

Perhaps tomorrow...

I spent the entire week avoiding starting the new warp on the loom. I got up yesterday, determined, and wound one section and started another. Then I went to a graduation ceremony; came home too late and tired to do more.

But oh, boy, this morning I was on it! Started after breakfast and wound until noon. Five of eleven sections wound on when I broke for lunch. Then, back at it. And with the first ten turns or so, I found what an old wimp I've become. I didn't quite, I turned that sixth bout. More than half done. And I quit for the day.

I did go to Ruth's yesterday, where some of the family gathered in the TV room to watch Francis' graduation live streamed. And his mother and sister sat in the socially distanced audience. I'm tired of our telling each other that we maintained social distance. After four months, of course! Here's France, crossing the outdoor stage. It was a beautiful day yesterday.

And that's the end for me. If you have a grandchild graduating, I wish you as successful an outing as Francis had. 


  1. That is one happy-looking grandchild. :)

  2. Live-streaming is better than nothing at all, but still . . .
    Francis has grown up a lot since you first linked to his blog. What a fine-looking young man. You must be very proud of him!

    You should also be proud of yourself for persevering with the threading process. As they say, use it or lose it - and I'm finding with every year I can lose "it" more easily. Your determination is inspiring.

  3. Congratulations to Francis! My oldest grandchild will be a sophomore in high school this fall. And I am quite wondering whether school will be at all in person or all virtual!

  4. I have days like that. I feel just too old to do anything.

  5. I'm glad you got to see the graduation! My grandson graduated in June and we were able to attend it. It was "mostly" social distanced. When you have a big crowd it's hard to maintain that distance.

    Look at it this way: you are more than half done with the warp and that is a good thing! I'm becoming an old wimp too. Things that used to be simple wear me out now.

  6. Congrats to Francis!! A job well done I am sure!!


  7. congrats to you both... Francis for his happy graduation and you for all that winding!!

  8. Congratulations Francis. I don't know if High Schools here have graduating ceremonies, but I only have one grandchild left in high school. There were two who started uni, but left to get jobs instead.
    And I certainly wouldn't class you as a wimp, you do so much more in a day than I do.

  9. Hari OM
    Well done France!!! That young fellow is surely going places; literally and figuratively. You are justly proud, gramma. YAM xx

  10. I enjoy working at half the speed I used to. It gives you time to appreciate other things.

  11. I am comforted by the number of times you put off getting started on that loom. I find it hard to start anything but once I get going I am alright.

  12. It seems to me that it would be a good thing if we could all start each day with a figurative new warp on the loom.

  13. Congratulations to you for getting so much done and to Francis. Good for you folk for making the best of it.

  14. That is an excellent way of doing the graduation. They get there moment and everyone can safely watch it.

    I am one of those annoying people who when hearing that a loved one has been with other people, ask them if they socially distanced. They always tell me they have, but knowing that because of their age and past behavior, that it is not necessarily totally true.

  15. Such a good idea to stage the graduation like that to allow families to 'participate' at a distance.

  16. Someone else congratulating France. I did so enjoy reading about his cycling through Vietnam. He certainly has a talent for writing and story telling.

  17. Well done grandson and well done family. Lovely pics. And well done Grandma on the weaving hours, that must take a lot out of you.


  18. congrats to Francis. and congrats to you for soldiering on.

  19. Your description of avoidance is spot on!

    Congratulations to the new graduate. You probably got a better view of him than being in an in person crowd!

  20. Congratulations! So good to see that he's been able to graduate in style.

  21. Congratulations Frances!
    And you Joanne for all that work!
