
Monday, July 20, 2020

Coherent thoughts

I read or heard something yesterday that stunned me. 

The bit of information sloshing around is that the president has ordered the Postmaster General to end overtime. At five p.m. any undelivered mail hits the station floor and the employee goes home. I suppose the reason this information struck me so vividly was the use of the phrase "undelivered mail hits the station floor!"

My manufacturing background shudders at that. "Hitting the floor" is anathema. Why doesn't the president talk about eliminating overtime, which seems to be his agenda. Why say the work is thrown on the floor, except that is the president's opinion of the ability of the post office to deliver uncontaminated mail.

I don't know. I don't know where I heard that, except I only listen to 90.3, WCPN. My news is Google News consolidation, and that only for the papers I will pay for. A few months ago I made a clean sweep of all the pay walls, and have added back only one, WSJ, and that only today.

Who reported that? I cannot find it on Snopes.

The president did say he will not publicly commit to the election results if he loses. That's just cow shit.  Unless some private militia barricades him in Nixon's closet, he will be escorted out. I'm sure the housekeeping staff will have his bags and goods packed.

Here's another question. 

Why won't unmarked police (?) in unmarked cars leave Portland? It  is demarcated into a legal city commission government with an elected city council and all the rest of the legal accouterments of a duly formed  commission government. Have some one of them authorized this policing authority, with proper public hearings?

It's late afternoon, going on four. I ran an errand this afternoon, and came back to finish. I had a long string of questions I did not write down. Maybe another day.

We had such a storm Sunday night!


  1. Trump is now saying he will send the same unmarked "police" to Chicago... NY... and wherever. I did see that the mayor of Portland is suing the federal gov't for this action.

  2. The answer to all the "why" questions is that Trump is running scared and when he's scared, he's extra mean. He hates losing, and he sees things going that way. Expect no improvement, because he doesn't know the meaning of the word. What truly stuns me is not his behavior, because he has been nothing but consistent in his actions and behavior, but the behavior of many other Republicans. They are beginning to break with him, but it's far too late to be credible.

    My blood pressure just went up 20 points! lol

    I have to lol because otherwise it would go up another 20.

  3. So many questions, so few understandable/acceptable answers.
    Love that stellar cloud photo.

  4. I am terrified by what has been happening, and what I fear might occur, whether Trump wins or especially if he loses. He's mobilized a group of armed crazies who could start a civil war.

  5. No wonder the Country is going to hell and burning to the ground with so much hate swirling around! What ever happen to communicating with the opposition and solving the problems? As long as Biden is hiding in the basement and you are bitching, nothing will change! Just an observation from a far!
    You can block me if you like, means nothing to me!

    1. Maybe you should be asking those questions of the other side, Montrue. So many Trump supporters have shown a complete lack of ability or willingness to work with "the opposition" to solve the problems. Trump himself keeps lighting matches to add to the flames. Put the blame where it belongs.

    2. Dear Montrue - in my blogging career, I have blocked no one, though I did threaten, once. Actually, I believe the ball is in your court. You can choose not to stop by and read. I do wonder from time to time of the hundreds who stop by each day, unknown. And now I know one. Thank you for the introduction.

  6. He is a dangerous idiot! I hope that he and a lot of the republicans that have not stood up to him will be voted out in November. It will be scary until they are out of office!

  7. Hari OM
    ...given we have to deal with our own version over here, I refrain from comment on yours over there...

    That cloud piccie is scrumptious! YAM xx

  8. Not just yours and ours but other countries as well look as if people want to dictate to the populace.
    Who knows what to think? At least we can still do that

  9. well, Portland's mayor is a proud boy wanna be , probably KKK. so pretty sure he signed off on the deal.
    The storm is how we feel!

  10. Why oh why is this insanity in Oregon (and any other place) being allowed to continue? Are we afraid? That other protesters will join the madness?

    My mind and heart says that this has to be stopped. Now.

  11. I expect he wants to privatise the postal service...just the way tyhhe British government want to privatise the health servuice...make it inefficient and people will give it up.

    1. Maybe the English want to privatise NHS. But as healthcare is devolved they can't touch NHS in Scotland, Ireland or Wales.

    2. Can't imagine that the English want to open the NHS to private interest even more than it is...but governments are - all too clearly - not the people.


    1. Thank you, Kristi. Now I'm sick to my aural and visual stomach.

  13. You raise some very good questions that have also been a concern to me. Just what is he turning our country into in the (hopefully) last hours of his term? He wants complete control of everything regardless of any laws. Just what is legal about throwing protestors into unmarked rented vans by people that we don't even know who they are but we do know they are not the police? This is crazy and frightening.

  14. This new militia is a scary thought.

  15. No I heard that the police and militia won't do his bidding but the constitution allows him to hire these goons. Horrible injuries on some young mothers yesterday. One post horrified that her country now has them looking for anti-tear gas lotions. It is incredible. I have said from the beginning he will find a way to continue whether through war with China with the assistance of Russia or this epidemic. I've never called him a fool. He knows exactly what he's doing, pushing the envelope (hello babies in cages?) every single day.


  16. That storm covered a wide area. The tail end of it lashed my cousins in Cheyenne Wyoming, as well as us.

  17. I have more questions: all the people making such a fuss about the police "beating on them" etc, why don't they just stay home?
    I hear they are rioting for their right to not wear a mask (so stay home where you won't need one), their right to NOT stay home (so wear a mask), and against all the police brutality (stay home).
    I don't understand it all. Haven't they even considered their right to NOT get sick and die, which is more easily done by staying home and staying peaceful.
    Why are the people (anywhere not just the USA) waiting to be told by their governments that they should be wearing masks when going out? surely they can work out for themselves the masks are a better idea than catching Covid-19?
    Why is there so much stupid in the world? (that one is probably unanswerable)

  18. I am seriously considering going off of social media and mainstream media from now to the election. I actually think it will be a healthy thing to do.


    1. I’m afraid to turn my back on the bastards. I don’t want them sneaking up on me. But I understand your feeling.

  19. I'm still stopping by to see what is happening in your world and your point of view.
    And point of view of others which sometimes are an eye opener in regard to everyone should behave as they do.
    Oh really.
    Keep up the good work Joanne.

  20. The world is in a mess. Trump has the making of a tyrant, this private militia is totally frightening, you cannot beat the people into submission.

  21. The situation in Washington gets more dystopian by the day. Does anyone recognize the United States any more?

  22. He might be trying to undermine the postal system before the election.

  23. yes, I read the same thing in several places, that any undelivered mail would be thrown on the floor. Trump has wanted to privatize/destroy the USPS since he got in office just like everything else. but mostly I think this is directed at the push for mail in voting, just another voter suppression tactic. as for Portland and the upcoming deployment to Chicago, he is doing this as part of his 'law and order' re-election strategy. he's only doing this to democratic run states as a way to delegitimize the Democrats, as proof that they are soft on law and order and that if they get elected the country will descend into chaos, sending his secret police in to escalate the violence as more proof. nevermind that the country has descended into chaos under his administration. and no, no one in Portland asked for the feds so the deployment is illegal. as for Chicago, their mayor is a black woman. no other reason needed to demonize Chicago and send in the feds though I did read today that the police union sent a letter to Trump asking for help. which is just bullshit.

  24. Your president's declaration that he's going to be in office for life is yet another "I'm just a tired, grumpy, foot stamping three year-old" moment. It's really time someone took him home.

  25. I'm glad to see Joe Biden is now well ahead in the polls and Trump looks like a busted flush. And yes, he may not leave the White House quietly, but he'll be sent packing pretty quickly.

  26. The military presence is Portland is an example of the reasons for the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is so we can protect ourselves from governmental overreach. I am not an NRA supporter. I abhor all the violence involving guns. What a chaotic mess we are experiencing.

  27. I keep wondering where Congress is right now? Aren’t we supposed to have checks and balances? I see no checking and no balancing. Quite frankly, I’m scared.

  28. I often over analyze phrases. "Cow shit" - Is there some meaning behind saying it that way vs. bull shit? Just curious. Maybe a regional difference. Over the things in this post that worry me the most is the "Trump troops". If it continues like this with only cities run by Democratic politicians it will be a very blatant attack on the opposing party.

  29. I am not even qualified to think about this.

  30. A lot of what your President says often confuses us in UK But then what our Prime Minister says is some times suggested to be rubbish. And these are our leaders??

  31. I hadn't heard about the post office but thanks for letting me know. I hope it doesn't happen but I am sure the Nacho Man will think the election results are just fine if they declare him the winner. Portland is kinda scary. He is pushing the boundaries because no one in the GOP will stop him.

  32. The photo of the stormy clouds look exciting, Joanne! Here the storm threw down another pot into (!) my balcony -- the third one now...

  33. A very moody sky.

    I'd heard his rubbish about saying he won't accept election results.

  34. Unfortunately I don't think there are any answers to your questions. Undelivered mail thrown on the floor? Nothing surprises me anymore coming from that man. I just hope postal employees don't take anything he says literally. I know others that are concerned that trump will refuse to concede the election. I assume he will start a lawsuit trying to get the election nullified. And won't that be another chink to the US.
