
Thursday, July 2, 2020

A magnificent tail and an indeterminate tale

Two young women (on summer vacation from school) distributed hand drawn and colored flyers advertising their willingness to clean houses and wash cars. I invited them in today to tell them what I would like cleaned and how. They agreed, and will return tomorrow at eleven. I will wear a mask, and give each a mask to wear. I'm very interested in how they do. 

I made a new recipe for scalloped potatoes last night. I can only say they were perfect scalloped potatoes.

I added some mushrooms between the layers, and the taste is a great addition. I'm thinking I could sneak in a layer of greens, several different things.

Toby was to be retrieved at five, so I left the yummy taters bubbling and went for him. Here he is, Marine cut, though certainly not ready or suitable, or even available. Don't kid yourselves; I would pass him off in a minute.

Toby with his magnificent tail and the extra pound he's working on.

There is nothing left to report save it is too hot, and everything had a suitable drink of water this morning. The new gerbera Daisy is a tad shell shocked, but its leaves are green and lovely. One of the blooms actually is an identical twin on one stem. The one most center.


  1. Is there anything better than scalloped potatoes? I'm sure the mushrooms were a terrific addition and I think greens would be great too.
    I wish someone would put flyers up around here advertising cleaning services.
    Toby actually looks quite pleased with himself. He is regal, even with his Marine buzz.

  2. Toby looks very handsome, he is aware of that I am sure! Cute little tummy! I love Toby.

  3. Toby looks majectic.
    Echoing Ms Moon. I would like some cleaners around here too. Bigly.

  4. Toby's head and feet do look a bit out of synch with the rest of him, but he does look ready to pounce, with that lean sculptured (?) cat body now showing. I didn't know anyone trimmed the hair of cats, but it seems like common sense now. I am sure he will be more comfortable this way.

    We've been unwilling to let anyone in to clean, comfortable that all the dirt and germs are our very own. Probably being way too cautious, since the dirt is piling up pretty good.

    1. He needed trimmed because incessant grooming of two inch long hair yields incessant hair balls and accompanying stomach contents on the rugs and carpets.

  5. I have housecleaners that I haven't allowed in since March. Illegal here anyway because of lockdown. I've been paying them all along though. I think it might be August or September before it's okay again.

    Meanwhile I've been trying to keep up, but I've told them it's not got their touch. They're a family, parents and adult daughter, and they've been keeping my show on the road for many years.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Well, Toby does have a very lush and luxuriant tale. Getting rid of the fur coat has to feel better.

  8. Those scalloped potatoes look(and sound) wonderful! I'm all about anything with cheese, potatoes and mushrooms. There are many things that you could add! It is unseasonably cool here right now(low to mid 60s) but I like it! I sleep much better when it's cooler since I don't have A/C.

  9. I'd be nervous about somehow catching the virus from them even though we'd all be masked up, and when they saw my messy house, they'd be ready to

  10. Your scalloped potatoes look divine. Toby must appreciate the hair cut if it's so hot. I hope the new house cleaners turn out well for you.

  11. I would like it if you share your scalloped potato recipe! I used to be able to make these without a recipe and always had good results. I've lost my touch, totally! Mushrooms sound good, too, and really thinly sliced peppers....Good luck with the house cleaners!

  12. Oh my, I LOVE scalloped potatoes! I agree with Thickethouse, I would love your recipe. I've never been a great cook but the last time I made scalloped potatoes they just did not turn out as good as I had hoped.

    Toby looks very cute and more importantly he does look proud! I am glad he is happy with his new look! Thanks for showing us the new gerbera Daisy. It looks good and will do well for you I'm sure.

  13. Seeing toby reminds me of when I had Angel shorn after he got grasses and seed stalks all tangled in parts where he wouldn't let me cut them out. He got what is called the Lion Cut, with a mane, a tail tuft, and tufts by the feet the only hair left on the poor boy. The gerbera is a pretty colour.

    1. I though shearing his tail might be too much for his psyche.

  14. Toby is cute! Hoping the help is a big help to you!


  15. Visitors are such a rarity, make the most of it.

  16. Hari OM
    ...if the cleaning includes complete disinfection, then this could be a great arrangement for you, Joanne. The young company will be enjoyable for you too.

    Toby looks gawjuss and I swear he's smiling at carrying less weight!!! YAM xx

  17. I wish 2 girls would turn up at mine offering to do the cleaning.

  18. Perhaps it's just as well he couldn't hear my reaction... but Thankyou! This has quite cheered me up.

  19. I hope the two enterprising young women are making some serious money from their services. They deserve it.

  20. I hope the two girls do a great job cleaning for you. I would suspect that if they intend to do this on a regular basis they will be equipped with their own masks. Let us know how it all works out.

  21. Is that really a meal for hot weather?

    1. Yes, scalloped potatoes traditionally are more for winter. But I cook things I like, and had potatoes, flour, butter and milk all on hand at the same time, and voila!

  22. I think greens would be an excellent addition to your scalloped potato recipes. I've been adding spinach or kale to lots recipes lately, trying to up the nutritional ante.

  23. Toby looks regal and I much more comfortable. I wish I could do that with Daisy but she is not receptive to strangers touching her. It takes two, wearing large gloves to cut her front nails.

    No one has been inside our house since March and my need to keep it clean has waned. We pick up the big pieces and clean bathrooms and kitchen.

  24. Ah lovely Toby, all lightened up.

    Great that you found a cleaner.


  25. Oh, Toby! I hope he feels cooler anyway.

  26. oh poor Toby having to undergo his annual humiliation. I love scalloped potatoes but never think to fix them being a lot of work and all. what's your 'new' recipe?

  27. I don't know which makes me laugh more, the haircut or look on his face. Thank you so much-I really needed the laugh. And I apologize for any affront.

  28. I was going to comment first on the enterprising girls. I hope they do a good job. I guess I did comment on them first. My mind is filled with dreams of your scalloped potatoes. They look so good. The idea of adding other goodies is making my mouth water.

  29. Love scalloped potatoes! Also Toby wears his new look with dignity. When we had Rose shaved years ago, she always looked like she was humiliated...

  30. Toby looks royally pissed off.


    1. Actually, he is pleased as can be. He certainly is not ashamed, and comes straight up to show off and be scratched.

  31. Your potatoes look delicious. I’ve never found a recipe I liked. I’ll try to do my own as you did.

  32. Are we getting the recipe?
    I like the fabric in the mask you are wearing.
    Thank you so much for the cheery note.

  33. He is a most handsome cat with fantastic markings.

  34. I had a cat that had to be shaved each summer once upon a time. The vets office called him 'Mr. Smooth' because he was so soft after the trim! Try adding a layer of thin sliced ham to the potatoes. That's good too!
