
Monday, June 8, 2020

A very good day

I had an email today from an old friend who's still gainfully employed. We last exchanged news in March, just as the current brouhaha took up the world's attention. I was weaving today, and my phone dinged and dinged, and finally I took a break and took a look. An old friend and a nice surprise. A visit in the near future is set up, and only waits me taking care of some details. Good news.

Several months ago, about the time John (above) and I last corresponded, I ordered a watch that claimed it would measure my pulse, temperature and sleep, and ten or fifteen other things. I mailed off my order and credit card number and waited. Then Covid-19 came oozing around every corner. That watch would be a good thing to have, I thought, and waited some more.

First, an email from the supplier in China, informing me my country was putting mighty restrictions on imports from his country, and be patient. And I was, until about a month ago, when the watch arrived. It was indeed a lovely thing. With instruction on a folding sheet of paper an inch wide and ten feet long. I was game, and struggled on. But in a day or so, even I understood the pretty thing's great shortcomings. 

It charged from the computer. Supposedly it retained a charge several days. However, the attachment to the phone was so tenuous it often disconnected, and I could not tell how charged it might be. The watch band was a stylish mesh, but could not be made small enough for my wrist. Between the poor instructions, poor charging and too large strap, I said "Enough" and asked for return instructions.

The return requirements were close to insurmountable, but I did fall off the turnip ship long before they were born. I accumulated all the paperwork, repacked the watch meticulously, boxed it up, paperwork enclosed, and sent it off to...Spain. Yesterday being the one month anniversary of returning the watch, I left them a wake up email to credit my card or else. In return I was asked, in exquisite Chinese politeness, to provide all the information previously supplied. And I told them where to look for it, and to credit me by Friday, or else. I do have a New York credit card, fools.

And back on the front porch, I wonder if I see a zinnia in the pot of lettuce. Could be.

The mandevillas I did so hard by are coming round. I didn't take a picture of the red one. The reds are very easily upset, and though the leaves came through the freeze in great shape, it intends to punish some time more, withholding flowers.

The pink mandevilla, always prolific in the past, has set many buds sure to open this week. Or next.

The white, always my favorite in the past, took the worst damage by not being covered adequately. It lost all it's stems but two, and I doubt it will be able to flower this summer. But, it's doing its job and growing, growing, growing.

And finally, I cut off two of the spent allium blossoms, and left one to add sculpture to the pot of flowers. One of the two blossoms had a sort of bubble gum deposit at it's base. I'd guess it is some sort of moth or fly, hatched or not. Well, it's land fill this week.


  1. Oh boy it can be so hard to return and obtain credit, I learned from Ebay a few times and never went back. Books are good and the odd well reviewed electronic but on the whole physical visiting of stores is best. I would have been taken in by that watch though. Big Time.


    1. I think Chase Bank will give it their best shot; especially since it was more than a hundred dollars.

  2. Sounds like a nightmare trying to get your credit. I hope you are finally successful.

  3. Well done deciphering the watch instructions and the return instructions. I hope the refund arrives soon.
    Since the white mandevilla is still growing well it might surprise you with blooms later in the summer.

  4. Dear Joanne, I admire you bravely fighting to get refund for that watch!
    As to the Mandeville: yes, you were right, mine survived on the balcony - though the surprise-ones, which made it through the mild Berlin-winter (mild this year - normally we get "the Russian whip :-) don't sport blossoms, they only just grow foliage (their newly bought this-year's-sisters stand in fat scarlet bloom).
    and: isn't it great when an old friend suddenly calls?

  5. Hari OM
    I've twice had to request refund via the big A... both times no quibble. I am hoping your delay is mainly due to the upheaval in working rhythms and that monies are forthcoming poste haste. Meanwhile, look forward to that re-connection with a good chum! YAM xx

  6. I admire your tenacity, Dennis ordered maybe five or more thermometers for his practice, all made in 'China, none worked. He also ordered some PPE, also from China, it cost more and was of inferior quality but, that was all that has been available. I ma sure there is a big lesson here. I ordered masks and glasses, also from China last December (masks for travel)...they never did come. So there you go. lessons?

  7. I hope you do get credited! It needs a lot of energy to make these things happen. But you do have persistence. Good to connect with your friend and good to have your garden growing!

  8. I hope Chase Bank comes through for you on the watch credit. Situations like that are so frustrating. There are many fitness watches you can get these days that will cover a variety of health measurements. There is even one that will do an EKG. I imagine some are more pricy than others but you know how that goes.

    The pink mandevilla is looking good! You've got me pulling for the little white one. Even if it doesn't bloom this year I'm rooting for her!

  9. Let us know if you get your money back! Good thing you're persistent!

  10. Took 8 weeks for us to get thermometers we had ordered on Amazon at the start of all of this since we didn't have any and thought we would need some. They came definitely on the slow boat from China. Hope you are successful in getting a refund credited to your credit card!


  11. Most of your day was excellent.
    Good luck with the refund. I suspect that your determination will bear fruit.

  12. Love the way you describe your plants, they are almost friends...

  13. You've just explained why I hate to order anything that comes to directly from China. If it works out, it's great. If it doesn't, good luck with getting funds back or not having a hassle to do so.

  14. You have certainly been tenacious with that watch.

  15. Cal your credit card company. They might reverse the charge.

  16. Good for you, and good luck. I think the zinnia in the lettuce pot is a good omen.

  17. I hope you get your money back. you never know really what you are going to get when you buy online.
    and the watchband thing is the reason I never got in the habit of wearing a watch (back before cell phones were even a glimmer in someone's brain). they just didn't make them small enough for my wrist and I hated having it loose. besides everyone wore watches and all I needed do was ask someone what time it was. and yes, I think that's a zinnia in the pot of what maybe isn't lettuce.

  18. I do think that's a zinnia.
    And as another commenter said- you are tenacious!
    On Facebook I see ads for the the perfect clothes. PERFECT, I tell you. Made of cotton and linen and beautiful but I know the websites are all fake and that the pictures are stolen from instagram accounts and who knows where but WHERE can I get those actual clothes? Drives me crazy.

    1. I know exactly what you're saying. I ordered once, and what I received was trash. I simply donated it.
      I used to find that clothing by individual artisans in booths at shows where I exhibited. So, for fifteen years I did have wonderful, enviable clothing. But it's a different world now.

  19. Leo has one of those watches...twenty dollars direct from China...and you think we can work out how to use all its myriad functions? I took it to the mobile telephone reparman in our little town who sorted it out in a blink of an eye.
    Leo has had a refund from China...he ordered a wheelchair which was defective - showed them proof, packed it off according to their instructions at our expense...refund of priginal price and shipping in one month.

  20. "and left one to add sculpture to the pot of flowers."

    Perfect description. I do that often, but usually because I forget and don't notice. Glad to know I was only making "art." Hope all is well and they get you that credit.

  21. You sound to have had an eventful week one way or another. My neighbour has one of those watches and is very pleased with it.

  22. I sympathize about the watch. I've been having problems with mechanized beings for the last month. I'm wishing you and your friend a wonderful visit.

  23. Always good to hear from an old friend. As for the watch, good luck with that...

  24. Hearing from old friends for a positive chat is a good way to spend time.

  25. I have fallen into the Chinese merchandise rabbit hole more than once, I am ashamed to say. This last time will be the last time. If I cannot get it from a store in the US, I will not be getting it. I'm glad to see that your mandevillas are rallying - they are such lovely flowers.

  26. I hate ordering on-line because of the bother with returns. Hope it gets sorted Joanne.

  27. Goodness. G has one of those watches. He tells me that it is right there charging. I don''t ask if he has any flowers.

  28. Good to hear you got a visit set up with a dear friend. I am currently in a my own Chinese product hell. Still waiting 21 days after the order was placed to get an estimate on when it might arrive. I am not a smart man. I should have known better. I hope you get your credit taken care of.

  29. I have stopped buying from China, my worry is their sweat shop working practices. When things get going again I plan to buy as much as I can from charity shops. In these days of lock down it is so easy to trawl the internet, even though deep down we know that problems await.

    My ranunculus are flowering, are yours yet?


    1. No, just a strong show of leaves. I love their dear little roundness and hope some buds pop up soon.

  30. Your garden is coming along nicely. Hope you get your money back soon!

  31. The watch vendors obviously had no idea who they were dealing with, your determination is rather scary! Good luck.

  32. I had a Fitbit for a while but found similar problems - too wide for my wrist, not tight enough to get proper readings, etc, etc. Hope you don't have to go through more gyrations to get it returned/refunded. Good luck!
