
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Ohio Covid19, Day 1

Governor DeWine and Department of Health Director Dr. Amy Acton have been on covid for the last week. Over last week I heard reports of how many confirmed cases, growing each time, and what probably would be closed. Beginning yesterday it was not probably, it was. Schools. Bars and restaurants. 

The staff seems very well prepared. When I turn on public radio, they seem to be filing past the microphone, giving updates. I believe more than 1,800 people have died in Italy. In Ohio, 37 cases, (10 more than yesterday), no deaths, a couple of hospitalizations. They hope not to be crushed, when the crisis comes.

In a lovely f... the federal government, the two teaching hospitals near me offer drive through testing, with a doctor's order. This state has several more large and teaching hospitals, and I assume they are or will be offering testing. Now I read Ohio has rolled out addiction and mental health help, and food for kids. 

It's like a whirlwind down there in Columbus, and I do know how DeWine works. When DeWine was attorney of state, more than a few Fiscal Officers reported price fixing between the two major salt suppliers. DeWine investigated, then sued. My township was refunded our portion of the settlement.

We have been asked to self-isolate. A nice weekend, and families are asked to self-isolate and not have all the cousins rolling in balls on the lawn and the men folks sitting around moaning the lack of ball games.

So, here on my day 1, what did I do?

My damn cat has a toy he adores. Really, money well spent. The toy with ping pong balls that roll, and a corrugated cardboard center to sit on.

This toy, from which he has removed the center. I've repaired it several times, but today the "snake" was all over the house. Several lengths of it are in the trash.

I decided it was worth salvaging some how. I called my sister. Don't turn me in.

I removed all the cardboard, and she began cutting the new filler:

that piece of handwoven yardage on the shelf. Then we put it in a nice flannel pillowcase.

Toby has not been back on it since I put it on the floor, in spite of the fact I gave him another ping pong ball to remove. I'll know in the morning what he thinks, I'm sure.


  1. You are such a good cat-mother. My cats get to go outside (and I know! I know! I shouldn't let them- the birds!) so they have plenty to amuse them. They both seem to spend hours simply looking at the chickens.
    You are so lucky to live in a state where there are people who know what they're doing and are getting the job done.

    1. This cat has never done more than sniff outdoors. Although he did get fleas through the screens, several years ago. I feel sorry for him, in truth, but if I let him out now, he'd be in a world of trouble.

  2. Good use of your time! So far in Arizona there has been no talk of bars/restaurants closing. They weren't recommending schools to close but left it to individual school districts to decide. A lot have closed here in the area. We also have school break coming up this week. I heard California is having mandatory isolation for age 65 and older. If we lived in California I could go out but hubby would have to stay home. I'm concerned about this virus and understand the seriousness of it. I just wonder how much is media and their reporting of it that is panicking everyone. And if that is the case, that is sad. I fear people hoarded so much toilet paper and paper goods here that they might not have much money left for food. Anyway, keep a positive attitude!!!


    1. I don't think any official who is reacting is over reacting. Have you seen the absolute creeping, packed congestion in airports who were not pre-warned that the stable genius had put mandatory travel in effect:

      Those people will roll into town and release a wave of virus.

  3. I’m glad your state is on the ball. My daughter tells me their schools, Dine-In restaurants and bars are closed. They are staying in also. I think Hawaii is a bit slow on things. Or maybe a lot slow. Schools are on spring break right now so that’s good. Many stores are cutting hours so they can sanitize the customer areas. We are preparing food and freezing them since we have time now and can have meals for the coming days.

  4. I'm glad that our current governor (NJ) isn't frickin around. Clear information everywhere on what's up. One hospital system testing in patients, trying to roll out tests from commercial makers, closing schools, libraries, meeting groups. Had already put health insurance protocols in place no matter what the Feds did, kept mandatory insurance with rebates, passed $15 min wage a while back, now all power and water accounts cannot be shut off, some already off being reinstated. All this a week after serious cancer surgery. Poor guy. But he's on it.

    What a relief it's not gov Bridgegate Christie, who lost big to Murphy. He's a mini Trump.

    We still don't know how effective all this will be, though.

    1. I think we can look at the deaths to date, vs. the death rate for flu, and advocate for precaution.

  5. You are ahead of us.
    A state of emergency has been declared, but what that means we are yet to be told.
    We have one person confirmed as positive, and they are apparently doing well.
    In a VERY positive move the local supermarket will open from 7 to 8 am exclusively for the elderly and those with disabilities so that they have a chance to stock up on the items which are flying off the shelves.

  6. Toby is thinking "I finally got this thing just the way I wanted it and the silly humans have ruined it!" Cats are so much smarter than we are.
    Over here we are living in a seniors complex....our building is 'independent living' and then there is 'assisted living' and 'long term care'. In the middle of it all is a cafe, hair salon,, pool room, exercise room etc...etc... the door between us and all the rest of it is locked. We can come and go from our building but NOT into the rest of the complex. Most annoying as a good many of us depend on the cafe for at least one meal a day. We are fine......and we understand the reasoning behind the action but some of these old folks are mad as hornets over the whole thing. It's the most excitement a lot of them have seen in quie a long time lol.

    1. I think management may rethink that. Let us know.

  7. I like your state and your governor. It sounds like they have things in order unlike our federal government.

    Great job on the cat toy but you do know cats can be very stubborn! If they think you want them to like something they will ignore it half the time. I hope she changes her mind. I make toys for my cats a lot and they will play with most of them. They do love those ball toys like yours. Take care Joanne!

  8. A day well spent....I've heard some criticism but mostly praise for DeWine. Personally, I am pleased with what he is doing because it will most likely save lives. But this is a scary time, all over the world.

  9. We have quarantined ourselves for the sake of our family. We went out and about last week and now we want to make sure we are ok before we spend any time with them and especially our new granddaughter. It is so hard not to see them, but we are living in perilous times. We now order our groceries online to be delivered so we don’t have to go into stores where crowds of people are fighting over toilet paper.

    Take care of yourself, Joanne.

  10. My sister lives in Columbus, she has given me updates.

    Our state precautions are much like you described. What happens next? We will see.

  11. HRH had one of those toys too. She played with it quite a bit until she figured out that it was a fool's game because she would never get the ball out. After that, she ignored it so I gave it away to another cat.

  12. I'm pleased that state governments are taking the initiative to act without help from the federal government (as far as I know the feds are not of much help). Schools are closed here for spring break, and I think a week will be added to the break. University students are taking classes online. The theme parks are closed until the end of the month. I self-isolated by putting Carol out in the street. She seems to like it there. She stops all the cars for a chat. Everyone loves Franklin's grandma.


  13. Ruby killed the corrigated cardboard scratch board I had bought for her. I tried to resurrect it but lost the battle. I also made Ruby a soft, puffy, catnip-dosed pillow with flannel so she could sit on it and look out the window. Nope--wouldn't have it. I wound up donating it to the local pet rescue place and they loved it! LOL

  14. p.s. We're under mandatory quarantine per Gov. Newsom because of our age. My next grocery shopping will be online. But our eldest is getting married this coming Saturday in Las Vegas, and we WILL be going. We'll use due caution but I'm not missing this. We're driving. Caravaning, actually. I hope this is over by mid-May as we're booked to fly to Kansas.

  15. I think Toby might be disappointed that the new centre can't be shredded, so it's not as much fun as the claw-sharpening cardboard. Can you source some corrugated cardboard to make a new centre?
    We're not in isolation or lock-down yet, but we are being told to be careful and self isolate if we suspect we have the right symptoms.

  16. You are fortunate to have cat company.
    Stay we have impending lockdown for anyone 70+...sick or not....

  17. Hari OM
    It is the apocalyptic behaviours and the business closures and the ancillary health complications arising from 'social distancing' which will mark history. The virus is as virus does.

    Lucky Toby - if he will but realise it. YAM xx

  18. I think that H.I. is just about to be told to self-isolate. I am just under 70, so I will not be I think. She will be able to wander around for fresh air in non-crowded places, and I will have to stop going to the pub... There will be a four month gap in my social life, but I would rather that than put her at risk. You should become a professional cat-toy repairer.

  19. COVID-19 is doubtless going to affect us for a while yet. This morning I need to go shopping and I suspect that is not going to be a pleasant experience. I also have a trip to Australia planned for July, but they just implemented self-quarantine rules for all people arriving in the country, so if those requirements are not changed by then, my visit will obviously be cancelled.

  20. Sometimes cats are unappreciative. :)

  21. Here a government minister had backtracked a bit this morning to 'social distancing' rather than 'self-isolating' (which sounds even more painful than 'self-flagellating' although I hasten to add I don't really know). So you can go out for a walk, drive your car or walk the dog. Perhaps you should get a lead and take Toby for a walk.

  22. We are isolating here too. One confirmed case, many test results pending in this province. Take care, Joanne.

  23. Could it be the flannel feels too much like furniture or the cardboard is smoother for the cat?
    Unless there's organized shoppers for people to stay indoors, people will have to get groceries. On TV, someone said go early when shelves are stocked. In other words, when is best time to be in a early.
    It's recommended to cough inside elbow area; and now bump outer elbow instead of shaking hands!? Distancing works better.
    Using Common Sense is brain sanitizer.

  24. My cat has the same toy - which he loves. He attacks it regularly and I can hear the ping pong ball whizzing around the track. When he really gets worked up, the ball ends up flying out and then there is silence. He has not yet destroyed the scratching pad in the middle. I'm taking notes here.

  25. Glad to see you are doing well. I think indoor cats live longer healthier lives. Do keep well.

  26. Dear Joanne, all the cats with whom I've lived have enjoyed that particular toy. It's great that you "refurbished" it! Ohio seems to be ahead of Missouri in its response to the virus. Not much testing here yet. Take care. Peace.

  27. my daughter wants us to stay home for the next month, be prepared to stay home for that long. we live pretty isolated lives anyway and I think there are less than 20 cases in Houston. she doesn't want me going to yoga class but I will this week anyway.

  28. The British government is threatening to order all over-seventies to self isolate, and fine them £1000 or jail them if they disobey. Too extreme surely? I expect many people will disobey anyway, and the police are far too overworked to be able to enforce it.

    I hope you stay well, Joanne.

  29. Toby says, "It looks different! And it doesn't smell the same either."

  30. Toby misses his snake. Ha. It sounds like DeWine and Co. are really on it, in terms of trying to flatten the virus curve. Our governor recently suggested that one not visit pubs and bars, but said types of establishments are not yet required to close.

  31. Those rolling ball toys for cats are really the best. Even our outside cats and raccoons play with it on the back patio. Take care of yourself, Joanne... you and Toby.

  32. I think folks who are used to doing things at home for entertainment, like reading, crafting of any kind, and even TV are going to find self-isolation much easier than those whose lives revolve around getting out to socialize. I'm most worried about my 90 year old mother because she refuses so far to stop her daily gallivanting. She insists she won't spend her last days stuck in the house, seeming not to care if she hastens those last days in coming or creates problems for other folks. So we are in a war of words at the moment, not an ideal situation for either of us.

  33. I think the cats like the cardboard - and the fact they can "kill" it. Count your blessings where your governor is concerned. My sunshine state has 3 times the cases, so our mental midget is sending out the National Guard. Not sure what they're going to do - except maybe try to herd spring breakers onto their trucks. Or join them.

  34. I like what your governor has done, and early on in the process which may help. My elderly parents refuse to behave and stay home. They love to shop, and go places, which is not advisable in these times. I'm not a natural introvert, so this isolation stuff is painful for me.

  35. That looks perfect for the Demon Duo - I'll have to look for one at some point when shopping is, once again, allowed. In our small town there is little to do at best times, now things are closing. We shall see what happens.
