
Thursday, February 6, 2020

Winter ice storm

In the midst of the winter that isn't, an overnight storm was more than I expected. I had to go out today, if for no more than starting the trash on its journey to the curb.

I applied ice melter liberally and twice before I left for an errand.

The disappearing tower was apparent to me all the way into Cuyahoga Falls, and I hoped I would have opportunity to pull in and take a picture somewhere.

The tower is on the Ernest Angley Ministries property, currently for sale. It was built by Rex Humbard as the Cathedral of Tomorrow, a Pentecostal church. It was started in about 1958, and is looking for its next incarnation.

As luck would have it, I needed a parking area quite nearby. On my way home I looked for more winter ice photo opportunities. They were disappointing, but here are a couple more.


  1. Ice storms are the worst! Even just a bit of thaw-and-refreeze can be treacherous to walking. Stay safe!

  2. I hate ice storms worse than snow that hangs around for more than four or five hours. no ice storms here but it has felt quite icy the last two days with wind and temps in the 30s and 40s. today was a nice blue sky though. supposed to get down to 33˚ tonight and warm up to 70˚ tomorrow. yo yo weather.

  3. We're supposed to have a big storm tonight following a warm, humid day. It was probably 70-some degrees. Tomorrow the high is supposed to be 64. I don't miss ice storms. Please be careful when you're out and about.


  4. School buses weren’t running here today although we didn’t actually have it too bad. There could be another dumping tonight.

  5. The disappearing tower is a good description. Great pictures of it.

  6. Ice underfoot is treacherous, but those baby icicles on your deck railing are pretty cute :)

    I like the disappearing tower pictures too.

  7. Wow !!! I'm gobsmacked by your green grass!!!

  8. Ice storms are awful and so dangerous! We have had several bad ones this winter. I keep the ice melt handy. I'm glad to know you got out and back with no problems. Your pictures are great, especially the tower in the fog.

  9. Wow. I hope you can stay safe and thank you for these images.
    We have had disappearing towers of late too. Ours have disappeared into the smoke - which still continues. Please cross everything you safely can that we do get the forecast rain over the next few days. We need it. So much.

  10. Ice can be so dangerous in so many ways, but yet look so pretty in pictures! Be safe!


  11. Good photo of the tower
    Freezing rain on my window early evening, not a happy sound.

  12. The tower disappearing into the heavens seems appropriate for a church. I would hate to find ice in places where I'd have to walk, that stuff is too dangerous. You all need spiked boots just to get around in my opinion.

  13. Sounds horrendous and dangerous in equal measures. Best you snowplough through a bit more of the Siberian book. At least the ice storm nicely gets you in the mood. Or better still read a book about warmer climes and get some warmth into your cold bones.


  14. Hari OM
    Well, there you are, on the plus side - some pretty photos!!! &*> YAM xx

  15. I hope they find a buyer for that property who will tear down that monument to the ego of a religious fanatic.

    1. This tower has been a laughing stock. I do not understand how city zoning did not stop it. It has flashing red lights to warn airplanes. I think the city stopped its construction when they proved a toilet at that height cannot be flushed.

  16. Stay safe Joanne. Beautiful pictures.

  17. Neat picture of the fog-enveloped tower. The tower itself would probably bug me, but interesting picture nonetheless. You really don't have snow do you? Ice storms can be both treacherous and beautiful. -Jenn

  18. No ice or snow here but we usually get what you have a day later. Nothing scares me more than ice, be it walking or driving.

  19. Looks like the frost is on the pumpkin and everything else. I wish we'd get some winter weather. It's going to be 55 today.

    1. Nice reference to one of my favourite songs :)

  20. Don't slip on your ass Joanne! Icy falls can be very bad news for Ohioan seniors.

  21. Got chillier here last night but no ice. Be careful, sweet lady!

  22. Rex Humbard and the Cathedral of Tomorrow was on television in Newfoundland years ago.

  23. Please let us know who buys the tower bldg if it ever sells.

  24. We have a big block of units over the creek in Auburn which disappears from view but not from cold and fog but from the smoke from the bush fires it does look cool in your neck of the woods.

  25. As far as snow goes, we have had a mild winter as well but we are getting plenty of rain. I am really missing the sun.

  26. Ice? What's that again?
    Our winter has just been really odd.

  27. I hate ice, I hate that feeling of not knowing when your feet are going to fly out and put you on your butt. Hate, hate hate hate.

  28. Freezing rain is the only winter weather I don't like.

    That last shot particularly stands out.
