
Sunday, February 9, 2020

My day

Yesterday left me so weary I did not get up until 9:30 this morning. Absolutely inexcusable. I was awake! But I was so warm...

After my morning chores, I arrived at the breakfast table at eleven.  Breakfast usually is toasted many grain bread with butter and boysenberry jam. Today was even better, as I'd arrived at the heel of the loaf. 

This is so good, compounded knowing that tomorrow there will be another heel for breakfast. And finally,  I opened the last section of Ian Fleming and Travels in Siberia, to learn No, he had not traveled in Siberia. Yes, he had traveled six thousand odd miles with two irritating guides knowing literally nothing of the language, sitting in the back seat and probably ruminating on all the heroes of literature, history, war he would corral to fill his book, but, 

He had not traveled in Siberia. One does not travel in Siberia except in winter! Ian has been back in touch with Sergi, who he now calls his comrade, immersed himself in a Russian language course for travelling the country, passed with almost a C. He misheard one word, and rather than asking for clarification attempted his usual bluff.

It took a couple of years to arrange the logistics, and especially enforce that this time Sergi will show him what he wants to see, prisons. They are travelling this time by train. I left them at a joyful reunion, a sad case of food poisoning, and a start at the railway station, complete with winter gear for Siberia. Also, no camping. 

I am sucked back in.

I wove some towels, then back at Facebook. My answer to my complete inability to comprehend selling on Facebook is to show my pictures and send everyone to my blog. The link works. Take that, Facebook. 

Morning chores included shoving the melting two inches of snow off the deck and steps. A snowball for the cat.


  1. Love that rug - and the diffident approach to the snowball.
    We (finally) have rain. I am revelling. The garden is revelling. The cat is not.

  2. I, too, love the blue rug.
    There is no sin to staying in bed as long as you like. Yes. It is so warm. Comfort is an important part of a day.

  3. I get up late these days. I've got over feeling bad about it.

  4. Hari OM
    It's winter, you have no other obligations, you lie as long as you wish, lady!!! YAM xx

  5. What's wrong with staying in bed? Especially when you have a book, seems to me it's time well spent!

  6. I love the kitty on the blue rug. Getting up at 9:30 is early for me.


  7. I think that facebook wants you to pay to "boost" much for free and always will be!!
    So diverting people to your blog is a good idea!
    Good to see you getting sales.
    Stay safe with the snow...looks like the cat is intrigued by this lump of cold wet stuff!

  8. I'm like rachel , when I can, I get up late

  9. I love your rug too. Don't think my cats would be too excited by a snowball but the dog loves it when I make and throw them for her.

  10. It gets dark by 6 pm, which makes me drowsy. But I stay up to 11, then I end up sleeping until 9 am. Sleep is good.

  11. The colder it is the harder it is to get up in the mornings. A warm bed just feels too good. I hope Toby enjoyed the snowball!

    You found the perfect solution to selling on Facebook. Good for you!

  12. Is Toby strictly an indoor cat? My fluffy cat goes outside a lot and sometimes comes in with little mini snowballs clinging to his fur. I wish I could sleep in!!! I just wake up. -Jenn

    1. To the vet's delight, he's an indoor cat, my first Actually, he will not got out.

  13. I find that I've made sales from my blog. It seems to work.

    I would like to get up later without feeling as if I shouldn't stay in bed. I rarely have a pressing need to get up. You'd think I had to catch the bus or something. Maybe I'll read this post a few times, to get the idea.

    No snow here, not even enough for a kitty to play with.

  14. I used to buy muesli bread from Whole Foods when I lived in the city. toasted with butter...heaven! I am not an early riser unlike my sister. she called the other day, wanted to know what I was doing morning of the next day. I asked her to define 'morning'. for me, that's 10 or 11. for her it's likely to be 8 or 9.

  15. I did like your post on Facebook :) Nothing worse than having to get out of a warm bed if you are cozy in it, so enjoy those mornings when you can stay snuggled for as long as you want to!


  16. Beautiful blue rug. I am partial to blue. If ever I was to travel in Siberia I would want to take the Trans-Siberian Railway from the beginning to the end. It's doubtful I will do it but I would like to. If I was 20 years younger i might be up for it :-)

  17. I am already tired of these snowy days! I have been working on a rug for my granddaughter. Her mom has saved all her t-shirts from kindergarten until she left for college. I am using them to make a nice fluffy rug for her.

  18. You had a leisurely breakfast after a warm cuddly late morning in bed. Nice.

  19. All we have here is wind, wind, and more wind! No snow and none is forecast.

  20. Someone who brings in a snowball for the car: my kind of person.

  21. I'm curious to know how Toby reacted to the snowball. Love your rug :)
    Good idea to send Facebook readers to your blog.
    That book sound way too much for me to handle.

  22. Love the photo of cat and snowball. The rug is beautiful.

  23. Glad to hear that your own version of Facebook marketing worked! Sometimes trying to navigate computer minefields can drive you to distraction!

  24. I wish that I could sleep late. When I sleep till 7 am, it is a wonderful feeling.

    Your rug is beautiful.

  25. There is not much better than staying in bed on a cold winter morning.

  26. Cold days call for a good book and time to read.

  27. Cats and snowballs, yes. And I love the picture of your blue carpet.
    Ian Fleming was a terrible misogynist and I find such writers dreadfully unappealing in their depiction of women.


    1. I'm at such odds with the book I see I made the mental slip and called Ian Frazier, the author, Ian Fleming, the actor. I guess we can see why I did it. Actually, Ian Frazier called home fairly often, when he could get his satellite phone to find a satellite.

    2. Hari OM
      ...WWW is referring to Ian Fleming the author - of James Bond fame... but you may have had in mind Ian Fleming, tha Aussie actor of the early 20thC... much too common a name, donchya think?! &*> Yxx

  28. Important tip for those taking a guided tour of Siberia - check that your guides can speak English. Hopefully, having picked up some Russian, his second trip was a bit more informative!

  29. Toby has his own snowball! What a good human he has :)

    I recently read a novel set in Russia during the war. Not sure I could cope with non-fiction though.

  30. Hello Joanne, how are you, busy as usual and weaving beautiful towels.. read back and saw your pile of books, I hope you'll like 'The Salt Path' I loved snow here but gusty winds and over the weekend a lot of rain.

  31. It's interesting that there are bread heel people and those who prefer the inner cuts. I am an inner cut person. This sounds like a book that will keep reeling you in - I have put it on my list.

  32. Sourdough bread? I do enjoy the heel if it has good crust.
    So far our snowing here has been less than the worst years.

  33. Please, send me this rug (with the cat!)

  34. Not too many cats get to play with a snowball in the house, on the carpet no less. Lucky cat.

  35. Ha. Toby and a snowball. Maybe he 'drank' it?

    Your mentioning of bread heels, as we also called them, got me to wondering what other words are used in different languages to describe the tail end of the bread. When I was a kid, I used to say 'bread butt' as a joke. I met a German person who also said the German version of 'bread butt' which is 'Brot-Po'. Har-har.
