
Friday, February 21, 2020

I've had better days, but I've had worse

When I visited the pain specialist last, "we" decided it's time for relief of the tendinitis in my left wrist with a steroid injection. The RN and I scheduled it for today. It had to be done by my doctor, using ultrasound to guide the needle somewhere at the base of my thumb.

There were other jobs needing done today, and I decided to save all the travelling jobs for after my 1:30 injection appointment. I spent the morning hemming the denim blue towels.

I arrived early for my doctor appointment, only to find it had not been scheduled. I stood amid the kerfuffle of several nice people trying to see if the doctor could add a third patient this afternoon, and me, attempting to cancel and reschedule. 

I knew I personally did not have the mental energy to get to the post office, get to a clinic for a blood draw and get to my accountant to retrieve my taxes after a delay to get the procedure done.  Eventually I prevailed, and was gone, until next Friday.

All the blue towels are done. I already posted them to their tab.

I made a change to the Good Ideas tab. Selling scraps for the cost of postage was fun, but on the whole did not go down that way. So I changed the "rules", because I can.

The current pile of scrap is shown on the Good Ideas page. If you purchase two towels, and would like the current scrap pile, let me know. It will go right into the envelope, first come, etc.

The next towels will be plum. It's a color I have not made before.

And after that I absolutely must make more sunshine yellow towels!


  1. I do like that plum, very nice color.

  2. The plum is lovely.
    I have a sunshine yellow towel in use at the moment. Even on a grey day it brightens the kitchen.
    Sigh at the appointment woes, and good luck with the steroid injection.
    I used to have intravenous courses of corticosteriods. They helped, but the 'other' effects were pretty special.

  3. That plum is a pretty color!!! Might have to indulge in some of those!! You had a good attitude about postponing your appointment until next week. I hope the injection does help with your pain.


  4. That plum is gorgeous! I wonder how it will look once woven. I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

    Mental energy is as necessary as physical energy, isn't it?

  5. I hate it when you get yourself all psyched up for a medical appointment like that one and then get there and find out someone made a mistake! Then you have to go through the mental prep all over again another day. I'm sorry you had to go through that!

    I love the blue towels and I love that plum color. Joanne, you just pick out the best colors for you towels - I love them all!

  6. That colour plum looks beautiful. I'm glad you were able to reschedule your appointment to a more convenient time and I really hope the injection will give you some relief.

  7. Sad that appointments get muddled so often, I'm having to sort out my own next week, I'm not sure if the receptionist made a mistake or if I have two separate upcoming appointments.
    I'll have to zip over to see what colour towels you have available and hopefully get some of the scrap pile.

  8. Funny thing. I got cerise and peacock towels. Pretty. Added the yellow as an afterthought. Guess what? The yellow is my favorite!!

  9. I've just had another look at the colour charts and will order a pair of sunshine yellow as soon as they are ready.

  10. I find mental energy destroys my physical energy too. They appear to go hand in hand. Plum is an unusual colour, very unique.

  11. Hari OM
    Yes, as LL says, the mind has a lot to say in the matter of energy!!! You managed to be productive in spite of, and that is always a plus. I am using a TENS machine for relief of the frozen shoulder that has come upon me this past couple of weeks. Already after one day, with three applications, it is making a difference. YAM xx

  12. You do more in a day than I do in a week!
    I was just thinking that the material would make a really soft and comfortable bathrobe, too … in that lovely denim or lavender.
    ( Not that you need to take on even more work!)

  13. Must be fun to embark on a new colour. The injection into the base of the thumb makes me wince thinking about it.

  14. I can't wait to see how the plum turns out.

  15. I so hear you on the energy allotment for the day. I have to be so careful.And much the same has happened to me with re-scheduling or pile ons to a busy day.

    I love that plum, it's a gorgeous colour.


  16. You seem to have handled the rescheduling with aplomb. And good sense, as well. There are probably a lot of people who have a dire need to see the doctor right now.
    As others are saying- that plum is delicious looking!

  17. It is a pain when a link in the communication chain has failed..good for you for getting it rescheduled.
    Yellow us a good idea...we need bright in the winter gloom!

  18. I keep rescheduling my appt with the heart doctor because of the watercolor class, then she added another day, the something else came up on the next Wednesday and Wednesday is my day to make the appt if I want it at the closest location. now I'm waiting to find out if Rocky is going to show up to work today or if I can run some errands. those denim towels look great and that plum is yummy.

  19. That plum will have a great contrast. All the colors are amazing.

  20. The denim turned out really well. I look forward to seeing how plum shapes up.

    Shame about the appt. kerfuffle!

  21. I like plum too. I’ll bet it’ll be gorgeous.
    I’ve always wondered how much those steroid shots hurt. I’m so gutless. I could have really used it with my tendinitis, bursitis and adhesive capsulitis. I hope you’ll tell us how it goes.

  22. Love the denim blue towels! I plan to order some when our finances recover from these last few months. So please make more. And I really hope that steroid injection helps relieve your pain!

  23. when plans just fall apart like that I end up wasting energy on being upset.

  24. A person could go crazy collecting all the colours of the ranbow....I love the plum.

  25. I like the denim, and I think the plum will be gorgeous. Weave on, m'lady. Weave on.


  26. Only good thing about the whole DR mess - you didn't have to be there at 7:30am. Lovely, lovely towels - lovely colors.

  27. Dear Joanne, your fortitude and down-to-earth good sense (something I struggle with) and your perseverance all inspire me. Peace.

  28. The plum will be beautiful. Bet you were "plum" tuckered out after the kerfluffle.

  29. I found that mental energy also destroyed my physical strength. They seem to go hand in hand. Plum is an unusual color and very unique.custom personalized blankets

  30. So annoying to turn up for a carefully-planned appointment only to find there's no record of it. That's why I now insist on the dentist giving me a card with a written appointment, so there can be no arguments!

  31. I dislike being "squeezed in" for a medical procedure. I'm not to keen on them in any circumstance, and I would have hot-footed it out the door, too. I'm with everyone else - that plum is divine!
