
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

I understand why people have such enormous television sets! Yesterday I settled down to watch Frankie and Grace, on a TV I have found large enough for at least fifteen years. It has a fifteen or seventeen inch screen. I don't remember, except it's measured diagonally. I never saw need to give a monster place in my living room, until now.

In the past the screen held all the information I needed. But now, the screen is divided and subdivided with bits of information stashed in the subdivisions, too small to read. And I have good bifocals!

I've been up and off on a timely basis for the last couple of weeks. Not more covers over the head 'for just a minute'! That doesn't work and we know it. I've managed to quit it, for the time being.

Every day this week I've been to the post office, but not when school is done. I wrote to the superintendent of the school this school is in affiliation with. They seem interested in resolving the problem:

Good Evening, Joanne,

I spoke with our Head- of-School about the Post Office drive being blocked by cars in our pick-up line at the end of the school day. A request to keep the entrance and exit to the building will go home in a newsletter to our families this Friday. Hopefully that will rectify the situation.

Have a nice evening!

I'm very near the end of my warp. The beam is full of a lot of periwinkle and a half dozen purple, left over from my fabric experiment.

The end sticking up is from a join, one bobbin to another. Sometimes an end escapes, and I have to weave it back in.  

Today I wove several bobbins of natural on the natural warp. I always end a warp with natural towels. Starting a color would be wasteful, and I couldn't bring myself to do it, even when I gave away towels.

All this went through the washer and dryer tonight, and tomorrow I'll begin making towels. When I finish the warp, I'll begin turning a new warp onto the back beam. That should take much of next week.

But mostly, this week will be towels.


  1. Hopefully you'll get a good result and easier parking.
    When I was dropping my younger two off as I passed the school on my way to work, we were not allowed to stop nearer than 200 metres from the school.
    Your industry is me a good example for when we return to Scotland!!

  2. Hopefully you will get a result, but I am dubious. The entitled seem to believe that rules are for other people.
    Love your work. And am awed by it.

  3. I really like 'Grace and Frankie'. All the leads, if I am not mistaken, are over 70 years of age. I say: Go get 'em, gang! Do you remember when Grace had to climb through a dog door? (I forget why now.) That bit of physical comedy slayed me.

    I hope that the parent-parkers will knock it off.

  4. Its hard sometimes to get up and out if it is cold outside; so good for you for doing so! It would only take a day or two of having a policeman around the post office area helping to direct traffic to I think eliminate the problem of blocking the driveways. So pretty colors you use for your weaving!


  5. I have a similar problem with our TV. I can see the program okay but it gets hard to read the schedule or Roku info on the screen. My husband would love to get one of those monster TVs but our living room is too small for a monster screen!

    I hope the Post Office situation improves. At least the school is trying and they responded to you to let you know. Is the Post Office going to put up a "Do not block" sign?

    Great progress on the towels. I love that purple!

  6. 16 or 17 inches? I don't think I've ever had a TV that small. My laptop screen is 15 and a half inches. My previous TV was 26 inches and my current one is 38 inches diagonally. For my small room, that's quite big enough and it took me a while to get used to seeing people so big. I don't have my screen divided with information bits and pieces, that would drive me crazy. I know people with TVs far bigger than mine and a couple of friends tell me their friends even have huge screens almost like a movie theatre. Of course they also have a home theatre room for it, but I think of the cost involved in buying and running such a monster screen and wonder how big their credit card bills are.

  7. A big screen TV is a blessing for aging eyes -- MINE! I never thought I'd want or need a big TV either but now I wouldn't part with mine. And since TV's are so slim these days, they take up hardly any room at all. My Rare One has her monster TV hanging on the wall.

  8. I would love a bigger screen but can’t fit it in my office. On the other hand, we got a 60 inch for my mom and she loves it, especially since her vision is bad now.

  9. When folk take their kids to school why is it they always leave their brains back at home?


  10. Hari OM
    I only have a small-screen teevee (maybe 28"?) but mostly watch on my laptop (17"). Not had any split screen stuff to worry me. Well done on the towels and the new impetus to rise that it gives you. I too hope for positive results from those letters! YAM xx

  11. "at the end of my warp" - I'm going to save that phrase for a suitable opportunity. I know what you mean about tv screens filled with tiny writing on the assumption that everyone has home cinema. The other thing that is beginning to annoy me, the absolute opposite of the tv thing, is phone-friendly web sites with massive text that might be easy to use and look fine on phones but are almost unusable on computers.

  12. Still weaving the towels seems like a kind of magic to me.

  13. I am skeptical that the note will solve the problem, but let's hope.

  14. Some of those large screen TVs are like movie screens! We don't have one and have no plans to get one. We simply don't watch it enough to justify the expense, although it would be great to see some of my favourite David Attenborough features on a big screen.

  15. Are you talking about those news banners that they constantly display under news program and you don’t know where to look? . They also have pop-ups of other programming while you are watching a program that you saw in a a pop-up previously. They are playing with our minds and I find it more than annoying. This is one of the reasons to watch Netflix or Prime. There are no distractions like that.

    Good luck with the Post Office drive being blocked. Going at a different time will save you the aggravation as things might improve for awhile but then go back to the way it was.

  16. Can't see how people can possibly be reading anything on those itty-bitty smart phones. When husband was having knee replacement operation a month ago, I was the only one in the waiting room with a newspaper. I soon became self-conscious of how much noise I was making when I turned the pages. :-)

  17. Yes. It might be time to get a bigger TV. I, too, fought it like crazy but I have adapted and enjoy the bigger screen. Not to stereotype, but I think that men are far more enthusiastic about the change to bigger and bigger screens. But sometimes they have good ideas.

  18. I hate trying to read things on the tv. However, since I only have Prime and Netflix, I read whatever I need to know on my phone. Good luck with the parents. I'd assume if they were interested in not blocking the post office, then you wouldn't have had to complain.

  19. I love that picture of the woven fabric on the beam, luscious colors periwinkle and purple. no, hiding under the covers doesn't get anything done though sitting on the couch under a blanket does get books read. we also have always had a small screen...22". we finally decided to get a bigger tv. we got a 32". haha. I don't watch that much anyway.

  20. A big TV screen looks nice. It isn't what I'd be comfortable watching.

  21. My son in law went to a friends for the KC Chiefs football game... the friend has a 72 inch TV. I can't imagine one that big!! But all the men enjoyed watching football on it!!

  22. I rarely saw things totally resolved with notes home. A notice via social media today is the least that’s required.

  23. That purple weaving is my favourite! Lovely, Joanne.

    Hope the issue with the parents blocking the post office turnoff will be resolved but I wouldn't place any bets on it. The school administration must get frustrated at times - they not only have to deliver curriculum to kids but they have to train the parents as well - and they don't have much in the way of carrots or sticks to do it.

  24. My screen is 32" and is on a wooden rolling cart and out of the way when not watching it. I love the size. And I pull it quite close to my recliner for maximum effect. I only watch series and movies on Netflix and Acorn. So no commercial. I can also watch current movies for a few dollars a piece on the cineplex app.

    I admire your stickitivity on the loom, your output is amazing.


  25. What television I watch, is on computer.
