
Monday, January 27, 2020

Tools and towels

A couple of years ago my stocking had a funny gift. It's the oval, black doodad in the picture.

I was told its an illuminating magnifying glass, for reading the concert program in dim light, or for reading a menu in a posh restaurant. How funny. 

It hung out on my dresser until the last set of towels, when I could not associate the thread with the color patch. I went straight for the illuminating device. When I pull open at the oval, an led light comes on and superbly illuminates whatever is being magnified. Doing those things to a thread strand makes it very easy to mate the thread to a color swatch.

My next set of towels will be with that acid green. The last towels of the warp wooshed out of here so quickly I didn't mention they happened.  The purple are completely gone. In fact, here is the state of my inventory shelf:

Left to right, lime, cream, cerise, yellow-orange (melon, in my opinion), khaki, yellow and periwinkle.

At quitting time tonight, only three bouts remained to be tied on. I'm looking forward to that new green, which has a far nicer name than acid, I know. I'll look tomorrow.


  1. I rather like the name acid green. Perhaps you could call it Riddler Green? Kermit Green? I'm so glad your towels are selling well. It's always better to have not enough stock than too much stock. -Jenn

  2. I think of you every time I see my red/white towel. Always a favorite, I'm afraid I'll wear it out! LOL Speaking of LED lights, I just had 4 of my ceiling cam lights changed out to LED lights. Talk about a difference!! Wowsers, I should have done this years ago. One of the lights had actually caught fire inside the ceiling and it killed the light--that's what prompted us to hire someone to replace all of the lights. I had thought that black oval was a shuttle and the beginning of your story about learning to weave.

  3. I'm so enjoying my red and blue towels that you kindly sent me long ago now. I use them, rather than keep them in a cabinet as per your request. They come in handy for when I want a nice towel to cover my cooling baked bread. It was very generous of you and I silently thank you every time I see them.

  4. Acid green is an interesting name for a color :) Glad you were able to put your illuminating device to good use!


  5. I have always called that hue, spring green. and it does sound better than acid. depending on the decade during which one was young , flower power, you understand. Cool little gadget! Handy!

  6. I have discovered that two things I really appreciate since I've gotten older are extra light and magnifying glasses. How brilliant that you have two in one! I bet you will start using that handy gadget more often now! I love that green whatever you call it.

  7. That is a very acidic looking green, it wouldn't go well in my kitchen at all. A magnifying light is a handy thing to have.

  8. That sounds like a wonderful tool and I am not surprised your inventory is so love.
    To know your towels is to love them and they get better with every wash. Thank you. Many times over.

  9. Wonderful colors, Joanne! I have to restrain myself a bit, but I can see I'll be buying more towels.

  10. I still show your amazing towels to everyone who comes in and tells about one wonderful woman I got to meet in Blogland.

  11. Glad I snagged a pair of peacock towels when I did -- they disappeared FAST! My Rare One thinks they look great too.

  12. Nice device but please can someone invent one that sorts the colours out for people with different colour vision.

  13. Hari OM
    Love that little light loupe! Need to find one for me... Your world is filled with such wonderful colour now! YAM xx

  14. This month has been so dark that I could do with a permanent miner's lamp.
    Yes, call the green towels Spring Green and they'll fly even faster off the shelves!

  15. I think I could use one of those devices!

  16. Your magnifying glass brings to mind, once again, of my magnifying glass that is serving its third generation. I wrote about it in an old post that perhaps I shall just republish. Thinking about it.

  17. Let there be light! And magnification as well.

  18. I think I'd lean more toward olive rather than acid. They will be nice though, no matter the name.

  19. I like that periwinkle but then blue has been a favorite color forever. and handy little device.

  20. It is lovely to read that you are enjoying it so much Joanne.

  21. It was good you had a light when you needed it.

  22. That green that you called acid green really is a colour in early spring when the buds of certain trees are just starting to unleaf. I'm interested to hear what the official name of it is!

    I love that soft yellow, the one you call melon. One of my favourite colours.

  23. Apple martini? Kiwi also is good. Another gadget I've missed out on all these years!

  24. Fiddler Green. A beautiful old folksong...LOL Wow you are a factory. I bought on of those thingies years ago and use it a lot in grocery stores trying to read those peskly labels!!


    1. I'll see you someday on "Fiddlers Green". A grand song.
