
Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Pie

I went to town this morning, in drizzling rain. Cold, drizzling, if you want to count forties cold. We'll even be above fifty this week.

The climate is happening too fast. I think we need to fix terra firma before we colonize Mars. I also think, it won't be my problem. I'll just keep eating root veggies and beans, and recycling. My trash would be a bag a month if I weren't scooping kitty litter. One little brown paper bag a day of litter fills my trash can by week's end. 

Oh, and I still eat bacon, but only half a pound a month. And I could quit that, maybe.

So where was I? Drizzling rain, and looking for the heron at the pond. I've seen it (I just backspaced through 'him', though I'm real sure he's a him) several times these last six months. The golf course is looking really skanky these days, but no heron, no incentive to stop in the drizzling rain for a picture.

I had a big afternoon ahead of me, clearing out last year's files, shredding, new files. When I came in from the drizzling rain, I looked at the bowl of apples and resolved, after lunch, The Pie.

That recipe claims to take an hour and a half of one's precious time, and an entire hour is devoted to baking. This time around I did limit myself to six apples, but it takes me half an hour, plus to peel six apples. Eventually I put it in the oven.

In an hour I put it on the counter, to cool. It smelled as good cooling for another couple of hours as it did baking.

I can tell you, any little bits of crust that chip off should be approached cautiously. They remain at three hundred odd degrees for longer than a few seconds there on the rack.


  1. Half a pound a month?! Oh well, who's watching at our age. I put three rashers on top of a whole pheasant tonight. Which will come to haunt me first - pheasant or pig?

  2. Oh Joanne. We love bacon here. Put bacon and cheese on almost anything and we will eat it. As for the apple pie, I'll bet your place smelled wonderful! Tell me, do you put ice-cream on your pie, or cheese? I put cheddar cheese on mine and everyone thinks I'm crazy.

    1. I don't care for ice cream on pie, and I won't buy aerosol cans any more. I do have whipping cream on hand, and didn't think of it. However, most of the pie and all of the whipping cream are left!

  3. I'm with you on fixing Earth before we start worrying about going to Mars. If we can't keep Earth in good shape what right do we have to take our bad habits elsewhere in the solar system? . . .

    Now I'm afraid I want pie -- again. Just finished two pies over Christmas. The unhealthy kind, with lots of fat in the crusts. That one you made looks healthier.

  4. That pie....I'd risk the molten heat of the pastry trimmings...

  5. I can almost smell your delectable pie and hope it tastes every bit as good as it looks and sounds.
    If I was a Martian I would be very careful about welcoming our far from house-trained selves to my planet...

  6. Oh yum! I love apple pie, but that sure seems like a lot of work. I was planning to make fruitcake, but just can’t see to get my act together to do it.

  7. I count 40s cold! and half a pound of bacon a month is nothing, hardly anything. I like bacon. can you tell? and that pie! I'd like to know who can peel and cut up enough apples for a pie in thirty minutes.

  8. That pie looks mouth-wateringly delicious and if I lived close by I would knocking on your door right about now.

  9. I'll just grab my fork and I'll be right there :D

  10. Looking good Joanne. Next: pumpkin. (pecan?) (lemon?) -Jenn

  11. Oh my god! That looks amazing!!!!

  12. I'll be over with a fork and appetite shortly.

  13. Nothing better than hot pie on a cold wet day!

  14. I need to bake a pie tomorrow.

  15. It looked rather green in the oven and I wondered what you had put on it, it must have been the light. but out of the oven was another story indeed. Looks yummy. I love mine with whipped cream.


  16. Oh my goodness that looks good! It looks like you put chopped pecans on top too, yum. Well it is recommended that we eat several servings of fruit and veggies a day. There's your fruit!

  17. That looks good....I don't bother peeling apples...too much time and the peel is good for you!

  18. That looks mouth-wateringly delicious Jo.

  19. I bet it smells and tastes delicious.

  20. Many apple pies will bake today in various parts of the world, what a great inspiration you have.

  21. It looks like a wonderful apple pie! Always a win-win situation when someone bakes something in winter. Smells good, tastes good, and helps warm up the house!


  22. Yummy-looking pie. I received bottled pitted cherries for Christmas to be used in pies. Perhaps I am inspired. Or maybe I will just content myself with looking at the photo of your pie until the urge to bake dies down.

  23. You do well to keep your garbage down. I wish I could say the same but...nope. Your pie looks delicious.

  24. Pie is good anytime. Since fruit is good for breakfast I consider fruit pie a great breakfast.

  25. Pie-eyed, purely from pie...nothing else... promise! Looks and I bet tastes absolutely delish.


  26. That pie looks wonderful! I'm not good with pies, although I do cakes and cookies well. I eat hardly any bacon because I find it tedious to cook. (and messy!)

  27. I could eat a half a pound of bacon a day but I try not to. I could possibly eat your whole pie because it looks amazing and may I say, your oven is so much cleaner than mine that I've just added "clean oven" to my honey do list. Me being the honey doing the doing. I made an apple pie this fall and I used a different recipe. It called for cooking the apples on the stove top with the butter, sugar and spices and then adding it to the pie shell to finish in the oven. I have to say, it was the best pie I've ever made. I should try it again, I think.

  28. As far as that pie is concerned, I think I'd just throw caution to the wind and gobble it up in minutes!

  29. That pie looks wonderful! Hmmmmm - I could get apples next grocery run.
