
Thursday, January 9, 2020

Before I move this to the Good Ideas page

I cannot remember how long ago I made this shirt. I made two of them, and gave one away to an incredibly thin twelve year old. So, I made another shirt, not much larger. This fits me, and would fit better if I opened the side seam more.

I wove the fabric for this after the TBI, back when casting about for what to do with myself. I thought I'd go back to weaving funky clothing for the gallery in town. That's when I learned my funky is gone, and I'm through looking for it. So, I'm offering the shirt for sale, along with more handwoven fabric.

Each length of fabric is composed of the same number of the same colored threads, arranged in a different order. The top piece is woven off in the light brown. The bottom piece is woven off in a light purple. 

The thread weights are 8/2 and 10/2, which are quite light weight. The "hand" of each fabric is wonderful, if I say so myself. So, now I will post this on Good Ideas, and get back to regular blogging business tomorrow.


  1. You should at least model it for us, Joanne!

  2. I like it but I don't think I could ever pull the look off. Definitely for someone a little thinner than I am! I do like the colors used!


  3. Hari OM
    I recall you making this - eighteen months back maybe? You know I love the fabric... like Betty, I just couldn't pull of that look! hope it finds its rightful home. YAM xx

  4. "My funky is gone" - lol

    I know that feeling, drat it!

    Somebody will look excellent in that shirt, and it will find its way to that person sooner or later :)

  5. I actually really like that shirt, always have every time you post a pic of it.

  6. I remember this one. It was beautiful than and is beautiful now. Not for this economy sized package. I hope it goes quickly to some one who loves it and sufficiently svelte to rock the look.

  7. I've had to learn to accept my lack of funky. Or I possess a different kind of funky, such as foot funk.


  8. Fun fabric! No doubt these pieces will go to a good home!

  9. I love the fabric you wove for that shirt! Beautiful color combination.

  10. Cute shirt hope you find the perfect person to have it.

  11. I like the little shirt and am going to copy the pattern, (in a different fabric, I have a length of paisley), to make tiny tops for my stuffed toy monkeys to wear under their denim overalls which I also need to get busy and make.

  12. I remember the shirt, it's very pretty.

  13. Great post, I follow you on gfc # 232 ,follow back? :))

  14. Great weaving. It would make a nice throw. You're very talented.

  15. I misplaced that funky too. I wish my large chest could handle that design, I have tried and failed. I do love the colours and I know it would be wonderful against the skin. Weave on.


  16. I had not seen this. It is lovely. You're not funky, just feisty.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Nicely done on the shirt and I hope you are able to find it a good home.
