
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Raising a cup very high to a celebratory New Year's Eve breakfast

My plans for today were to meet friends for breakfast, go back to their house for a short visit, go grocery shopping, thus replenishing a mostly bare refrigerator, go home and drop out of site until about next Wednesday.

As I entered my car, the snow commenced. In fact, it still is snowing. going on seven tonight, and I left for breakfast at nine this morning.  I announced at breakfast that I would skip the visit to them and go straight to the grocery store if it was snowing when we left.

Sadly, this made half of them unhappy, especially because it was snowing and I did cancel. They do not walk in my shoes, or up my stairs with groceries, or behind my snow shovel, so I was OK with my decision.

I tried to help Lynn understand my decision by sending her a picture of my car when I came out of the grocery, 

and my drive after I shoveled the deck and steps and all just to bring in groceries.

Not to mention that walking on that stuff scares the bejeezus out of me.

And for lunch for several days, chocolate creme sticks. I learned I can put one in the microwave for 9 seconds and have it emerge with the dough part barely warm, and soft, and the chocolate and the filling intact. 

Nor has it stopped snowing. Nor have the streets been plowed. I have lifted a couple more cups of coffee today.


  1. Safety...and food...first. Happy New Year to you.

  2. I agree with your decision.
    Thank you for the tip about warming the eclairs. I'm going to try that. I sometimes buy frozen eclairs for a blend of ice cream and treat.

    Happy New Year!

  3. I think you made the right decision. You'll need groceries because you probably have to stay indoors for a few days. Happy New Year to you.

  4. Happy New Year, Joanne! Yes, there comes a time when it's safety first and everything else after. It's called wisdom :)

  5. Happy New Year, Joanne! You were wise in your decisions today. Especially the chocolate cream sticks. We are older and wiser and we know when it's best to hunker down.
    I wish you the very best in 2020! Can you believe that number? I can't.
    Turns out that instead of rocket packs what we all crave is peace and trees and clean water. Stay safe. And love from Lloyd.

  6. That's certainly enough snow to see me cancel an outing. As 'the fly in the web' wrote: Safety first!

    Happy New Year!

  7. Happy New Year!
    Glad you're staying safe.."the best laid plans of mice and men(... and women...)aft gang agley" !

  8. It shouldn't be too hard for your friends to understand your decision based on those conditions, Joanne. All the very best for 2020 with robust sales of towels.

  9. You made the very best decision.
    Hunker down, and stay safe and warm. You are very dear to so many of us.

  10. I never left my house today! It is pretty to look at, but not so fun to travel through! I wish you a Happy New Year, Joanne, and may 2020 satisfy your desires.

  11. Whoo boy! I worry for you maneuvering around in that snow with slippery steps. Glad you're now tucked in safe and sound.
    Note to self: find out more about those chocolate cream sticks.
    Happy New Year, Joanne!

  12. Excellent decision to shop instead of visit, I see all the ingredients for soup there, that will see you nutritiously through several days. are those the chocolate cream sticks on top of your coffee maker? We call those eclairs I think, depends which shop we get them from, some call them pastries. Some even use (shudder) mock cream instead of the real thing.

  13. It's a good thing you got to the grocery store when you did. It's better to hibernate for a couple of days until the roads clear.

  14. I think you were wise to get what you needed and to get home and be safe! I never liked walking in the snow/ice when we lived in Montana. I waddled a lot to avoid falling. I'm thinking you got what you needed to be able to stay put for a few days and behond!

    Happy New Year!


  15. Yes, sensible has to take precedence. Have a good day today Joanne, and a good year and continue in your way. X

  16. I feel your fear (not just empathy, it's my darned synesthesia!) - so, talking of slipping, did you ever manage to find a really good pair of snow boots?
    Enjoy your crispy creme sticks. All good wishes to you for the forthcoming year.

  17. Wise decision to go to the store and then home. Be careful! Have a Happy New Year Joanne!

  18. Be careful... falling for us "oldies" is NOT a good thing ! Happy New Year !!

  19. Brr.. Keep warm and I hope you have a wonderful 2020.

  20. Taking care of yourself is vital. Keep warm and have a happy 2020.

  21. We need snow like that now. Happy new year, Joanne.

  22. Kinda wishing we had snow. Our church is running a Winter Shelter this week for 25 homeless men and the warm temperatures will probably keep them in their tents by the creek. Which means all our well-intentioned do-gooding will go to waste. Oh. Well.

  23. nice to know your presence would be missed but food and safety are paramount. snuggle up with your chocolate sticks.

  24. smart- experienced, we stayed in too, no reason to go out in the storm in a college town new years eve, unless insanity is somehow pleasurable.

  25. Surely anyone can understand why you do not want to risk falling again! Stay inside where it's warm, dry and safe! Happy New Year!

  26. Wise decision by the look of it, Joanne.

  27. Sad to miss breakfast with friends - but wise to make sure you're well supplied through this next snow! The chocolate is your reward for being smart about this.

  28. Stocking up on some fresh, appetising food to keep you going till it's safer underfoot seems an excellent idea. You can all meet up when it thaws.

  29. I don't blame you! If snow is falling, head for the grocery store and home - quickly.

  30. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Happy New Year.

  31. Well, the snow looks pretty. Happy new year, Joanne. Aloha from Hawaii.

  32. Shovel in my snow shovel - that is a good replacement for the walking in another shoes. Happy New Year

  33. Your safety (and sanity) far outweigh a temporarily miffed friend. I have the same parameters - if the snow accumulation is more than six inches, I do not leave my driveway. For anything. I figure no one in my family or circle of friends would want me laid up. They'd have to take care of the farm! I hope you have a great 2020.

  34. Oh, snow. I wouldn't have gone out in it at all, ever, but I suppose that's not practical. Just as well we don't have any here.

  35. Happy New Year, Joanne!!! Stay safe please. I remember how dangerous it could be to walk on snow and ice.
