
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Not weaving today

I've been reluctant to mix news of new towels into my real blog, and not to worry. On the whole, I will not. But I've fielded so many questions. Plus the frequent question, "Where is France?"

Francis is in HoChiMin City. I had an update from his distressed mother on Christmas day, and from FaceBook today. Sinking to FB distressed me! He dealt with his increasing mal de mer by hiring a car on Christmas day, to make up the seventy five miles he was short on his ride, to date. 

Subsequently, he "upgraded" to a motor bike, and appropriate gear. Knowing France deals in much the same way as our Uncle Bill, I imagine that will be an interesting story. And, OMG, I just made the genetic connection. France's name is William Francis. I think his blog is by Wm. Francis. Enough of that.

After today, if there are new towels on offer, it will be announced at the end of the blog. So, there is my future spoiler alert. That shelf has intimidated some would be towel owners. So much thread! Will she live long enough to weave a color I like? Or daughters? Or husbands?

These two charts are all the colors available to me at the moment. I will post them on a new tab page, along with another project I have in mind. Let me know what you think.  

If the stock number is underlined, I have it. If you want it, I'll order it. Any thread I have to order will be ordered when I need to order more warp.

I've been asked if I have scrap and what do I do with it? Yes, I have scrap. Until now, I've stacked it up. Now I will sell it, on the new tab. At the moment, I have two selections:

Look at the new tab, Good Ideas, when it goes up.  And speaking of good ideas, I began weaving again, eight years ago, to make clothing for sale in my little space at a gallery in town, River Light.
That venture ended when we sold the old house and consequently my studio space.

I've been asked if I have any yardage for sale. Yes, I do. It will find its way onto Good Ideas, too, before long.

It rained all day today. Cold hard drops, with a metallic sound against plastic bins. The high temperature was sixty, and the same is forecast for Monday. It was pleasant to look out on at lunch time, but not after that.

I did not leave the house today. I wandered from one end to the other, organizing thoughts and "stuff" for the blog, packing and invoicing towels. Tomorrow I will go to the post office.

Spoiler alert: Lime green towels are on the shelf.


  1. Do you make the short bits into dish cloths?

    1. I could, except have no inclination. You're welcome to.

  2. I don't play FB.
    I hope that Francis continues his adventuring (preferably without distressing his mother).
    Love your colour palette. My indecisive self would struggle to make choices. Fortunately I love (and use) the towels I have.

  3. Hari OM
    You continue to be, Joanne, at the end of this year and - I am certain! - into the next year, an inspiration to us all!!! YAM xx

  4. Thanks for the update on France. Glad he's alright and dealt with his issues. Being sick on a bicycling trip is just the pits.

  5. I'll study the colour charts before deciding which colour teatowels I'd like next. I left a comment at the Good Ideas page.

  6. My grandmother use to make patchwork quilts out of blankets covered in scrap material. They still keep us warm and my grandmother went to a better place fifty years a go.

  7. You need a day off sometimes!!

  8. So pleased to hear Francis hasn't disappeared off the face of the earth!
    It's disappointing to have a setback but he seems to have a Plan B (or three) in hand.
    The towel business seems to be well in hand.
    Having things in hand must run in the family....

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I can imagine how the family worries about France. He is obviously a capable young man.

  11. Oh my, France is quite an interesting young man and adventurer. Apparently, his mother was not a helicopter parent and let him grow to be his own person. I have to admit, I could never handle the worry that I would have over his travels.

  12. You must feel fabulously wealthy with all of those colors waiting for you to take them up and weave them. Wealthy in the way I feel wealthy when I get eggs or pick from the garden. It's such a beautiful thing.

  13. I haven't done doodly squat since our last open house day. and have no plans to do anything til after New Year's. Good Ideas is going to be a good addition.

  14. It must be the anticipation of a new year with a clean slate that has me organizing things here, as well. Fortunately, we are slow and there is no rush to get it all done.

  15. The colours are enchanting and inspirational. Every success Joanne, your towels are so lovely.


  16. Sorry, Joanne, I am trying to order a towel and get this message-
    The given E-Mail address "" is invalid.

  17. You have a plethora of thread colours.

  18. Can you please save me one khaki towel until we figure it out, Thanks,

  19. Is there an easy way to place and pay for an order? Have to wait for the next month or so.

    1. Now that I've published the colors, we can figure it out. Let me know from what I have or can weave.

  20. I have 4 towels 2 for me and 2 for the beer fairy the rest about 25 of them are for guests, we don't have a lot of them so they should last a life time maybe longer.

  21. Such a wonderful assortment of colors you have!


  22. Thank you for letting us know about Francis! I was worried but afraid to ask! I hope he wasn't too disappointed that the trip didn't go exactly as planned. And I hope his mother is calmer now; I feel for her.
