
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

My heart says "What an amazing trip!"

I knew my grandson was off to Vietnam, with his bicycle in a bag. He left Thanksgiving day. He intends to ride the Ho-Chi-Min trail. Today I thought, it's been a week, and give or take a couple of days in the air and clearing customs, France still must be a day or two down the road. So, I checked in. In irrepressible France mode, he's on day three. Or perhaps he's sleeping. 

France is an interesting and quirky fellow. I'd say he's a hundred years removed from his time, but he's too easy with the electronic world for that to be true. He will be celebrating his eighteenth birthday on the road. Christmas eve, in fact. You might be interested in his adventures, and he's putting his travels to electronic pen and ink.  We're just two days in, so go on back and start at day one. 

And back to my adventures, little to report. A few odds and ends to gather up for the Township Bazaar come Saturday, and a few more than that to lift the curtain on the little shop of towels and some more when I get out of bed on Monday. 

I think, since I don't get up any earlier than I must, I may lift the curtain on my way to bed Sunday night, and hope I am a real shopkeeper come Monday morning.


  1. I am sure that your grandson will have a wonderful time in Vietnam. I visited there a few years ago and have nothing but happy memories. I was astounded at the number of western hikers, back packers and cyclists.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful road trip. Thanks for telling us Joanne.

  3. Yes! Thank you for sharing your grandson's blog! Not only is he a good writer, but he's obviously someone who has something to write about. How cool!

  4. How strange it my youth I could never imagine that one day someone would be riding the Ho Chi Minh trail for pleasure.

    He writes well, doesn;t he...I can see his FB link but am trying to see how to follow the blog otherwise.

    1. I cannot see how to follow it, either. It is a Wordpress, but Blogger says they cannot find a "feed" for that URL. Whatever. I have not used Facebook for some time. I find it a fairly mindless waste of time.

    2. I follow a few Wordpress blogs from my Blogger blog by means of the Blog List Gadget in the Layout section - you can use Follow By URL to add it to your follow list.

    3. Still the same, no feed. I just put a link.

  5. Talk of confluence - my granddaughter worked on a project there last year, she had an amazing time just living there. She adored it. Wow to France and his wonderful biking adventure. So glad he's taking pics also to enhance his readers' experience!

    Hats off to the shopkeeper!


  6. What an adventurous soul France has! And we won't be going to the Bazaar. We're having a make-up thanksgiving dinner for Andy on Saturday...

  7. Wow, he is so "young" to take on such a trip, but I'm sure he will succeed!


  8. Brave young man. Ho Minh Trail. 50 years ago it was not what your gr-son will experience.

  9. What great experiences France is having on his bike tour in Vietnam.

  10. Oh I like his blog! It makes me think of when I was young and how it felt to explore on a bike. Now, I have to wonder if I will last even for 30 miles. I'm glad I did it when I had the chance.

  11. My favourite uncle was called France. I have never known anyone else with the name until you spoke of your grandson. Safe travels to him!

  12. Your grandson is an adventurer. I hope he has a great time.

  13. I got confused for a second, thinking you were talking about France, the country and wondering how on earth he was going to get to Vietnam from there by bike. Good luck with the online shop :)

  14. France might be 18 in years, but he so mature and more independent than most 30 year olds. He is such an interesting boy, no, I mean man. Adventure calls to him and his future holds no bounds.

  15. Your nephew sounds like an amazing person. I've had the pleasure of visiting Viet Nam just as they were opening to the West back in '96. I enjoyed my five week journey through the country. May his time in Viet Nam be well spent!

  16. He's quite the adventurer your grandson. I enjoyed reading his blog. I hope all goes well for him.

  17. We have just been looking at a mutual friend's pictures from cycling in Vietnam..a beautiful country

  18. I will cycle along with Francis from the comfort of my chair, while he does all the hard work.
    May all go well in your shop keeping venture, come Monday.

  19. Hari OM
    Go France! He might be another "Bill Bryson" in the making! YAM xx

  20. This is why we all have a turn at being eighteen. What a wonderful adventure!

    1. This is such an uplifting way to say it. I hope he looks back as fondly.

  21. What an interesting name, France. I have traveled to Thailand and Laos, but never to Vietnam.

  22. don't you have another open house coming up as well? France is a pretty amazing young man. but if he is turning 18 soon, isn't he still in school and isn't school still in session? set-up is today for our open house first weekend starting Friday night. I did get everything done with the exception of one small detail on the heron box which I think, hope, I can get done tomorrow. but spoiler for you only...I like the heron box better than I thought I would.

    1. His high school gave him two weeks off for the project, and he hijacked winter break and Thanksgiving and got the time to go. I found that on his blog.
      My one day for fame is Saturday, 10-4. Jan will pick me up at 9 and off we'll go.
      Waiting to see heron box pictures. I will like them.

  23. What a blessing it is for you to have such a grandson. May he have a truly safe and successful trip.
    Good luck with your shop!!!!

  24. Good luck to France on his exciting trip!

  25. What a trip. My late husband and I went to Viet Nam in 2000. It is an interesting place for sure. I will go check out his blog.

  26. An exciting trip, your grandson is taking. Did he graduate early? Or a special school break?

  27. Wow, he's brave-an old soul? I will check it out. Looking forward to seeing your new "shop" also!
